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News  ewarming_081207221551 ewarming_081207221551.

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Presentation on theme: "News  ewarming_081207221551 ewarming_081207221551."— Presentation transcript:

1 News  ewarming_081207221551 ewarming_081207221551 ewarming_081207221551  DocumentID=553&ArticleID=6016&l=en DocumentID=553&ArticleID=6016&l=en DocumentID=553&ArticleID=6016&l=en  ne.html?npu=1&mbid=yhp ne.html?npu=1&mbid=yhp ne.html?npu=1&mbid=yhp  ctid=1488623605 ctid=1488623605 ctid=1488623605  /caution_whale_crossing_slow_to_1.html  climate_change_drought_to_strain_colorado_river/ climate_change_drought_to_strain_colorado_river/ climate_change_drought_to_strain_colorado_river/  termites_show_complexity_of_biofuel_work/ termites_show_complexity_of_biofuel_work/ termites_show_complexity_of_biofuel_work/

2 Ecological Footprint  It compares human consumption of natural resources with planet Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate them. natural resourcesEarthecologicalnatural resourcesEarthecological  It is an estimate of the amount of biologically productive land and sea area needed to regenerate (if possible) the resources a human population consumes and to absorb and render harmless the corresponding waste, given prevailing technology and current understanding. populationtechnology populationtechnology  Using this assessment, it is possible to estimate how many planet Earths it would take to support humanity if everybody lived a given lifestyle.

3  A hectare is the size of a soccer field  A global hectare accounts for average global productivity Image courtesy of WikimediaWikimedia Shared with a (CC BY-SA 3.0)(CC BY-SA 3.0)

4 Footprint by Component Image courtesy of World Wide Fund for Nature Japan Shared with (CC BY-SA 3.0)World Wide Fund for Nature Japan(CC BY-SA 3.0)

5 Your Ecological Footprint  index.php/GFN/page/calculators/ index.php/GFN/page/calculators/ index.php/GFN/page/calculators/

6 Gender  A) Male  B) Female

7 How often do you eat animal based products? (beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products)  A) Never(vegan) or Infrequently (no meat, and eggs/dairy a few times a week) (strict vegetarian)  B) Infrequently (vegetarian)  C) Occasionally (no meat or occasional meat, but eggs/dairy almost daily)  D) Often (meat once or twice a week)  E) Very often (meat daily)

8 How much of the food that you eat is processed, packaged and not locally grown (from more than 200 miles away)?  A) Most of the food I eat is processed, packaged, and from far away  B) Three quarters  C) Half  D) One quarter  E) Very little. Most of the food I eat is unprocessed, unpackaged and locally grown.

9 Compared to a typical American, how much trash do you generate?  A) Much less  B) Somewhat less  C) About the same  D) Much more

10 Which housing type best describes your home?  A) Free standing house without running water  B) Free standing house with running water  C) Multi-story apartment building  D) Row house or building with 2-4 housing units  E) Green-design residence

11 Do you have Electricity in your home?  A) Yes  B) No

12 How many people live in your household?  A) 1 person  B) 2 people  C) 3 people  D) 4-5 people  E) 6 or more people

13 What is the size of your home?  A) 2700 square feet or larger  B) 2200-2700 square feet  C) 1600-2200 square feet  D) 1050 -1600 square feet  E) 550-1050 square feet

14 On average, how far do you go by car each week (as a driver or passenger)?  A) 300 miles or more  B) 200-300 miles  C) 150-200 miles  D) 50-150 miles E) 0-50 miles

15 How far do you travel by motorbike each week?  A) 0-2 miles  B) 2-10 miles  C) 10-30 miles  D) 30-70 miles  E) more than 70 miles

16 How many miles per gallon does your car get? (If you do not own a car, estimate the average fuel efficiency of the cars you ride in.)  A) More than 40 miles per gallon  B) 30-40 miles per gallon  C) 15-30 miles per gallon  D) 5-15 miles per gallon  E) Fewer than 5 miles per gallon

17 What is the gas mileage of your motorbike?  A) 15-30  B) 30-40  C) 40-50  D) 50-60  E) more than 60 mpg

18 How often do you drive in a car with someone else, rather than alone?  A) Almost never B) Occasionally (about 25%) C) Often (about 50%) D) Very often (about 75%) E) Almost always

19 On average, how far do you travel on public transportation each week (bus, train, subway or ferry) ?  A) 50 miles or more  B) 25-50 miles  C) 5-25 miles  D) 1-5 miles  E) 0 miles

20 Approximately how many hours do you spend flying each year?  A) more than 100 hours  B) 25-100 hours  C) 10-25 hours  D) 4-10 hours  E) 0-4 hours

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