Masters in Financial Mathematics (MFM) Presenter Dr. Paul W. Eloe Chair, Department of Mathematics Date: April 11, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Masters in Financial Mathematics (MFM) Presenter Dr. Paul W. Eloe Chair, Department of Mathematics Date: April 11, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Masters in Financial Mathematics (MFM) Presenter Dr. Paul W. Eloe Chair, Department of Mathematics Date: April 11, 2007

2 Overview of Curriculum Core Courses in Mathematics (6 courses) Core Courses in Mathematics (6 courses)  Analysis, Ito Calculus, Stochastic Processes  Financial Mathematics  Statistics and Time Series  Numerical Analysis, Stochastic Numerical Methods and Computational Finance Core Courses in Finance (2 courses) Core Courses in Finance (2 courses)  Financial Analysis and Markets  Financial Derivatives and Risk Management Electives (2 courses) Electives (2 courses)  MBA 625, MBA 628 Capstone Research Experience (Mathematics Clinic) Capstone Research Experience (Mathematics Clinic) Professional Development (Internships)- in progress Professional Development (Internships)- in progress

3 Plus Components MBA Finance Courses; Research Component: advisors from mathematics, finance, business; Opportunity to take a course next year that simulates live trading; Annual Career Fair hosted by IAFE and SIAM in New York City, recruiting for internships, jobs; Original plan had so much more

4 Up sides to program “terminal” masters degree helps recruitment: numbers, quality of applicants, students willing to finance their own masters program; Faculty interaction between finance and mathematics, completely new collaborations at UD; Faculty collaboration with corporate partners, completely new collaborations at UD; Direct contact with business partners, advisory board members (need more events where regular faculty meet these business partners); Regional impact.

5 Demanding sides to program High maintenance: sustainability, champion, administration across units, financial commitment from university to support masters programs, recruitment, placement, advisory board, multiple variations (2 year program, 12 month program, certificate programs), developing National PSM Association; Tough curricular demands in 30-33 credit hour program: rigorous academics, plus courses or components.

6 Future Developments Ethics, Economics, Accounting, Writing; Incoming student (practicing lawyer) who deals with legal aspects in investment; Help with the interview process for placement of graduates; Initial corporate contact is fun and easy, convert corporate interest to resources (internships, tuition for employees, etc.); Build certificate programs, tie into MBA finance certificate; Build ties with management science; Advise appropriately with respect to professional testing (SOA, CFA, GARP).

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