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Stochastic theory of nonlinear auto-oscillator: Spin-torque nano-oscillator Vasil Tiberkevich Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, MI,

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Presentation on theme: "Stochastic theory of nonlinear auto-oscillator: Spin-torque nano-oscillator Vasil Tiberkevich Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, MI,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stochastic theory of nonlinear auto-oscillator: Spin-torque nano-oscillator Vasil Tiberkevich Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA NLPV, Gallipoli, ItalyJune 15, 2008 In collaboration with: Andrei Slavin (Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA) Joo-Von Kim (Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)

2 Outline Introduction Linear and nonlinear auto-oscillators Spin-torque oscillator (STO) Stochastic model of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Generation linewidth of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Theoretical results Comparison with experiment (STO) Summary

3 Outline Introduction Linear and nonlinear auto-oscillators Spin-torque oscillator (STO) Stochastic model of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Generation linewidth of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Theoretical results Comparison with experiment (STO) Summary

4 Models of (weakly perturbed) auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle

5 Models of (weakly perturbed) auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle Phase model Unperturbed system:

6 Models of (weakly perturbed) auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle Phase model Unperturbed system: Perturbed system:

7 Models of (weakly perturbed) auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle Phase model Unperturbed system: Perturbed system:

8 Models of (weakly perturbed) auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle Phase model

9 Models of (weakly perturbed) auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle Phase model Weakly nonlinear model

10 Models of (weakly perturbed) auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle Phase model Weakly nonlinear model Complex amplitude:

11 Models of (weakly perturbed) auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle Phase model Weakly nonlinear model

12 Linear and nonlinear auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle Phase model Weakly nonlinear model

13 Linear and nonlinear auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle Phase model Weakly nonlinear model Nonlinear auto-oscillator: frequency depends on the amplitude

14 Linear and nonlinear auto-oscillators Auto-oscillator – autonomous dynamical system with stable limit cycle Phase model Weakly nonlinear model All conventional auto-oscillators are linear.

15 Outline Introduction Linear and nonlinear auto-oscillators Spin-torque oscillator (STO) Stochastic model of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Generation linewidth of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Theoretical results Comparison with experiment (STO) Summary

16 Spin-torque oscillator Electric current I Magnetic metal Ferromagnetic metal – strong self-interaction – strong nonlinearity Electric current – compensation of dissipation – auto-oscillatory dynamics

17 Spin-torque oscillator Spin-transfer torque: p M(t)M(t) Electric current I J. Slonczewski, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 159, L1 (1996) L. Berger, Phys. Rev. B. 54, 9353 (1996)

18 Equation for magnetization Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert-Slonczewski equation:

19 Equation for magnetization Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert-Slonczewski equation: – conservative torque (precession) precession

20 Equation for magnetization Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert-Slonczewski equation: – conservative torque (precession) – dissipative torque (positive damping) precession damping

21 Equation for magnetization Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert-Slonczewski equation: – conservative torque (precession) – dissipative torque (positive damping) – spin-transfer torque (negative damping) precession damping spin torque

22 Equation for magnetization Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert-Slonczewski equation: precession damping spin torque When negative current-induced damping compensates natural magnetic damping, self-sustained precession of magnetization starts.

23 Experimental studies of spin-torque oscillators S.I. Kiselev et al., Nature 425, 380 (2003) Microwave power

24 Experimental studies of spin-torque oscillators M.R. Pufall et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 082506 (2005)

25 Specific features of spin-torque oscillators S.I. Kiselev et al., Nature 425, 380 (2003) M.R. Pufall et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 082506 (2005)

26 Specific features of spin-torque oscillators S.I. Kiselev et al., Nature 425, 380 (2003) M.R. Pufall et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 082506 (2005) Strong influence of thermal noise (spin-torque NANO-oscillator)

27 Specific features of spin-torque oscillators S.I. Kiselev et al., Nature 425, 380 (2003) M.R. Pufall et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 082506 (2005) Strong influence of thermal noise (spin-torque NANO-oscillator) Strong frequency nonlinearity

28 Outline Introduction Linear and nonlinear auto-oscillators Spin-torque oscillator (STO) Stochastic model of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Generation linewidth of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Theoretical results Comparison with experiment (STO) Summary

29 Nonlinear oscillator model – oscillation power – oscillation phase precession damping spin torque

30 Nonlinear oscillator model precession – oscillation power – oscillation phase precession damping spin torque

31 Nonlinear oscillator model precession positive damping – oscillation power – oscillation phase precession damping spin torque

32 Nonlinear oscillator model negative damping positive damping precession – oscillation power – oscillation phase precession damping spin torque

33 How to find parameters of the model?

34 Start from the Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert-Slonczewski equation Rewrite it in canonical coordinates Perform weakly-nonlinear expansion Diagonalize linear part of the Hamiltonian Perform renormalization of non-resonant three-wave processes Take into account only resonant four-wave processes Average dissipative terms over “fast” conservative motion and obtain analytical results for

35 Deterministic theory Stationary solution: – oscillation power Stationary power is determined from the condition of vanishing total damping: Stationary frequency is determined by the oscillation power:

36 Deterministic theory: Spin-torque oscillator Stationary power is determined from the condition of vanishing total damping: Stationary frequency is determined by the oscillation power: – supercriticality parameter – threshold current – FMR frequency – nonlinear frequency shift

37 Generated frequency Frequency as function of applied field Frequency as function of magnetization angle Experiment: W.H. Rippard et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 027201 (2004) Experiment: W.H. Rippard et al., Phys. Rev. B 70, 100406 (2004)

38 Stochastic nonlinear oscillator model  – thermal equilibrium power of oscillations: Random thermal noise: Stochastic Langevin equation: – scale factor that relates energy and power:

39 Fokker-Planck equation for a nonlinear oscillator Probability distribution function (PDF) P(t, p,  ) describes probability that oscillator has the power p = |c| 2 and the phase  = arg(c) at the moment of time t. Deterministic terms describe noise-free dynamics of the oscillator Stochastic terms describe thermal diffusion in the phase space

40 Stationary PDF Stationary probability distribution function P 0 : does not depend on the time t (by definition); does not depend on the phase  (by phase-invariance of FP equation). Ordinary differential equation for P 0 (p): Stationary PDF for an arbitrary auto-oscillator: Constant Z 0 is determined by the normalization condition

41 Analytical results for STO “Material functions” for the case of STO: Analytical expression for the stationary PDF: Analytical expression for the mean oscillation power Here – exponential integral function

42 Power in the near-threshold region Experiment: Q. Mistral et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 192507 (2006). Theory: V. Tiberkevich et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 192506 (2007).

43 Outline Introduction Linear and nonlinear auto-oscillators Spin-torque oscillator (STO) Stochastic model of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Generation linewidth of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Theoretical results Comparison with experiment (STO) Summary

44 Linewidth of a conventional oscillator C L +R 0 –R s ~ e(t)e(t) Classical result (see, e.g., A. Blaquiere, Nonlinear System Analysis (Acad. Press, N.Y., 1966)): Full linewidth of an electrical oscillator

45 Linewidth of a conventional oscillator C L +R 0 –R s ~ e(t)e(t) Classical result (see, e.g., A. Blaquiere, Nonlinear System Analysis (Acad. Press, N.Y., 1966)): Full linewidth of an electrical oscillator Physical interpretation of the classical result FrequencyEquilibrium half-linewidthOscillation energy

46 Linewidth of a laser Quantum limit for the linewidth of a single-mode laser (Schawlow-Townes limit) [A.L. Schawlow and C.H. Townes, Phys. Rev. 112, 1940 (1958)]

47 Linewidth of a laser Quantum limit for the linewidth of a single-mode laser (Schawlow-Townes limit) [A.L. Schawlow and C.H. Townes, Phys. Rev. 112, 1940 (1958)] Physical interpretation of the classical result Effective thermal energyOscillation energy

48 Linewidth of a spin-torque oscillator Experiment by W.H. Rippard et al., DARPA Review (2004). Theoretical result [J.-V. Kim, PRB 73, 174412 (2006)]:

49 Linewidth of a spin-torque oscillator Experiment by W.H. Rippard et al., DARPA Review (2004). Physical interpretation: Theoretical result [J.-V. Kim, PRB 73, 174412 (2006)]:

50 Linewidth of a spin-torque oscillator Experiment by W.H. Rippard et al., DARPA Review (2004). Physical interpretation: Theoretical result [J.-V. Kim, PRB 73, 174412 (2006)]:

51 Linewidth of a spin-torque oscillator Experiment by W.H. Rippard et al., DARPA Review (2004). Physical interpretation: This theory does assumes that the frequency is constant Theoretical result [J.-V. Kim, PRB 73, 174412 (2006)]:

52 How to calculate linewidth? Power spectrum S(  ) is the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function K(  ) : two-time function Autocorrelation function K(  ) can not be found from the stationary PDF. Ways to proceed: Solve non-stationary Fokker-Planck equation [J.-V. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 167201 (2008)]; Analyze stochastic Langevin equation.

53 Power and phase fluctuations Two-dimensional plot of stationary PDFPower fluctuations are weak Oscillations – phase-modulated process: Autocorrelation function: Linewidth of any oscillator is determined by the phase fluctuations

54 Linearized power-phase equations Stochastic Langevin equation:

55 Linearized power-phase equations Stochastic Langevin equation: Power-phase ansatz:

56 Linearized power-phase equations Stochastic Langevin equation: Power-phase ansatz: Stochastic power-phase equations: Effective damping: Nonlinear frequency shift coefficient: Nonlinear frequency shift creates additional source of the phase noise Linear system of equations. Can be solved in general case.

57 Power fluctuations Correlation function for power fluctuations:

58 Power fluctuations Correlation function for power fluctuations: Power fluctuations are small

59 Power fluctuations Correlation function for power fluctuations: Power fluctuations are small Non-zero correlation time of power fluctuations Additional noise source –N  p for the phase fluctuations is Gaussian, but not “white”

60 Phase fluctuations Averaged value of the phase difference:

61 Phase fluctuations Averaged value of the phase difference: Determines mean oscillation frequency

62 Phase fluctuations Averaged value of the phase difference: Determines mean oscillation frequency Variance of the phase difference: – dimensionless nonlinear frequency shift

63 Phase fluctuations Averaged value of the phase difference: Determines mean oscillation frequency Variance of the phase difference: Determines oscillation linewidth – dimensionless nonlinear frequency shift Auto-correlation function:

64 Low-temperature asymptote “Random walk” of the phase

65 Low-temperature asymptote Lorentzian lineshape with the full linewidth Frequency nonlinearity broadens linewidth by the factor “Random walk” of the phase

66 Low-temperature asymptote Lorentzian lineshape with the full linewidth Frequency nonlinearity broadens linewidth by the factor Region of validity “Random walk” of the phase

67 High-temperature asymptote “Inhomogeneous broadening” of the frequencies

68 High-temperature asymptote Gaussian lineshape with the full linewidth Different dependence of the linewidth on the temperature: “Inhomogeneous broadening” of the frequencies

69 High-temperature asymptote Gaussian lineshape with the full linewidth Different dependence of the linewidth on the temperature: Region of validity “Inhomogeneous broadening” of the frequencies

70 Outline Introduction Linear and nonlinear auto-oscillators Spin-torque oscillator (STO) Stochastic model of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Generation linewidth of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Theoretical results Comparison with experiment (STO) Summary

71 Temperature dependence of STO linewidth Low-temperature asymptote gives correct order-of-magnitude estimation of the linewidth. Experiment: J. Sankey et al., Phys. Rev. B 72, 224427 (2005)

72 Angular dependence of the linewidth Nonlinear frequency shift coefficient N strongly depends on the orientation of the bias magnetic field Isotropic film, out-of-plane magnetization Anisotropic film, in-plane magnetization

73 Angular dependence of the linewidth Nonlinear frequency shift coefficient N strongly depends on the orientation of the bias magnetic field Isotropic film, out-of-plane magnetization Anisotropic film, in-plane magnetization

74 Angular dependence of the linewidth Experiment: W.H. Rippard et al., Phys. Rev. B 74, 224409 (2006) Out-of-plane magnetization Theory: J.-V. Kim, V. Tiberkevich and A. Slavin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 017207 (2008)

75 Angular dependence of the linewidth Nonlinear frequency shift coefficient N strongly depends on the orientation of the bias magnetic field Isotropic film, out-of-plane magnetization Anisotropic film, in-plane magnetization

76 Angular dependence of the linewidth Experiment: K. V. Thadani et al., arXiv: 0803.2871 (2008) In-plane magnetization

77 Outline Introduction Linear and nonlinear auto-oscillators Spin-torque oscillator (STO) Stochastic model of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Generation linewidth of a nonlinear auto-oscillator Theoretical results Comparison with experiment (STO) Summary

78 “Nonlinear” auto-oscillators (oscillators with power-dependent frequency) are simple dynamical systems that can be described by universal model, but which have not been studied previously There are a number of qualitative differences in the dynamics of “linear” and “nonlinear” oscillators: Different temperature regimes of generation linewidth (low- and high-temperature asymptotes) Different mechanism of phase-locking of “nonlinear” oscillators [A. Slavin and V. Tiberkevich, Phys. Rev. B 72, 092407 (2005); ibid., 74, 104401 (2006)] Possibility of chaotic regime of mutual phase-locking [preliminary results] Spin-torque oscillator (STO) is the first experimental realization of a “nonlinear” oscillator. Analytical nonlinear oscillator model correctly describes both deterministic and stochastic properties of STOs.

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