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The photo above most likely depicts: a.The Cultural Revolution b.Tiananmen Square c.The Korean War d.India’s Independence movement.

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Presentation on theme: "The photo above most likely depicts: a.The Cultural Revolution b.Tiananmen Square c.The Korean War d.India’s Independence movement."— Presentation transcript:

1 The photo above most likely depicts: a.The Cultural Revolution b.Tiananmen Square c.The Korean War d.India’s Independence movement

2 The photo above most likely depicts: a.The Cultural Revolution b.Tiananmen Square c.The Korean War d.India’s Independence movement

3 Vietnam today is a ________ country. a.Divided b.Democratic c.Communist d.Colonized

4 Vietnam today is a ________ country. a.Divided b.Democratic c.Communist d.Colonized

5 What year did the Tiananmen Square Protest happen? a.1989 b.1289 c.1389 d.1489

6 What year did the Tiananmen Square Protest happen? a.1989 b.1289 c.1389 d.1489

7 A cultural experiment, led by Mao Zedong in 1965-1968, that forced communist ideology on protestors who had capitalistic ideas was called: a.The Cultural Revolution b.The Bolshevik Revolution c.The Independence March d.Unification

8 A cultural experiment, led by Mao Zedong in 1965-1968, that forced communist ideology on protestors who had capitalistic ideas was called: a.The Cultural Revolution b.The Bolshevik Revolution c.The Independence March d.Unification

9 The agricultural experiment tried by Mao Zedong that forced a communistic form of farming on the people of China was called: a.Farm Aid b.The Agricultural Revolution c.Shangri-La d.The Great Leap Forward

10 The agricultural experiment tried by Mao Zedong that forced a communistic form of farming on the people of China was called: a.Farm Aid b.The Agricultural Revolution c.Shangri-La d.The Great Leap Forward

11 The Great Leap Forward was meant to promote: a.The communist ideal of everyone working together for the community and the state. b.India’s independence movement through non-violent protest. c.Mao Zedong’s power by removing all of his political enemies and educating Chinese youth. d.Japan’s economy after WWII so that the nation would not fall to communism.

12 The Great Leap Forward was meant to promote: a.The communist ideal of everyone working together for the community and the state. b.India’s independence movement through non-violent protest. c.Mao Zedong’s power by removing all of his political enemies and educating Chinese youth. d.Japan’s economy after WWII so that the nation would not fall to communism.

13 Which of the following areas remains divided into two opposing countries? a.Korean Peninsula b.Vietnam c.Pakistan d.Indonesia

14 Which of the following areas remains divided into two opposing countries? a.Korean Peninsula b.Vietnam c.Pakistan d.Indonesia

15 The Communist backed Chinese leader who united China under communist rule. He was the cause of death to over 50-70 million people. a.Gandhi b.Mao Zedong c.Joseph Stalin d.Douglas McArthur

16 The Communist backed Chinese leader who united China under communist rule. He was the cause of death to over 50-70 million people. a.Gandhi b.Mao Zedong c.Joseph Stalin d.Douglas McArthur

17 Even though China is moving toward a market economy, which of the following PROVES China is still run by communists? a.The government owns some of the industries, like mining and food-production. b.The Chinese flag is red (the color of communists). c.The Chinese people all share equal wealth. d.The government censors information, such as websites that tell about democracy.

18 Even though China is moving toward a market economy, which of the following PROVES China is still run by communists? a.The government owns some of the industries, like mining and food-production. b.The Chinese flag is red (the color of communists). c.The Chinese people all share equal wealth. d.The government censors information, such as websites that tell about democracy.

19 Mao Zedong is still alive and the leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). a.True b.False

20 Mao Zedong is still alive and the leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). a.True b.False

21 How did Communism influence China after Mao Zedong took over as its leader? a.Communism set China backward in economic development. b.Communism made China a world leader economically. c.Communism made no difference economically. d.Communism only effected the government, not the economy.

22 How did Communism influence China after Mao Zedong took over as its leader? a.Communism set China backward in economic development. b.Communism made China a world leader economically. c.Communism made no difference economically. d.Communism only effected the government, not the economy.

23 This was the name of the protest by students who wanted to explore capitalistic ideas. Over 3000 students were shot or wounded. a.The Boston Massacre b.The Chinese Revolution c.The Great Salt March d.The Tiananmen Square Protest

24 This was the name of the protest by students who wanted to explore capitalistic ideas. Over 3000 students were shot or wounded. a.The Boston Massacre b.The Chinese Revolution c.The Great Salt March d.The Tiananmen Square Protest

25 This was the name of the protest by students who wanted to explore capitalistic ideas. Over 3000 students were shot or wounded. a.The Boston Massacre b.The Chinese Revolution c.The Great Salt March d.The Tiananmen Square Protest

26 Pride in one’s country or ethnic group is called: a.Egocentric b.Nationalism c.Colonialism d.Ethnicity

27 Pride in one’s country or ethnic group is called: a.Egocentric b.Nationalism c.Colonialism d.Ethnicity

28 Describe how nationalism led to independence in India & Vietnam. a.The people did not like the values of their home country so they went to war. b.The people liked colonial rule so they didn’t do anything. c.The people of the country rallied around a desire to be free and independent of “outside” rule because of a feeling of pride for their home country. d.India and Vietnam are still colonies today.

29 Describe how nationalism led to independence in India & Vietnam. a.The people did not like the values of their home country so they went to war. b.The people liked colonial rule so they didn’t do anything. c.The people of the country rallied around a desire to be free and independent of “outside” rule because of a feeling of pride for their home country. d.India and Vietnam are still colonies today.

30 Who was Communism supposed to help? a.The working class b.The government c.The rich people d.The dictator

31 Who was Communism supposed to help? a.The working class b.The government c.The rich people d.The dictator

32 What type of government do communist countries usually end up with? Why? a. Autocracy, because the government wants to help all of its citizen. b. Democracy, so that everyone has an equal share of the wealth. c. Autocracy, because the government ends up keeping all of the power and wealth. d. Democracy, because the government is too weak to make communism work.

33 What type of government do communist countries usually end up with? Why? a. Autocracy, because the government wants to help all of its citizen. b. Democracy, so that everyone has an equal share of the wealth. c. Autocracy, because the government ends up keeping all of the power and wealth. d. Democracy, because the government is too weak to make communism work.

34 Vietnam was a _________ colony before it gained its independence. a. French b. Spanish c. British d. German

35 Vietnam was a _________ colony before it gained its independence. a. French b. Spanish c. British d. German

36 The Vietnamese leader of the communist-backed movement that led to independence from French colonial rule in Vietnam was named: a. Gandhi b. Harry S. Truman c. Ho Chi Minh d. Pol Pot

37 The Vietnamese leader of the communist-backed movement that led to independence from French colonial rule in Vietnam was named: a. Gandhi b. Harry S. Truman c. Ho Chi Minh d. Pol Pot

38 Which best describes the “domino theory”? a. All dominoes will fall if you knock over the first one. b. The United States’ fear of the U.S.S.R., Cuba, China. c. If communism takes over one country, the neighboring countries might become communist, too. d. All communists are dictators.

39 Which best describes the “domino theory”? a. All dominoes will fall if you knock over the first one. b. The United States’ fear of the U.S.S.R., Cuba, China. c. If communism takes over one country, the neighboring countries might become communist, too. d. All communists are dictators.

40 Why did the United States believe it was necessary to become involved in both Korea and Vietnam? a. To protect them from attack. b. To prevent a serious health crisis. c. To stop the spread of communism. d. To improve each country’s economy.

41 Why did the United States believe it was necessary to become involved in both Korea and Vietnam? a. To protect them from attack. b. To prevent a serious health crisis. c. To stop the spread of communism. d. To improve each country’s economy.

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