CSS Common Custom Solution Postponed FDI load. Johnny Hansen, GTO December 2005.

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1 CSS Common Custom Solution Postponed FDI load. Johnny Hansen, GTO December 2005

2 What is postponement ?  Postponing the branding and naming of the instrument after final assembly.  Loading model specific software as late in the manufacturing process as possible.  Using same hardware for many product families.

3 Why postponement ?  Saving manufacturing costs  Lowering inventory SKU’s  Ease inventory handling  Benefit from CCS (Common Custom Solutions)

4 Common Custom Product Family ReSound Plus5 ReSound Metrix ReSound Pixel Beltone Xxx Beltone Xxxx Metrix Reloaded Future family Etc. CIC CIC-B MC ITC ITC-D ITE ITE-D 13 battt. 312 batt. 13 batt. 312 batt. LP HP LP HP LP HP LP HP LP HP LP HP LP HP LP HP LP HP Legend Family Form factor Faceplate ass. Not all form factors are available for all families.

5 Postponed Branding CIC CIC-B MC ITC ITC-D ITE ITE-D LP HP LP HP LP HP LP HP LP HP 13 battt. 312 batt. 13 batt. 312 batt. LP HP LP HP LP HP LP HP ReSound Plus5 ReSound Metrix ReSound Pixel Beltone Xxx Beltone Xxxx Metrix Reloaded Future family Etc. Postponed FDI load to during final test

6 Model Series Level (MSL) - bullet points  Branding hardware (Hybrids)  All AUDIOmaster TPI’s checks MSL  Always go to same or a lower MSL level  Never go to a higher MSL level.  Generic faceplates starts on the highest MSL level (25).

7 MSL – how it works  Model series level is a way to ensure that instruments are not upgraded in software levels.  AUDIOmaster Test Programs will allow for instruments to go to a lower Model Series Level.  Same functionality is known in earlier product families: –A Canta4 product cannot be converted (upgraded) to a Canta7 product. –A Canta7 product can be converted to a Canta4.

8 Model Series Level check  Every test program have a MSL  Test program read MSL from device  Compare with MSL in test program  If test program MSL is equal or lower than device MSL then proceed otherwise halt.

9 Postponed FDI load - flow chart Read order form Determine form- factor and model from order. (CIC - CIC-B – ITC - ITC-D - ITE etc. ) Determine Gain/Output requirements. (High Power or Normal power) Select CCS faceplate assembly in appropriate Form Factor and Power settings from stock. Complete final assembly of instrument according to order form. (add options etc.) Determine appropriate AUDIOmaster Test Program (.TPI) Run the selected test program as normally. ( TPI will automatically upload the correct FDI into the instrument) Determine test mode and select options. [ Final / Repair / Fp ] (TC / VC / PB etc.) AUDIOmaster will perform necessary HI-calibrations according to selection of test mode and instruments model. (Input-, Output-, IAD calibration) AUDIOmaster will test instrument and generate a test report with the correct FDI loaded. AUDIOmaster will set the appropriate MSL (Model Series Level) according to selected TPI

10 MSL procedure Select AUDIOmaster TPI and start test. TPI reads MSL of the Device Under Test (DUT) TPI compares MSL of DUT with own MSL MSL DUT >= MSL TPI ? Continue test and FDI load Abort test and FDI load Y N All AUDIOmaster TPI’s has a MSL: Current MSL levels are: ReSound Metrix = 12 ReSound Pixel = 8 ReSound Plus5 = 5 CCS Generic faceplate assemblies all loaded with MSL = 25 6 different situations are shown in next slides

11 MSL procedure – exmp. 1 (normal new production) Select AUDIOmaster TPI and start test. TPI reads MSL of the Device Under Test (DUT) TPI compares MSL of DUT with own MSL MSL DUT >= MSL TPI ? Continue test and FDI load Abort test and FDI load Y N Example: Plus5 ITC-D selected (MSL = 5) CCS (generic) faceplate under test (MSL = 25) MSL DUT = 25 MSL TPI = 5 25 Bigger or equal to 5 ? Result: YES Continue test and FDI load Load Plus5 image into instrument CCS instrument is now a Plus5 New MSL in device = 5

12 MSL procedure – exmp. 2 (attempt on upgrading) Select AUDIOmaster TPI and start test. TPI reads MSL of the Device Under Test (DUT) TPI compares MSL of DUT with own MSL MSL DUT >= MSL TPI ? Continue test and FDI load Abort test and FDI load Y N Example: Metrix MX70 selected (MSL = 12) Plus5 RP70-D BTE after repair. (MSL = 5) MSL DUT = 5 MSL TPI = 12 5 Bigger or equal to 12 ? Result: NO Abort test and FDI load “Upgrading” not allowed Give warning to operator MSL in device still 5

13 MSL procedure – exmp. 3 (mistake on TPI select) Select AUDIOmaster TPI and start test. TPI reads MSL of the Device Under Test (DUT) TPI compares MSL of DUT with own MSL MSL DUT >= MSL TPI ? Continue test and FDI load Abort test and FDI load Y N Plus5 RP50-DP selected (by mistake) (MSL = 5) Plus5 ITC RP30 after repair (MSL = 5) MSL DUT = 5 MSL TPI = 5 5 Bigger or equal to 5 ? Result: YES Continue test and FDI load Loads a Plus5 RP50-D image in RP30 Test fails – mismatch between specs and instrument hardware. New MSL in device still 5 Can be corrected with new test with correct TPI

14 MSL procedure – exmp. 4 (critical mistake on TPI select) Select AUDIOmaster TPI and start test. TPI reads MSL of the Device Under Test (DUT) TPI compares MSL of DUT with own MSL MSL DUT >= MSL TPI ? Continue test and FDI load Abort test and FDI load Y N Plus5 RP50-DP selected (by mistake) (MSL = 5) Metrix ITC MX50-DP after repair (MSL = 12) MSL DUT = 12 MSL TPI = 5 12 Bigger or equal to 5 ? Result: YES Continue test and FDI load Loads RP50-DP image in MX50-DP NB! Test PASS but mismatch between Model and algorithm packages. New MSL in device is now 5 Cannot be corrected with new test

15 MSL procedure – exmp. 5 (Brand switch - future use) Select AUDIOmaster TPI and start test. TPI reads MSL of the Device Under Test (DUT) TPI compares MSL of DUT with own MSL MSL DUT >= MSL TPI ? Continue test and FDI load Abort test and FDI load Y N BELTONE One ITC HP (MSL = 10) Metrix ITC HP faceplate (re-plated) (MSL = 12) MSL DUT = 12 MSL TPI = 10 12 Bigger or equal to 10 ? Result: YES Continue test and FDI load Loads Beltone One image in Metrix ReSound Metrix is now Beltone One New MSL in device is now 10

16 MSL procedure – exmp. 6 (Brand switch - future use) Select AUDIOmaster TPI and start test. TPI reads MSL of the Device Under Test (DUT) TPI compares MSL of DUT with own MSL MSL DUT >= MSL TPI ? Continue test and FDI load Abort test and FDI load Y N Pixel PL30-DP (MSL = 8) Beltone One ITC-D HP (MSL = 10) MSL DUT = 10 MSL TPI = 9 10 Bigger or equal to 8 ? Result: YES Continue test and FDI load Loads ReSound Pixel image into Beltone One Beltone One is now ReSound Pixel New MSL in device is now 8

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