Receipt, Storage & Staging (RSS) Partner Warehouse Operations How Businesses Can Partner with Public Health to Warehouse Supplies in a Public Health Emergency.

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Presentation on theme: "Receipt, Storage & Staging (RSS) Partner Warehouse Operations How Businesses Can Partner with Public Health to Warehouse Supplies in a Public Health Emergency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Receipt, Storage & Staging (RSS) Partner Warehouse Operations How Businesses Can Partner with Public Health to Warehouse Supplies in a Public Health Emergency

2 Objectives By the end of this class you should be able to: Understand how a Partner Receipt, Storage, & Staging (RSS) Warehouse works Know when a Partner RSS Warehouse will open Understand personnel roles Know about your site set-up Understand security considerations for a Partner RSS Warehouse

3 What is a Partner RSS Warehouse? RSS= Receipt, Storage, & Staging These are specific business locations that have agreed to work with the health department to warehouse emergency medications and supplies for distribution County-wide in a large-scale declared public health emergency.

4 When would we expect to see a Partner RSS Warehouse activate? A Partner RSS Warehouse would only be opened in the rare event that the population is at great risk of exposure to a contagious disease or other biological agent and preventive medications need to be taken immediately to eliminate severe illness.

5 What is the purpose of the Partner RSS Warehouse? Receiving, Storing, & Staging supplies for: 1.Points of Dispensing (PODs) 2.Hospitals 3.Clinics 4.Alternate Care Sites 5.Other Emergency Healthcare Providers

6 Set-up There are FOUR main considerations to the set- up of a Partner RSS Warehouse: 1.Layout 2.Safety 3.Staff Roles 4.Security

7 Layout

8 Necessary Equipment Provided by the CountyProvided by the Warehouse Transport VehiclesMaterial Handling Equipment Computers, Portable Printers, Phones, & Radios Wireless Access, Fax Machine, Copier & Phone Lines Packaging LabelsDesks, Tables, & Chairs One Meal Per ShiftWarehouse Personnel Inventory Management Staff

9 Staff Roles RSS Warehouse Manager Order Management Unit Leader Inventory Management System Specialist Mapping System Specialist Runner Material Unit Leader Order Picker Material Mover Loading Dock Unit Leader Loader Security Unit Leader Security Personnel Two Kinds of Staff: #1) County Appointed Staff – responsible for inventory accountability #2) Warehouse Staff – responsible for normal Warehouse operations

10 Safety Safety is first and foremost in the Partner RSS warehouse. Safety items which will need to be re-iterated with all staff include: Knowledge of equipment safety Personal protective equipment Restricted areas and access

11 RSS Warehouse Manager Signs for inventory Signs all chain of custody paperwork Oversees County employees Liaison between the County and Warehouse Contact person for all deliveries

12 Order Management Unit Leader Responsible for Inventory Management System Incoming & Outgoing Order status Inventory Counts & Reports Oversees Delivery Routing Supervisor for: 1.Inventory Management System Specialist 2.Runners 3.Mapping System Specialist

13 Material Unit Leader Responsible for identifying storage area Oversees all host Warehouse staff Liaison for the host Warehouse partner Supervisor for: 1.Material Mover 2.Order Picker

14 Loading Dock Unit Leader Responsible for double checking orders Oversees vehicle loading Assures delivery vehicles have routing directions Supervisor for: 1.Loader

15 Security Unit Leader Uniformed law enforcement specialist who is responsible for physical security of building and all staff (County or private).

16 Inventory Management Inventory Management refers to what will happen from the time Materials arrive until the time they leave the facility.

17 Receipt of Materials Materials will be brought to the RSS Warehouse by commercial-type vehicles with California Highway Patrol escorts. Once the trucks are secure at the dock: 1.Pallets are un-loaded 2.Materials are checked-in 3.Materials are signed for 4.Materials are moved to the Storage Area

18 Materials in the Warehouse When an order is received, it will be entered into the Inventory Management System. The Inventory Management System Specialist will print the Pick List and send it to the Order Picker. The Order Picker will Pick the Order according to the sheet, sign their name on the bottom, and request that the Material Mover move all items to the Staging Area.

19 Delivery of Materials In the Staging Area, the Loading Dock Unit Leader will: 1.Verify the order with the Pick List 2.Monitor the loading of delivery vehicles 3.Assure that all drivers have the correct paperwork for their delivery 4.Have driver sign, confirming that the material was loaded and released to them

20 Deactivation The Warehouse facility will be returned to the state it was in before RSS Warehouse operations began.

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