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Enterprise Impact on Funds Management with BCS

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1 Enterprise Impact on Funds Management with BCS
Session # 3101 John Bottriell and Patricia Coughlin Government of Canada

2 Background IFMS Program Office is the centre for Research & Development for the Government of Canada implementations of SAP: (FI, CO, FM, MM, SD, PS, PM) 15 Installations 37,000 Users 12 Installations on version ISPS 1 Installation on version 4.6c + ISPS 2 Installations on version 4.6c Non ISPS

3 Plan: Implement Enterprise 4.7 EA-PS 2.0
FM ISPS Experience Implemented SAP on version 3.0F ISPS 2 G of C has worked with various ISPS versions: ISPS 2 to 6A ISPS 4.02A C Enterprise 4.7 EA-PS 1.1 (R&D only) Plan: Implement Enterprise 4.7 EA-PS 2.0

4 TOPICS: Impact on FM with BCS
Comparison of Former Budgeting System (FBS) and Budget Control System Budgeting Budget Structure Availability Control FM Redesign in Government of Canada with our preliminary findings BCS Overall Assessment

5 FBS vs BCS Budgeting Master Data Budget Processes BCS Budget Changes Budgeting Authorizations

6 Impacts FBS budget structure and reporting
FBS vs BCS FM Master Data FBS BCS N/A Fund Funds Centre Commitment Item Functional Area Funded Program Grant (Grants Management) Funds Application Fund Funds Centre Commitment Item Functional Area N/A Not unique to the FMA Exists only in BCS Impacts FBS budget structure and reporting

7 FBS vs BCS Budgeting Processes
Enter or Park: Original Supplement Return Transfer Budgeting Workbench (FMBB) includes all: Prep Enter Return Supplement Transfer Carry Over Distribute or Change in Hierarchy: Original Supplement Return No Hierarchies No longer use the Distribute and Distributable or the Hierarchy for budget entry – Distributed values are not stored Use Enjoy transaction concept within the Budget Workbench One tcode with multiple processes – process carried as a data element on the ledger – accessible data for reporting Note: This change impacts how your authorizations are defined.

8 BCS Budget Changes Mandatory for Budgeting: Budget Type
Budget Statuses - Budget Life Cycle Document Types and Number Ranges: Entry document Budget Change document Budget document family number Configurable: Layouts for budgeting transactions Consistency checks for budget documents and budget objects Budget Types: Budget type is required for budgeting and assigned to Budget Process in configuration Budget Statuses: Must be defined (not optional) in order to post budgeting transactions using the Budgeting Workbench. Represent the phases of the budgeting life cycle. Define the permitted budgeting processes for each phase within the budgeting life cycle. Once assigned by FM Area, fiscal year, and budget version, define the current active phase within the budgeting life cycle. Document Types: Entry document number range, defined by FM area and fiscal year with a unique interval may be defined per document type and document types may share number ranges Layouts are configured to determine, default distribution key for period values, whether FM account assignment elements appear in document header or line item, whether budget type appears in document header or line item Layouts are not linked to document type Consistency Checks - customer defined through configuration for budget document and/or budget objects

9 BCS Budget Workbench

10 BCS Budgeting Authorizations
Budgeting Account Assignment Budgeting Document Type Budgeting Key Figure Budgeting Status Budget Version Budgeting Account Assignment Defines who is authorized to use FM account assignments in budgeting Budgeting Document Type Defines who is authorized to use the various document types in budgeting Budgeting Key Figure Defines who is authorized to use the various key figures in budgeting Budgeting Status Defines who is authorized to enter/change the budget for various budget processes/budget types Budget Version Defines who is authorized to use the various budget versions and budget categories

11 FBS vs BCS Budget Structure
BCS Master Data Role for the Funds Centre Hierarchy Budget Profile per fund BCS Fund Type BCS Budget Structure Derivations in BCS - Relationship between Objects

12 YES (top node, superior node)
Role of Fund Centre Hierarchy FBS BCS Budget Structure (Posting Object, Budget Object) YES NO Availability Control Object Budgeting Authorizations Configuration Derivation strategies N/A YES (top node, superior node) Reporting To Be Determined

13 Fund Type Available for FBS and BCS FBS Budget Profile not used by BCS
Fund Master for FBS and BCS AVC is accomplished via derivation tool Differences are defined via Fund type Fund Type Available for FBS and BCS Potential uses for Fund Type in BCS: Planned as identifier of “annual” versus “overall” funds (EA-PS version 2) Override the standard tolerance profile for an AVC ledger by fund type (i.e. no AVC, error message instead of warning message) Derive budget objects from posting objects differently based on fund type Derive availability control objects from budget objects differently based on fund type Fund type is available as a source or condition field for the following BCS derivation strategies: Account assignment derivation for budget addresses Account assignment derivation for BADI additional budget lines Account assignment derivation for availability control objects Derivation strategy for activity groups Derivation strategy for overriding the default tolerance profile Substitution for budget entry documents FBS Budget Profile not used by BCS

14 FBS Budget Structure and Definition of Relationships between Objects
Assignment (Availability Control) Objects (Profile 500 specific) Posting Object Budget Object

15 FBS vs BCS Budget Structure
FBS budget structure served two purposes: Validation on permitted combinations Relationships between posting objects and budget objects and AVC objects BCS budget structure only serves one purpose: to identify permitted validation of posting object and budget object addresses Defines the permitted combinations of FM account assignments for posting commitments and actuals (posting addresses) and posting of budget transactions (budget addresses) New Mass processing tools for address creation and maintenance NO RELATIONSHIPS DEFINED IN BCS VIA BUDGET STRUCTURE Check cannot be activated by Fund or type of Fund.

16 BCS Derivation Strategies
Biggest Difference in BCS Relationships are not automatically determined by master data hierarchies as in FBS Derviation strategies are used to build object relationships between Posting Objects, Budget Objects, and Availability Control Objects via derivation strategies: Account Assignment Derivation for Budget Addresses Account Assignment Derivation of Availability Control Objects

17 BCS Ledgers & Coding Objects:
Posting Ledger Budget Ledger Availability Control Ledgers Posting Object- elements for posting/parking commitments & actuals. Posting Object Fund Funds Centre Commitment Item Functional Area Funded Program FBS BCS Budget Object Budget Object – elements for posting/parking budgets Fund Funds Centre Commitment Item Functional Area Funded Program Optional AVC Object Availability Control Object - elements for AV control Fund Funds Centre Commitment Item Functional Area Funded Program N/A

18 BCS Relationships between Objects
No Derivation Strategies Model 1 AVC Object All 3 objects are the same Budget Object Derivations define the link between posting objects and budget objects. Default relationship is 1:1. Default 1:1:1 Posting Object

19 BCS Relationships between Objects
AVC Object Model 2 AVC Object and Budget Object are the same Derivation Strategy Budget Object 1:2:2 Derivation Strategies in BCS: Substitutions for Budget Entry Documents Additional Budget Lines Posting Addresses to Budget Addresses Budget Addresses to Availability Control Addresses Overriding standard tolerance profile Derivation of value types for Activity Groups (used for tolerance profiles) Derivations define the link between posting objects and budget objects. Use derivation strategy to map many posting object to one budget object. Within one strategy, one posting object may map to only one budget object. Requirements for Fund or type of Fund must be reflected within the derivation strategy. Multiple derivation strategies can be created. Derivation strategy is assigned by FM Area, fiscal year, and budget version. Posting Object Posting Object

20 BCS Relationships between Objects
Derivation Strategy Model 3 AVC Object 1:1:2 Budget Object Budget Object Budget Object and Posting Object are the same Derivations define the link between budget objects and availability control objects. Default relationship between budget object and availability control object is 1:1. Use derivation strategy to map many budget objects to an availability control object. Multiple derivation strategies can be created. Derivation strategy is assigned by AVC Ledger, FM Area, and fiscal year (as of). Requirements for Fund or type of Fund must be reflected within the derivation strategy. Posting Object Posting Object

21 BCS Relationships between Objects
Model 4 AVC Object All 3 objects are different Derivation Strategy 1:2:3 Budget Object Budget Object Derivation Strategy Important message: This design is flat with no hierarchies. This is what makes reorganizations greatly simplified. Posting Object Posting Object Posting Object Posting Object

22 BCS Availability Control
Consumable Budget (What’s Available) - Consumed Amounts (What’s Used) = Available Budget (What’s Left) Steps to Configure BCS AVC: Define budget types Create AVC ledgers Define data source for consumed amounts Define the consumable budget Define activity groups Define tolerance profiles Define the attributes for AVC: Assign the standard tolerance profile Override the standard tolerance profile Determine the AVC control object Activate AVC

23 BCS vs FBS Ledgers Actual and Budget Ledger are same
AVC Ledgers are customer configurable Posting Ledger 9A Payment Budget 9B Commitment Budget Budget Ledger 9F Payment Budget 9G Commitment Budget Availability Control Ledger 9H Payment Budget 9I Commitment Budget ?? Customer defined ….. BCS AVC Ledger: Defined by AVC Ledger, FM Area, Fiscal Year (as of), and Budget Version. Government of Canada Example of AVC Ledgers: The AVC Ledgers for the G of C design will be copied from the 9H payment ledger in BCS and set up as follows: AVC Ledger 1 will use Activity Group 1 and include Earmarked Funds, Purchase Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Down Payment Requests, Down Payments, Parked Complete Invoices, Invoices, and vouchers. AVC Ledger 2 will use Activity Group 2 and include only invoices, vouchers, down payments and down payment requests.

24 What’s Available Filters for Consumable Budget AVC Ledger 1
“Commitment Budget” AVC Ledger 2 “Payment Budget” AVC Filter Filters available for: budget types (if you do not filter on budget type, system assumes all budget types for AVC Ledger) posted budget or posted & pre-posted (parked) budget Government of Canada Design Ledger 1 has Budget Type 1 as Commitment Budget Ledger 2 has Budget Type 2 as Payment Budget Consumable Budget Budget Type 1 = = Budget Type 2 Government of Canada Design

25 Filters for Consumed Amounts
What’s Used Filters for Consumed Amounts AVC Ledger 1 “Commitment Budget” AVC Ledger 2 “Payment Budget” *Exclude value types not required Earmarked Funds Purchase Requisitions Purchase Orders Down Payment Requests Down Payments Parked Complete Invoices Invoices JVs Down Payment Requests Down Payments Invoices JVs Consumed amounts defined by Activity Groups Data source for consumed amounts are defined by AVC Ledgers for: Commitment/Actual Data or Budget to Budget Data EA-PS 1.1 Issue: BCS Consumed amount against the consumable budget is always the total of all value types in the ledger G of C has a need to consume and control on given set of value types by ledger SAP will provide AVC filters to define the value types to be excluded from the consumed amount by AVC ledger SAP will provide a modification for G of C for testing Current Status: SAP has provided a new IMG filter configuration to exclude value types that do not consume budget – this mod will be included in future releases Government of Canada Design

26 Available Budget With BCS Tolerance Profiles
What’s Left Available Budget With BCS Tolerance Profiles AVC Ledger 1 “Commitment Budget” AVC Ledger 2 “Payment Budget” Activity Group 1 Activity Group 2 Default Tolerance Profile For each applicable activity group, the tolerance profile defines: Tolerance limit (usage % of consumable budget) and AVC action (Information, Warning, Warning and Mail, Error) You can override the default tolerance profile by assigning a derivation strategy Multiple tolerance profile derivation strategies can be created. to the AVC Ledger, FM Area, and Fiscal Year (as of). Derive an alternative Tolerance Profile based on: FM account assignment elements (Fund, Funds Centre, Commitment Item, Functional Area, Funded Program) Fund Type Commitment Item Category Others…. 100% 100% Government of Canada Example

27 FM Redesign Government of Canada
FM Redesign Goals FM Redesign Scope Overall Assessment

28 New Budget Control System (BCS)
Why Now? Opportunity for Change Accounting change + Upgrade New FM master data New Budget Control System (BCS) = FM Redesign FM Redesign Project - Current Status: Stage 3: Impact Analysis and Feasibility Study Define Business Requirements Determine High Level System Concepts Conduct Impact Analysis & Feasibility Study Determine Conversion Strategy Define System Blueprint Conduct Detailed Departmental Transition Analysis System Detailed Design (May & June) Committee Approvals System Construction and Testing and Roll out with Beta Department

29 FM Redesign Goals - BCS Increase Ability to re-organize
Ability to meet central agency reporting requirements through use of new FM master data Flexibility for budgeting and control Reduce customization where possible Standardize FM processes across G of C Ability to perform concurrent AVC checks The following pertains to the Former Budgeting System within the current Government of Canada environment Re-organization Top issue for the departments. Most departments re-organize their FM master data structure at least once a year. Some departments would like to increase the # of change cycles. Impact on all funds and previous fiscal years. Time consuming and requires overtime because must be done after working hours Budget Structure: Viewing and updating the budget structure by fund is a major issue for six departments. It is time consuming to update the budget structure because all possible combinations of funds center/commitment item per fund are included. Cannot set posting objects for revenue elements in the budget structure. Data issues: Discrepancies between payment and commitment budgets and effort required to fix them The program RFFMS200 currently causes errors in the payment program Requires to re-profile commitments for current and future years. Regular and frequent re-constructs and re-builds are required.

30 FM Redesign Goals – Update Profile Change
BCS has provided the ability for the G of C to change update profile and GR/IR update: Eliminate need for two budget categories related budget and posting reconciliation To eliminate and reduce update errors Improve consistency in reporting (CO, FM and SPL Trial balance) Enhance SAP support potential and reduce costs through the use of a more mainstream update profile The following pertains to the Former Budgeting System within the current Government of Canada environment Control in FBS: The control against the payment budget usually resides at the top of the structure. The control for the commitment budget usually resides at the lowest levels of the structure but it may vary. Control is not flexible enough – only 1 point of control in hierarchy Locking control problems may occur depending at what level the controls are situated Dual Control (FM and IO/WBS) in 6 depts. The following pertains to the Budget Control System within the future Government of Canada design New master data: Provide depts some flexibility with the use of new master data to plan, budget, control and report in FM and CO. Provide a tool for more effective management from a results perspective; Provide departments the ability to budget and report by new elements (GWAC/business-line) within FM;

31 Scope of G of C FM Redesign
Budget Control System (BCS) FM Master Data: Functional Area Funded Program Fund & Functional Area in Controlling module Update profile change to a non-customer specific profile (impact analysis = 102)* FM Update - Goods Receipt and/or Invoice Receipt* * Consult with SAP if considering these changes. They are not recommended for change! The following pertains to the Budget Control System within the future Government of Canada design New Master Data Design: Government of Canada plans to: Activate both “FA” and “Funded Program” Option of budgeting by either FA or Funded Program with no control. Establish relevance by budget version For “actuals”, support derivation of Funded Program from another element (e.g. functional area) For “budgets”, support derivation of Funded Program from another element (optional) Create Functional Area Groups if departments are interested in seeing a similar structure in CO.

32 BCS Overall Assessment
Master Data and Hierarchies: Limited role for FM hierarchies Simplified reorganization process, Improved master data with significant reporting budgeting and control potential Budget structure for posting object validation is not feasible for G of C larger departments because of the volume of master data. SAP provides an alternative BADI Re-Organization: Simplified Hierarchy Independent Configuration There’s no check for Budget Data on a Funds Centre move Posting validation combinations: Existing SAP requirement for all posting combinations is not practical for larger departments within G of C G of C requirement is for posting validation on an exception basis by Fund Looking to use an SAP BADI as an alternative solution SAP alternative: programming and testing BADI:FMBS_VALID_ADDRESS FM Status Management posting validation is no longer being developed. FM Status Management is missing Functional Area. No longer recommended by SAP.

33 BCS Overall Assessment
Availability Control: Improved flexibility for availability control since it is not tied to the organizational structure Improved BCS availability control with customer defined ledgers allow G of C to consider the move to a main stream update profile

34 BCS Overall Assessment
BCS Derivation Strategies Plan your design carefully Need to identify alternate solution to minimize maintenance of Derivation Strategies Need to develop a report to graphically display the relationships from account assignment derivations Derivation Strategies: The related table data values need to be maintainable in the production environment on the application side: EA-PS 1.1 tcodes exist, not on the menu SAP may suppress (TBD) G of C does not have logic in coded values example: ranges Strategies are configuration and transported but related data tables need to be maintainable in the application side of SAP not configuration. Groups/sets logic with the derivation tool were analyzed by the G of C team and it was found to be not advisable or feasible. Plan your design carefully: simplify the data models, posting objects to budget objects and availability control objects as per your requirements

35 BCS Overall Assessment
Budgeting: Improved budget entry screen that is customer definable Improved planning in FM with integration to Excel Improved FM budget document management Improved Consistency Checks Improved Authorizations

36 BCS Overall Assessment
BCS Reporting: No FM Drill Down Reporting tool with BCS Report Painter with Report Writer (EA-PS 2.0) BW is SAP BCS reporting tool Note: Additional impact and feasibility analysis on missing functionality will need to be completed (planned for EA-PS 2.0 early release)

37 BCS Overall Assessment
BCS Missing Functionality EA-PS 1.1 Releases - not required G of C new design Overall budgets Revenues increasing the budget (both aggregated and non-aggregated rules) Reporting – G of C requires major review / rewrite Conversion – totals based migration tools Some delete functions in BCS configuration The following delete functions are missing in BCS configuration: 1. Delete Account Assignment Derivation Strategy for Budget Addresses from Posting Addresses 2. Delete AVC ledger (only outside of BCS using SE16 to maintain table T881- not transportable) 3. Delete Account Assignment Derivation Strategy for Availability Control Objects from Budget Addresses (delete function for AVC strategies (FMAVCDERIO...) will be part of the EA-PS 2.0 shipment.) 4. Delete Derivation Strategy for Overriding the Standard Tolerance Profile Note: All available in EA-PS 2.0

38 BCS Overall Assessment
SAP Strategy SAP has indicated that a customer should experience no loss of functionality on a move from FBS to BCS. Government of Canada BCS provides opportunities for significant FM improvements within G of C. SAP has been very supportive of our FM Redesign

39 Information contacts IFMS Program Office, Consulting and Audit Canada, Government of Canada: Product Manager Budget & Planning Lead

40 Questions?

41 Thank you for attending!
Please remember to complete and return your evaluation form following this session. Session Code: 3101

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