What can least damaged/ more natural areas contribute? Least damaged/more natural workshop Pete Chaniotis Joint Nature Conservation Committee.

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2 What can least damaged/ more natural areas contribute? Least damaged/more natural workshop Pete Chaniotis Joint Nature Conservation Committee

3 What can LDMN areas contribute? Applying the MPA Selection Guidelines What can LDMN area offer for biodiversity? Overlap with existing protected areas/management Overlap with development proposals Further work The way ahead

4 Applying the MPA Selection Guidelines First application of the Scottish MPA Selection Guidelines will be to least damaged/more natural areas. Need to review information on marine biodiversity and development proposals. Some LDMN areas may drop out at this point. Then apply MPA Selection Guidelines more widely to address gaps.

5 What can LDMN areas offer? Review currently based on presence/absence of MPA search features Some habitat MPA search features potentially well covered –Primarily those at or near to the coast –Overlap with the edges of a habitats’ main extent/distribution –Some habitats missing coverage e.g. burrowed mud away from coast Low/limited mobility & mobile MPA search features poorly covered in comparison

6 What can LDMN areas offer? LDMN areas will not alone be sufficient to complete the MPA network. Limited by: –current knowledge of the distribution of MPA search features, particularly in offshore. –similar types of areas e.g. 10 sea lochs –overlap with features already within protected areas e.g. reefs. Potential to think more broadly about what could be delivered. Survey plans with LDMN areas in mind

7 Overlap with existing protected areas/management? Overlap with existing protected areas e.g. SSSIs, SACs, SPAs. Overlap with other spatial management e.g. Fishery Orders. Potential to extend protection in these areas to features not protected by existing mechanisms. Feed into wider analysis on the contribution that could be made by existing areas to the MPA network.

8 LDMN areas that overlap with developments proposals Likely removal of areas which are the subject of future development proposals. –e.g. areas included within the Scottish Offshore Wind Plan Does not mean removal from MPA selection process altogether. Continue discussions about these areas.

9 Further work Review areas considered to be LDMN that were not identified through the assessment. –e.g. Dornoch Firth More thorough review of biodiversity and geodiversity features including any wider benefits. –e.g. nursery or spawning areas

10 The way ahead Finalise LDMN areas following today’s discussions and review of relevant information. Complete by end-July to enable us to apply MPA Selection Guidelines to LDMN areas first. Meet commitment made for LDMN through Sustainable Seas for All. Prioritise wider application of the MPA Selection Guidelines.

11 marineconservation@scotland.gsi.gov.uk - Scottish waters mpa@snh.gov.uk - Territorial waters scottishmpas@jncc.gov.uk - Offshore waters

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