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Thinking Mathematically Consumer Mathematics and Financial Management 8.1 Percent.

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking Mathematically Consumer Mathematics and Financial Management 8.1 Percent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking Mathematically Consumer Mathematics and Financial Management 8.1 Percent

2 Expressing a Fraction as a Percent 1.Divide the numerator by the denominator. 2.Multiply the quotient by 100. Equivalently, move the decimal point in the quotient two places to the right. 3.Add a percent sign. Exercise Set 8.1 #5 Express 3 / 8 as a percent

3 Expressing a Decimal Number as a Percent 1.Move the decimal point two places to the right. 2.Add a percent sign. Exercise Set 8.1 #15 Express 2.87 as a percent

4 Expressing a Percent as a Decimal 1.Move the decimal point two places to the left. 2.Remove the percent sign Exercise Set 8.1 #25 Express 130% as a decimal

5 Comparing with Percents A is P percent of B A=PB B is the base, P the percent, A the number compared to B Exercise Set 8.1 #35, 43 What is 3% of 200? 3 is what percent of 15?

6 Thinking Mathematically Consumer Mathematics and Financial Management 8.1 Percent

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