Discussion on International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) Chen-Ching Liu University of Washington Third NSF Workshop on US-Africa Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion on International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) Chen-Ching Liu University of Washington Third NSF Workshop on US-Africa Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion on International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) Chen-Ching Liu University of Washington Third NSF Workshop on US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004

2 Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004 2 International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) DEVELOPMENT  Aim, Mission, and Objectives  Structure  Membership and Activities  Partners  Management  Securing/Soliciting of Funding  MOUs (USA): Formalizing and agreement to the understanding that African countries will generate, promote, and sustain research opportunities

3 Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004 3 International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) Olunloyo (U. Lagos & NAE)  Vision  Systematic data collection (?)  Certainty  Overall standardization  Globalization

4 Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004 4 International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) High impact activities that can be achieved by the Center  Graduates to be high performers  Organized effort, systematic  Provide access to electronic publications, software tools (e.g., PSCAD)  Common system and data – readily accessible  Make available resources from Africa – create/endorse National Science Foundation like organizations in Africa

5 Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004 5 International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) High impact activities that can be achieved by the Center  Forestation programs in universities – preparing for tomorrow  Encourage students toward energy/power studies  Human capital development  A platform for university-industry collaboration  Integrate new computer tools into power system curriculum

6 Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004 6 International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) High impact activities that can be achieved by the Center  Research people to staff NSF-like agencies  Support power sector deregulation  Make ICSES relevant to a wide range of countries  IT – control of power systems  Application of research to industry; entrepreneurship  Human/social research

7 Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004 7 International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) High impact activities that can be achieved by the Center  Sustainability – continue to generate excitements  Networking of young African faculty  University infrastructure for education and research – equipment, etc

8 Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004 8 International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) Proposal organization  Focal points  How to contribute to global economy?  Environmental studies  Micro distribution systems – solar power  Cameroon: Rural electrification – mini/micro networks  Benefits to USA  Investment opportunities  International peace: deeper mutual understanding, greater exposure, education at the grass-root level

9 Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004 9 International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) Proposal question  Do you feel people in your own country have a favorable impression of US in promoting global good?

10 Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004 10 International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) VC Panel: Strategies for Univ, Industry, and Government R&E collaboration  Accept in principle to form a Center according to the proposed structure  Form a committee to implement the Center  Develop MOU – memorandum of understanding  Need to identify several areas to achieve short term successes 

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