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The Last Supper by Da Vinci. Mary Magdalene By Carlo Dolci Note: the jar, red clothing and reddish hair.

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Presentation on theme: "The Last Supper by Da Vinci. Mary Magdalene By Carlo Dolci Note: the jar, red clothing and reddish hair."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Last Supper by Da Vinci

2 Mary Magdalene By Carlo Dolci Note: the jar, red clothing and reddish hair

3 Mary Magdalen by Anthony Frederick Agustus Sandys ca. 1860

4 Magdalen by Bernardo Luini

5 Mary Magdalen by Simone Martini

6 Mary Magdalen by Jan van Scorel

7 The Beloveds: Jesus and Mary Magdalene

8 Mary Magdalene with the Holy Grail

9 Magdala Alleged Birthplace of Mary Magdalen taken circa 1890-1900

10 Crucifixion with the Virgin, Mary Magdalene and St. John the Evangelist

11 Kreuaigung (Crucifixion) by Meister des Marienlebens

12 Mary Magdalene The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene by Alexander Ivanov

13 Noli me tangere (Don't touch me) by Correggio, circa 1518

14 Mary Magdalene with Lazarus and Martha by Unknown Spanish Artist

15 Jesus Anointed by Mary Magdalen

16 Magdalene Washing Jesus’ Feet with Her Hair

17 Penitent Mary Magdalene by Titian

18 The Penitent Magdalene by Guido Reni (1575-1642)

19 The Great Mother of the Middle East

20 x The Bride/Queen Laments over the Sacrificed Bridegroom/King

21 The King is Sacrificed for the sake of the community

22 Mary Magdalene with Jesus The Dynastic Marriage

23 Mary Magdalen by Da Vinci Note she is holding a thin veil over her reproductive area and pointing to her left ovary

24 Saint Sara Of Les Saintes-Maries- de-la-Mer

25 Saint Sara on Her Feast Day

26 The Penitent Mary Magdalene By Georges de La Tour with skull and mirror and note she is pregnant

27 Mary Magdalene

28 by Pietro Perugino

29 Mary Magdalene

30 in the Desert

31 Mary Magdalene Praying By Ary Scheffer

32 God the Father in Glory with St. Mary Magdalene and St. Catherine of Siena by Francis


34 Christ and Sinner The First Meeting of Christ and Mary Magdalene by Henryk Siemiradzki

35 Jesus and Mary

36 St. John the Baptist and St. Mary Magdalene by Hans Memling

37 Jesus Christ and his Beloved wife Mary Magdalene

38 Mary Magdalene and Yesuah

39 Jesus and Mary Magdalene This stain glass window is installed at Kilmore Church on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. Installed in 1906. Mary appears to be pregnant This stain glass is also installed at Rennes Le Chateau in the South of France

40 Mary Magdalene with Child

41 Eastern Orthodox icon of Mary Magdalene as a Myrrh bearer.

42 St Mary Magdalene by Piero della Francesca

43 Basilica to Mary Magdalene in Saint Maximin de Provence, France

44 The Mary Magdalene Reliquary It is located in a crypt beneath the Basilica at Saint Maximin de Provence, France

45 The reliquary contains what many believe is Mary Magdalene's Skull.

46 Gnosticism as a Path of Self Realization

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