Please read the board!.  Rubric and Lab sheet – important guides.  This Thursday tutorial – Lab “retake”

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Presentation on theme: "Please read the board!.  Rubric and Lab sheet – important guides.  This Thursday tutorial – Lab “retake”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please read the board!

2  Rubric and Lab sheet – important guides.  This Thursday tutorial – Lab “retake”

3 Wildfire

4  The study of relationships between biotic and abiotic factors.  Fire  Succession  Intermediate disturbance hypothesis  Niche  Habitat

5  Primary Succession  Secondary succession

6  Fire wars 17-30  Can fire ever be beneficial?



9  1944 – US Forest Service  1988 – fires in Yellowstone shocked nation  1990 – fire policy change  Fire wars 53-1:03




13  Extinguish arson  Manage lightning strikes  Protect people  Prescribed burns used to reduce wildfire intensity and to take advantage of fire’s benefits to prairies/forests

14  Fire wars 17-30  Can fire ever be beneficial?  Armand Bayou prescribed burn Armand Bayou prescribed burn

15  Returns nutrients to soil  Helps certain seeds germinate  Forest – clears underbrush /fuel  Prairie – kills trees  Light can reach soil  Help control pathogens/insects


17  Yarnell Hill fire AZ (19 hot shots killed; lightning strike)  Yosemite National Park (campfire)  Perfect storm? ◦ Accumulated fuel ◦ More people living in remote areas ◦ Climate change and drought ◦ Crown fires are more intense than ground fires

18  Range of chemical or physical conditions that must be maintained for populations of a particular species to stay alive and grow, develop, and function normally.


20  Primary Succession  Secondary succession

21  Range of tolerance  Intermediate disturbance hypothesis  Succession

22  All things are interconnected.  Everything goes somewhere.  There’s no such thing as a free lunch.  Nature always bats last.

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