The Forest Products Industry Gasification Initiative Technical Support Program to Large Scale Demonstration Developed by a Group of experts from Industry,

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Presentation on theme: "The Forest Products Industry Gasification Initiative Technical Support Program to Large Scale Demonstration Developed by a Group of experts from Industry,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Forest Products Industry Gasification Initiative Technical Support Program to Large Scale Demonstration Developed by a Group of experts from Industry, Academia and the National Laboratories Based on the Output from the 2001 Technology Summit

2 Technical Support Program to Large Scale Demonstration Set of Prioritized Needs –Fuels Chemistry, Kinetics, Reactor Design and Optimization –Containment –Mill Integration Issues –Process Control and Optimization –Assurance and Education –Field Support

3 Fuels Chemistry, Kinetics, Reactor Design and Optimization Immediate needs for demonstration Carbon Management –Tars Tar Destruction (Catalytic and Non-Catalytic) Tar Production –Residual Carbon (Low Temperature Gasification) Halogen Management Sulfur Management Modeling (e.g. Fluidization, Heat Exchange Interaction, Heat Transfer, Flow and Temperature, Particle Residence Time)

4 Fuels Chemistry, Kinetics, Reactor Design and Optimization Optimization needs for sustainable performance Carbon Management –Gasification Catalysis Alkali metals effects and management –Pyrolysis Nitrogen Management Specific Throughput

5 Containment Immediate needs for demonstration Metals Refractories Vessel Design Understanding of Internal Reactions and Circulation

6 Mill Integration – steam, power, pulping, causticizing Immediate needs for demonstration Causticizing Load Increase Autocausticizing (High temperature & low temperature) Sulfur Recovery

7 Mill Integration – steam, power, pulping, causticizing Optimization Needs for Sustainable Performance Value of Integrating BLG with Pulping Environmental Performance –Greenhouse Gas Impact –Criteria Pollutants (NOx, SOx, PM) –Solids Management –Liquids Management Causticizing Load Increase –CaO/MgO for H2S Capture –H2O Quenching Hot Gas Cleaning Implications for Turbines

8 Process Control and Optimization Immediate needs for demonstration –Pulse Heater Design and Control –Black Liquor Introduction Control Optimization needs for sustainable performance –Control System Development and Design –Sensors –Models Management and Validation

9 Assurance & Education Immediate needs for demonstration –Long Duration Testing and Demonstration –Independent Verification –Education –Environmental Performance Assurance Optimization needs for sustainable performance –Performance Test Protocol –Life Cycle Impacts

10 Field Support (Project Specific) Trouble Shooting HazOps QA/QC Specialized Measurements Design Process Peer Review Operating Assistance – Data Collection & Analysis Laboratory Support (Methods Development) Material/Energy Balance Verification

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