Chapter 8 Social Networks and Industry Disruptors in the Web 2.0 Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Social Networks and Industry Disruptors in the Web 2.0 Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Social Networks and Industry Disruptors in the Web 2.0 Environment

2 The Web 2.0 Revolution Web 2.0 The popular term for advanced Internet technology and applications, including blogs, wikis, RSS, and social bookmarking. One of the most significant differences between Web 2.0 and the traditional World Wide Web is greater collaboration among users, content providers, and enterprises.

3 The Web 2.0 Revolution Foundation Of Web 2.0 –Blogs –Wikis –Tagging and social book marking –Multimedia sharing –Audio blogging and pod casting –RSS and syndication Representative Characteristics Of Web 2.0 –Individual production and User Generated Content –Harnessing the power of the crowd –Data on an epic scale –Architecture of Participation –Network effects –Open-ness

4 The Web 2.0 Revolution social media Online platforms and tools that people use to share opinions and experiences, including photos, videos, music, insights, and perceptions. disruptors Companies that introduce significant changes in their industries.

5 The Web 2.0 Revolution, Social Networks, Innovations, Media, and Industry Disruptors


7 Virtual Communities virtual (Internet) community A group of people with similar interests who interact with one another using the Internet.

8 Virtual Communities – Types of Virtual Communities Transaction and other business Purpose or interest Relations or practices Fantasy Social networks

9 Virtual Communities Commercial Aspects Of Communities – social commerce A subset of e-commerce in which the users and their personal relationships are at the forefront. The main element is the involvement of the user in the marketing of products being sold.

10 Virtual Communities Key Strategies For Successful Online Communities 1.Increase traffic and participation in the community 2.Focus on the needs of the members 3.Encourage free sharing of opinions and information 4.Obtain financial sponsorship 5.Consider the cultural environment 6.Provide several tools and activities for member use 7.Involve community members in activities and recruiting 8.Guide discussions, provoke controversy, and raise sticky issues

11 Virtual Communities More success factors 1.Handle member data sensitively 2.Maintain stability of the Web site with respect to the consistency of content, services, and types of information offered 3.Provide fast reaction time of the Web site 4.Offer up-to-date content 5.Offer continuous community control with regard to member satisfaction 6.Establish codes of behavior (netiquette or guidelines) to contain conflict potential

12 Online Social Networks social network A special structure composed of individuals (or organizations) that is based on how its members are connected through various social familiarities.

13 Online Social Networks Representative Social Networks: From Facebook To Classmates.Com – Representative Social Networking Web Sites Flickr Facebook Classmates Online Friendster Orkut Xanga Digg Cyworld

14 YouTube and Company— A Whole New World Youtube: The Essentials Brief History And Technology The Social Impact Of Youtube The Business And Revenue Models –Strategic Advantages of the Business Model Implementation Difficulties: The Copyright Problem The Competition

15 Business and Entrepreneurial Networks business network A group of people that have some kind of commercial relationship; for example, the relationships between sellers and buyers, buyers among themselves, buyers and suppliers, and colleagues and other colleagues. –Example: LinkedIn –Entrepreneurial Network Cooperate Social Networks social marketplace An online community that harnesses the power of social networks for the introduction, buying, and selling of products, services, and resources, including people’s own creations.

16 Entertainment Web 2.0 Style Entertainment And Business Communities –Last.FM –Mixi Advertising Movies And Events In Communities Online Marketplace For Movies The Hype Machine Internet Series

17 Technology Support: From to Infrastructure Services Web 2.0 And Social Software –Communication Tools –Services –Emerging Technologies –Tools for Individuals –Web 2.0 Development Tools Tools For Blogging And Wikis –Tools for Blogging –Wiki Tools –Tools for RSS and Podcasting –Will Wikis, Blogs, and RSS Replace E-Mail or Just Supplement It? –Enterprise Wiki and Blog Tools –Blogging for Business

18 Technology Support: From to Infrastructure Services Personalization Tools: From My Yahoo! To Netvibes Development Tools –social bookmarking Web service for sharing Internet bookmarks. The sites are a popular way to store, classify, share, and search links through the practice of folksonomy techniques on the Internet and intranets. –Intel’s Web 2.0 Software Suite Tools That Support Applications –File-Sharing Tools –Alexa: Web Traffic Information Provider –Mobile Phones and Social Networks Infrastructure Support –The Need for Very Rich Media –Other Tools Where Is Web 2.0 Software Going?

19 Web 2.0, Social Networks, and E-Commerce Why Is There An Interest? Advertising –Viral Marketing –viral blogging Viral marketing done by bloggers. –Classifieds and Job Listing –Mobile Advertising Shopping Feedback From Customers –Conversational Marketing –Risks

20 Web 2.0, Social Networks, and E-Commerce

21 Other Revenue-generation Strategies In Social Networks –Indirect Strategies Strategic acquisition Maintaining control of hard to re-create data sources Building attention trust Turning applications into platforms Fully automated online customer self-service Web 2.0 Commerce Activities Inside The Enterprise

22 The Future: Web 3.0 Web 3.0: What’s Next? –Web 3.0 Structure Application Program Interface (API) Services Aggregation Services Application Services –voice commerce (v-commerce) An umbrella term for the use of speech recognition to support voice- activated services, including Internet browsing and e-mail retrieval. Serviced Clients –Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web Semantic Web An evolving extension of the Web in which Web content can be expressed not only in natural language, but also in a form that can be understood, interpreted, and used by intelligent computer software agents, permitting them to find, share, and integrate information more easily. –Mobile Social Networks

23 The Future: Web 3.0 –Future Threats Security concerns Lack of Net neutrality Copyright complaints Choppy connectivity

24 Summary 6.Web 2.0 and entertainment. 7.Web 2.0 enablers. 8.Social networks and e-commerce. 9.Web 3.0.

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