Echinoderms The name Echinoderm comes from the Greek echinos meaning “spiny”and derma meaning “skin”

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2 Echinoderms


4 The name Echinoderm comes from the Greek echinos meaning “spiny”and derma meaning “skin”

5 Classes Asteroidea (Sea Star) Crinoidea (Sea Lillies) Ophiuroidea (Brittle Stars) Echinoidea (Sea Urchins) Holothuroidea (Sea Cucumbers) There are 20 extinct classes

6 Objectives Describe the major characteristics of echinoderms Compare and contrast the lifestyles of the organisms each of the five echinoderm classes Describe how sea stars feed

7 Describe the major characteristics of echinoderms Endoskeleton – Living tissue with endoskeleton underneath –Composed Of Ossicles –Functions like Arthropod’s Exoskeleton, providing muscle attachment sites – shell like protection

8 Objective Continued Five Part Radial Symmetry – arms extending radially from a central point Water Vascular System – water filled system of interconnected canals and tube feet

9 How They Move NEchinoderms move by using their tube feet NThey have several thousand on their arms or undersides

10 Tube feet N Tube feet may: Nhave good suction Ntaper to a point Nor be adapted to a certain function. N Mucus contains adhesive and de- adhesive.

11 Objective Continued Coelomic circulation and respiration –particles move easily through large fluid filled coelom

12 Compare Contrast Lifestyles of Five Classes Sea Stars – 1,500 species –Most important predator –five part body plan –carnivore

13 Crown-Of-Thorns Crown-of-thorns consumes cnidarians.


15 Sea Star Larva Larva and adults have different body plans. The adult is radially symmetric and the larva is bilaterally symmetric

16 Objective Two Continued Sea Lilies –most primitive –sessile –five part body plan –mouth located on upper surface


18 Objective Two Continued Brittle Stars –2,000 species –slender arms that move in pairs –sometimes grouped with sea stars –five part body plan

19 Objective Two Continued Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars –lack arms –five part body plan –hard endoskeleton –900 species

20 Heart and Fire Urchins


22 Objective Two Continued Sea Cucumbers –1,500 species –Ossicles are small and not connected (soft-bodied) –tube feet modified into tentacles for eating

23 Sea Cucumbers Mouth surrounded by dozens of tube feet; modified into tentacles.

24 Sea Cucumber

25 Describe How Sea Stars Feed Active Predator and Carnivore –eat shell fish and other star fishes –mud swallowers –some extrude their mouth to digest externally and internally

26 All Echinoderms Share Four Major Characteristics Objective : Describe the major characteristics of echinoderms. Echinoderms have an endoskeleton - Composed of individual plates called ossicles.

27 Echinoderm characteristics Coelomic circulation and respiration : Body cavity is a simple circulatory system. Respiration performed by skin gills.

28 Characteristics of Echinoderms Five-Part radial symmetry : Five arms extending radially from a central point. Water-Vascular system : Water filled system of canals and tube feet.

29 Sexual Reproduction NMost echinoderms get together before spawning to increase chances of fertilization

30 Asexual Reproduction NSuccessful regeneration, or regrowth, requires a body wall that can be torn easily and reseal wounds easily.

31 Indirect Development NFertilized egg divides many times to produce a hollow ball of cells known as the Blastula

32 Indirect Development NThe ball of cells grows inward to form a cavity which will become a simple, primitive gut

33 .


35 Pro-Mouth Deudi-Poop Anus Blastopore Athletes

36 Phylogenetic Tree Blankenship

37 Question #1 List the four major echinoderm characteristics. Endoskeleton (Exoskeleton Like) Five Part Radial Symmetry Water Vascular System Coelomic Circulation and Respiration

38 Question #2 Explain why some echinoderms have bodies that are softer than others. Some do not have a fused skeleton, therefore are soft- bodied.

39 Question #3 Compare and contrast the feeding habits of a sea star and a sea cucumber Both sea stars and cucumbers have tube feet, but the cucumbers’ have developed into feeding tentacles.

40 Question #4 Name the echinoderms that are completely sessile, and describe their basic structure. Sea lilies are sessile. Sea lilies are attached to the ocean floor by a stalk. Feather stars have a stalk in early development, but do not remain sessile.

41 Chordates 96% are Vertebrates.

42 What is a chordate? A chordate is an animal that has, for at least some stage of its life, a dorsal, hollow nerve cord; a notochord; pharyngeal pouches; and a tail that extends beyond the anus.

43 Characteristics of Chordates All chordates share four characteristics: 1) dorsal, hollow nerve cord 2) notochord 3) pharyngeal pouches 4) a tail that extends beyond the anus Some chordates have these characteristics as adults. Others have them only as embryos.

44 Chordate Structure

45 Notochord A notochord is a long supporting rod that runs through the body just below the nerve cord. Most chordates only have a notochord only when they’re embryos.

46 Pharyngeal pouches Are paired structures in the throat In some amphibians they are slits that connect the pouches to the outside of the body.

47 Pharyngeal Pouches Pharyngeal pouches are paired structures in the throat (pharynx) region. In fishes and amphibians, slits develop that connect the pharyngeal pouches to the outside of the body. The slits may then develop gills that are used for gas exchange.

48 Vertebrae Individual segments that make up the backbone. It encloses and protects the spinal cord. It also provides support. Provides muscles a place to attach and is part of the endoskeleton. Grows when the animal grows and does not need to be shed. Contains living cells and non-living material and the living cells make the non-living materials.

49 Although nonvertebrates chordates lack a vertebral column, they share a common ancestor with vertebrates.

50 Nonvertebrate Chordates

51 Nonvertebrate Chordates The two groups of Nonvertebrate chordates are tunicates and lancelets. Both are soft bodied organisms. They contain hollow nerve cords, notochord, pharyngeal pouches, and a tail (at some time of their life).

52 Tunicates They are filter feeders. They are in the subphylum urochordata. When they are adults they do not have a notochord or a tail. Blue lollypop tunicate blue palm coral.

53 Non Vertebrate Chordates


55 Sea squirt

56 Sea squirt colonies

57 Lancelets

58 Subphylum : Cephalochordata They are usually found buried in sand in shallow parts of temperate or tropical seas. Lancelets have a closed circulatory system, rather than an open circulatory system

59 They have a definite head region where it’s mouth is located. -The mouth opens up to the pharynx lined with gill slits.

60 Questions and Answers!

61 What is a Chordate?

62 Answer! Animal that has: A dorsal, ventral hollow nerve cord Notochord Pharynegeal pouches Tail extending beyond the anus

63 What are notochords and pharyngeal pouches?

64 Answer! A notochord is a long, supporting rod that runs through the body just below the nerve cord. Usually, chordates only have them when they are embryos. Pharyngeal pouches are paired structures in the throat region. In some chordates, they may develop into gills.

65 What is a vertebrae?

66 Answer! Vertebrae are individual segments of the backbone.

67 What are tunicates and lancelets?

68 Answer! Tunicates are filter-feeders. They don’t have tails or notochords in the adult stage. Lancelets are small fish-like creatures who live in sandy ocean bottoms, with a definite head region containing a mouth. They have a closed circulatory system.

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