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Podiatrists Do It All Surgery Primary Care Pediatrics Wound Care Dermatology Sports Medicine Research Radiology Trauma.

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Presentation on theme: "Podiatrists Do It All Surgery Primary Care Pediatrics Wound Care Dermatology Sports Medicine Research Radiology Trauma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Podiatrists Do It All Surgery Primary Care Pediatrics Wound Care Dermatology Sports Medicine Research Radiology Trauma

2 Outline What is Podiatric Medicine? What is a D.P.M.? What is a typical day for a D.P.M.? What’s the demand for foot & ankle care? How can you become a D.P.M.?

3 What is Podiatric Medicine? Medical and surgical care and treatment of the foot and ankle Sub-specialties include sports medicine, surgery, pediatrics, geriatrics, public health and general wellness An important part of the medical team

4 What is a D.P.M.? Doctor of Podiatric Medicine More than just a “foot” doctor Total health practitioner –Conducts examinations –Prescribes medications, orthotics/braces –Performs surgery

5 Where will you find D.P.M.s? Private or group practices HMOs, PPOs Hospitals Government such as Public Health, VA, IHS etc. Medical schools Military

6 What is it like to be a D.P.M.? A typical day

7 Who do DPMS Treat ?

8 Common Problems DPMs Treat


10 What is it like to be a D.P.M.? The education of a medical specialist The variety of a general practitioner The freedom of an entrepreneur The rewards –Relieving patients’ pain –Keeping people active –Outstanding earning potential


12 Why become a D.P.M.? Strong demand for podiatric physicians –Recent Workforce Study indicates a need to increase the number of podiatrists Flexible work hours Financial opportunities Options in practice

13 Where can you study Podiatric Medicine? Miami Shores, Florida Philadelphia, Pennsylvania New York City Independence, Ohio North Chicago, Illinois Des Moines, Iowa Oakland, California Glendale, Arizona Pomona, California

14 What are the admission requirements? Complete at least three years (90 hours) of undergraduate study with emphasis on sciences or pre-med curriculum MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) Other exams may be accepted

15 What do D.P.M. students study? Year 1 & 2 –Classroom instruction –Anatomy, Biochemistry, etc. Year 3 & 4 –Clinical Skills, Patient Care –Physical Diagnosis, Surgery, Neurology, Dermatology, Biomechanics, etc. All with a focus on the lower extremity

16 Is there a residency training requirement? Upon graduation, podiatric physicians are required by nearly all states to complete at least two years of postgraduate residency training Residency programs range from two to four years in length

17 What is the licensing and certification process for D.P.M.s? National Boards are taken while in podiatric medical school Most states also require a written and/or oral exam prior to licensure Board certification is available in orthopedics & primary medicine and in surgery

18 How can you apply to a college of podiatric medicine? Visit www., or, or any of the nine college websites Complete the online application Take advantage of mentoring opportunities through the DPM Mentor Network

19 What is the application process? Submit an application through the on-line American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine Application Service (AACPMAS) Letters of recommendation, transcripts and a personal interview are required Financial aid is available at all schools

20 Information Resources Shadowing opportunities

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