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64-bit and VCL Styles Deep Dive. Delphi 64-bit What’s the same? Integer, Longint, Cardinal – still 32bits Int64, UInt64 – still 64bits UnicodeString,

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Presentation on theme: "64-bit and VCL Styles Deep Dive. Delphi 64-bit What’s the same? Integer, Longint, Cardinal – still 32bits Int64, UInt64 – still 64bits UnicodeString,"— Presentation transcript:

1 64-bit and VCL Styles Deep Dive

2 Delphi 64-bit

3 What’s the same? Integer, Longint, Cardinal – still 32bits Int64, UInt64 – still 64bits UnicodeString, AnsiString, WideString Exceptions Runtime Library (RTL) SysUtils, Classes, etc…

4 Delphi 32 and 64-bit Type Sizes Signed types Delphi/32 Delphi/64 ShortInt 1 byte  SmallInt 2 bytes  LongInt 4 bytes  Integer 4 bytes  Int64 8 bytes  Unsigned typesDelphi/32 Delphi/64 Byte 1 byte  Word 2 bytes  LongWord 4 bytes  Cardinal 4 bytes  UInt64 8 bytes 

5 What’s different? NativeInt, NativeUint – 64bits Pointer (all pointers) – 64bits Dynamic Arrays – 64bit indexing Floating point math - Double

6 Delphi 32 and 64-bit Type Sizes Signed types Delphi/32 Delphi/64 NativeInt 4 bytes8 bytes Unsigned typesDelphi/32 Delphi/64 NativeUInt 4 bytes 8 bytes

7 Delphi 32 and 64-bit Pointer Types Pointer types Delphi/32 Delphi/64 Pointer String Class instance Class reference Interface AnsiString 4 bytes8 bytes WideString UnicodeString Procedure pointer Dynamic array PAnsiChar PWideChar PChar

8 The CPU – Programming model

9 Instructions and Addresses 64 bit address space Limited by physical hardware Same core Intel instruction set New REX prefix for 64bit instructions RIP-relative addressing Jumps – relative +/- 2GB 16 byte stack alignments Online resources

10 What does this mean for Delphi?

11 Don’t panic!

12 Delphi 64-bit on Windows Same Windows API – CreateWindowEx, PeekMessage, etc.. Same Delphi RTL – SysUtils, Classes, Generics.Collections, etc… Same VCL – Forms, Graphics, Controls, Menus, etc..

13 Category Identifier dcc32 dcc64 Compiler DCC defined defined VER230 defined defined PlatformMSWINDOWS defineddefined WIN32definednot defined WIN64not defineddefined CPU CPU386definednot defined CPUX86definednot defined CPUX64not defineddefined Availability ASSEMBLERdefineddefined UNICODEdefineddefined Pre-Defined Conditionals

14 Delphi 64-bit on Windows – some gotcha’s SizeOf(Pointer) <> SizeOf(Integer) – Integer Pointer casts will break in 64bit – SizeOf(THandle) = SizeOf(Pointer) – All Handles = SizeOf(Pointer) (HWND, HDC, etc..). All code in process must be 64bit – Must have 64bit versions of external non-Delphi libraries (DLLs) One, and only one, calling convention – register, pascal, cdecl, stdcall are ignored. safecall is still “special” Old “pointer math” code may break – Works in 32 and 64bit: MyPtr := PByte(P) + 10; TList’s internal FList is now a TPointerList. Used to be a PPointerList. Removing ^ should be sufficient to port from 32-bit to 64-bit. Tag property is now a NativeInt (32-bit vs 64-bit)

15 Delphi 64-bit on Windows – some gotcha’s Inline Assembly – Cannot mix asm blocks with Pascal code – Only procedural level asm blocks supported – Stack must be 16-byte aligned at each call instruction – Define locals for temp storage – Do not modify the RSP stack pointer – New unified calling convention. First 4 parameters in registers, RCX, RDX, R8, R9 (or XMM0-XMM3) Exception unwinding – No change for pure Delphi code. Exceptions function identically. – Inline Assembly can cause exception unwinding to fail if not properly written. SHL/SHR – 32-bit values (Integer et al) will only shift in 32-bit space. 64-bit values will of course shift in 64-bit space. No Extended type in 64-bit. Use TExtendedRec80 if necessary (binary files with Extendeds in them for instance)

16 Windows API gotcha’s SetWindowLong / GetWindowLong should be replaced by SetWindowLongPtr / GetWindowLongPtr for GWLP_HINSTANCE, GWLP_WNDPROC, etc… as they return pointers and handles. – Pointers passed to SetWindowLongPtr should be type-casted to LONG_PTR and not to Integer / Longint. SetWindowLong mapped to SetWindowLongPtr in Windows.pas. – Calls to our declaration of SetWindowLong are safe, as long as they are cast correctly.

17 Windows API gotcha’s (con’t) Use explicit casts to WPARAM and LPARAM where appropriate. – Example: Passing pointers through SendMessage SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, LPARAM(@MyCharArray)); Use LRESULT to cast message results – Example: Message.Result := LRESULT(Self); Message cracker records (TWMxxx) changed – Alignment changes and field-size changes

18 What can I do today? Find all Integer Pointer casts, including Integer instance casts. – Check for Pointer size assumptions Ensure external dependencies are also 64bit – Image/bitmap libraries – Hardware interfaces libraries – ActiveX controls Consider rewriting Assembler in pure-Pascal – Better future portability (think ARM CPUs…) – Rely more on algorithmic performance rather than raw assembly performance. Make sure you know what bit-size (32 vs 64) you’re shifting with SHL/SHR.

19 VCL

20 What’s New in the VCL? 64-bit VCL Styles


22 Themes in Delphi/C++Builder XE and earlier Only 1 "theme" supported (native Windows) 3rd party products required to change look of VCL apps Current “skinning" products for Windows common controls – Requiring hooking WndProc's – Intercepting control messages Separate controls needed for "custom" controls – TCustomControl / TGraphicControl descendants

23 VCL Styles Multiple styles provided/supported Custom style file creation Custom style classes Pluggable style engine Works with TWinControl and TGraphicControl descendants

24 VCL Styles TThemeServices replaced by TCustomStyleServices – Extends TThemeServices with more parts, states and methods TStyleEngine – Processes control messages – Calls StyleServices to render parts TStyleManager – Provides services such as LoadFromFile LoadFromResource RegisterStyle RegisterStyleClass - Associates file extension with Style class SetStyle Style selection Style engine selection Providing custom styles – Create style file (using provided style building tool) – Implement TCustomStyleServices descendant and render parts directly

25 What can’t be styled? TMainMenu/TPopupMenu (main menu bar is styled, but not the pop-up parts) Ribbon controls OS dialogs

26 Project Options | Appearance

27 From this…

28 To this!

29 VCL Style Designer

30 Typical Usage Uses Vcl.Styles, Vcl.Themes; TStyleManager.SetStyle(‘Ruby Red Graphite’); RTL


32 What’s new in the RTL? 64-bit for Windows!!! MacOSX - No COM, No ActiveX. :) – Windows specifics has been mapped to MacOSX equivalents wherever possible TOSVersion – Architecture (32/64-bit), Platform (Win/Mac), Major, minor OS version, Service Pack info TFormatSettings – replaces global format setting variables (that don't exist on MacOSX) TZipFile - cross platform Zip support SymLinks in IOUtils and SysUtils file handling routines – class function TFile.CreateSymLink(const Link, Target: string): Boolean; TLoginCredentialService – Extensible framework agnostic login credential services with support for callbacks (success, failure, etc) TPoint, TRect, TSize - new methods and properties TPointF, TRectF, TSizeF - floating point versions

33 TFormatSettings (SysUtils) type TFormatSettings = record // System.SysUtils … CurrencyString: string; CurrencyFormat: Byte; CurrencyDecimals: Byte; DateSeparator: Char; TimeSeparator: Char; ListSeparator: Char; ShortDateFormat: string; LongDateFormat: string; TimeAMString: string; TimePMString: string; ShortTimeFormat: string; LongTimeFormat: string; ShortMonthNames: array[1..12] of string; LongMonthNames: array[1..12] of string; ShortDayNames: array[1..7] of string; LongDayNames: array[1..7] of string; ThousandSeparator: Char; DecimalSeparator: Char; TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow: Word; … end;

34 TZipFile (System.Zip) type TZipFile = class.. public … procedure Open(ZipFileName: string; OpenMode: TZipMode); overload; procedure Open(ZipFileStream: TStream; OpenMode: TZipMode); overload; procedure Close; procedure Extract(FileName: string; Path: string = ''; CreateSubdirs: Boolean=True); overload; procedure Extract(Index: Integer; Path: string = ''; CreateSubdirs: Boolean=True); overload; procedure ExtractAll(Path: string = ''); procedure Read(Index: Integer; out Bytes: TBytes); overload; procedure Read(FileName: string; out Stream: TStream); overload; procedure Read(Index: Integer; out Stream: TStream); overload; procedure Add(FileName: string; ArchiveFileName: string = ''; Compression: TZipCompression = zcDeflate); overload; … property FileCount: Integer read GetFileCount; property FileNames: TArray read GetFileNames; … end;

35 TLoginCredentialService type TLoginCredentialService = class sealed public const Default = ''; DefaultUsrPw = 'DefaultUsrPw'; // do not localize DefaultUsrPwDm = 'DefaultUsrPwDm'; //do not localize … strict private class var FLoginHandlers: TStringList; strict private class constructor Create; class destructor Destroy; class function IndexOfHandler(const Context: TLoginCredentialEvent): Integer; public class procedure RegisterLoginHandler(const Context: string; const HandlerEvent: TLoginCredentialEvent); static; class procedure UnregisterLoginHandler(const Context: string; const HandlerEvent: TLoginCredentialEvent); static; class function GetLoginCredentialEvent(const Context: string): TLoginCredentialEvent; static; class function GetLoginCredentials(const Context: string; Sender: TObject; const Callback: TLoginEvent): Boolean; overload; static; class function GetLoginCredentials(const Context: string; const Callback: TLoginFunc): Boolean; overload; static; class function GetLoginCredentials(const Context: string; var Username, Password: string): Boolean; overload; static; class function GetLoginCredentials(const Context: string; var Username, Password, Domain: string): Boolean; overload; static; end;

36 TPointF (System.Types) type TPointF = record X: Single; Y: Single; public constructor Create(const P: TPointF); overload; constructor Create(const X, Y: Single); overload; constructor Create(P: TPoint); overload; class operator Equal(const Lhs, Rhs: TPointF): Boolean; class operator NotEqual(const Lhs, Rhs: TPointF): Boolean; class operator Add(const Lhs, Rhs: TPointF): TPointF; class operator Subtract(const Lhs, Rhs: TPointF): TPointF; function Distance(const P2: TPointF): Double; procedure SetLocation(const X, Y: Single); overload; procedure SetLocation(const P: TPointF); overload; procedure SetLocation(const P: TPoint); overload; … function Add(const Point: TPointF): TPointF; overload; function Add(const Point: TPoint): TPointF; overload; function Subtract(const Point: TPointF): TPointF; overload; function Subtract(const Point: TPoint): TPointF; overload; function IsZero: Boolean; function Ceiling: TPoint; function Truncate: TPoint; function Round: TPoint; end;

37 C++

38 What’s New in C++? FireMonkey Live Bindings DataSnap Extended RTTI Audits and Metrics

39 Demos

40 32-bit/64-bit Stylish Fish Facts C++ Stylish Fish Facts Stylish Live Bindings Fish Facts

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