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Safety for Health Science Students. Classroom Rules No running, climbing, or throwing. Keep bags and purses on shelf or under desk. Keep your hands to.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety for Health Science Students. Classroom Rules No running, climbing, or throwing. Keep bags and purses on shelf or under desk. Keep your hands to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety for Health Science Students

2 Classroom Rules No running, climbing, or throwing. Keep bags and purses on shelf or under desk. Keep your hands to yourself. Respect yourself and others.

3 Lab Rules Students may not: –be in lab without teacher –be in storage areas without permission –sit or lay on beds –use equipment without permission

4 Clinical Rules Students must at all times: –stay within assigned unit –follow facility policy –dress appropriately –act in a respectful, courteous manner –be ready to leave at the proper time –work within your scope of practice doing what you are qualified to dodoing what you are qualified to do –maintain confidentiality

5 Classroom Safety You should notify the teacher at once if: –you note water in the floor. Do not leave the spill. –you note an electrical cord is damaged. Do not use cord. –Receive a major or minor injury.

6 Body Mechanics Body alignment is the way in which the body moves and maintains balance while making the most efficient use of all its parts It is critical for the health and safety of both the health care worker and patient

7 Key Reasons Muscles work best when used correctly Correct use makes lifting, pulling and pushing easier Correct use prevents unnecessary fatigue and strain saves energy.

8 Proper Body Alignment The head, trunk, arms, and legs are aligned with one another. The feet are separated 10 - 12 inches to provide a broad base of support. The muscles of the shoulders, upper arms, hips, and thighs are used to lift and move patients and heavy objects

9 Basic Rules 1. Use a broad base of support. 2. Push or pull using the weight of your body. 3. Don’t bend for long periods of time. 4. Use the strongest muscles to do the job. 5. Bend your knees and squat to lift heavy objects. 6. Carry objects close to the body. 7.Don’t twist and lift. 8.Get help if the load is too heavy

10 Ergonomics The science of designing a job to fit the worker to eliminate serious injuries related to: –Force –Repeating action –Awkward positions

11 Ergonomics in Action Keep objects in front of you or to your side. Don’t turn repetitively. If objects or heavy get help.

12 Fire Elements of fire –oxygen –heat (a spark or flame) –fuel One of these must be eliminated to extinguish a fire. Fire prevention –storage of flammable materials –maintenance of electrical equipment –non smoking facility

13 In Case of a Fire Know where extinguishers and emergency exits are Remember “R A C E” –R – rescue –A – alarm –C – confine –E – extinguish

14 Fire Extinguishers Four types –A – wood, paper, cloth –B – grease, oil –C – electrical –Combo – all purpose All fire extinguishers must be serviced yearly by a professional and checked monthly by the safety team

15 Using a Fire Extinguisher Remember the acronym “P A S S” –P -- pull the pin –A -- aim the nozzle –S -- squeeze the trigger –S – sweep from side to side

16 OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration Requires that: All substances must be labeled Labels must identify: –physical & health hazards –precaution measures –PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) –directions for using substance safely –storage and disposal information –labels MAY NOT be removed

17 Hazardous Materials A hazardous material is any substance that presents a physical or health hazard. OSHA requires that employees understand the risks and know how to handle hazardous substances. Physical hazards can cause fire or explosions. Health hazards can cause be acute (short) or chronic (long) term.

18 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) provide detailed information about –Product & company identification –Ingredient information –Hazard identification –First aid measures –Fire fighting measures –Accidental release measures –Handling & storage –Exposure controls/ PPE –Stability & reactivity

19 MSDS Employees (students) must know the location of the MSDS and how to use them The MSDS book in my classroom is….

20 Microorganisms A microorganism (microbe) is a small living plant or animal that can only be seen with a microscope. Microbes are everywhere. There are two classification ▫Non-pathogens – do not usually cause infections and help to maintain body processes ▫Pathogens – cause infection and disease

21 Classes of Microorganisms Bacteria Protozoa Fungi Rickettsiae Viruses

22 Modes of Transmission Microbes may be transmitted by: –Airborne Transmission –Bloodborne Transmission –Vectorborne Transmission –Sexual Transmission –Foodborne Transmission –Casual Contact

23 Rules of Hand Hygiene Wash your hands with soap & water when they are visibly dirty or soiled After using the restroom After contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions After coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose Before and after handling, preparing, or eating food

24 Isolation Precautions Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Gowns Masks Eyewear Special measures are used for –removing linens, trash, and equipment from the room –collecting and transporting specimens –transporting persons

25 Supplies and Equipment Most equipment is disposable, however, non disposable items must be cleaned and then disinfected. –Disinfection - process of destroying pathogens. –Germicides - disinfectants applied to skin, tissues, and non-living objects. –Chemical disinfectants - used to clean surfaces and reusable items. –Sterilization destroys all non-pathogens and pathogens, including spores

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