Query Manager. QM is a collection of tools you can use to obtain information from the AS/400 database Used to –select, arrange, and analyze information.

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1 Query Manager

2 QM is a collection of tools you can use to obtain information from the AS/400 database Used to –select, arrange, and analyze information stored in one or more database tables, –to produce reports or new tables. You can create and run your own query definitions, or you can run existing queries that you did not create. You can format the way that retrieved query information is presented by creating a report form, and applying it when you run a query, You can let Query Manager format the query information for you, using a simple default report form.

3 Query Manager Query Manager queries are created using the AS/400 SQL language. –If you have little or no experience using the DB2 UDB for AS/400 SQL language, you can still create and change queries using Query Manager's prompted query creation mode. –A series of displays prompt you to enter all of the information that DB2 UDB for AS/400 needs to create a query Query Manager queries can obtain information from a single table or from as many as 32 tables. You can select all the table columns, or only a few of the columns, and organize them for the type of output chosen. You can have all table rows in the output, or you can select only a few to be included, using row selection tests. You can also use report breaks and arithmetic summary functions to include additional information in your report, and make it easier to read

4 The iSeries database The iSeries database is a relational database that stores information at the most basic level in table format. A database can be compared to a filing cabinet: 1.The cabinet can have any number of drawers (libraries or collections). 2.Each drawer contains folders (tables). 3.Each folder contains pieces of paper (rows). 4.All pieces of paper in a given folder are identical "fill-in-the-blanks" forms.

5 A query is a question asked of the database. For example, you use a query to get information from database tables to produce a report. All queries created in Query Manager are written in the DB2/400 SQL language. Most of the queries you write or run will be SQL SELECT statements to generate reports on existing database information. Query Manager queries can contain all interactive SQL statements except for the CONNECT, DISCONNECT, RELEASE, and SET CONNECTION statements. The following example shows a simple query that extracts information from the sample table shown on page SELECT DEPT, NAME, JOB, SALARY, COMM FROM MYCOMP.STAFF WHERE DEPT = 20 OR DEPT = 38 ORDER BY DEPT, JOB

6 Prompted queries in Query Manager Users with little or no experience in using the SQL language can create and change SELECT statement queries using Query Manager's prompted query creation mode A series of displays are shown, with prompts that ask you to enter all of the information that Query Manager needs to create the query. Answer the prompts shown on these displays to create a prompted query.

7 Report forms in Query Manager While a query is a question asked of the database, a report form specifies the format of the answer. The report itself is the result of applying a report form to the data generated by running a query. If you run a query shown without specifying a report form, Query Manager generates a default report form and produces a simple report. This default report form is referred to as *SYSDFT, the system default form. You can improve the presentation of the report by creating a report form and applying it to the query data. The report form could specify a page heading and footing, and column headings that are more descriptive

8 Starting DB2 UDB for AS/400 Query Manager You need to have authority to use the STRQM command before you can use Query Manager. Start Query Manager by typing STRQM on any command line, or by selecting the Query Manager option from one of the following menus: 1.Query Utilities menu 2.SQL Commands menu 3.Query Commands menu 4.Start Commands menu

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