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University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 3801 Concurrent Process Synchronization (Lock and semaphore) CSE 380 Lecture Note 5 Insup Lee.

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1 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 3801 Concurrent Process Synchronization (Lock and semaphore) CSE 380 Lecture Note 5 Insup Lee

2 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 3802 Locks lock (x) performs lock: [ if x = false then x := true else go to lock ] unlock (x) performs [x := false ] E.g., var x : boolean parbegin P1:... lock(x); CS_1; unlock(x) … … Pn:... lock(x); CS_n; unlock(x) … parend

3 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 3803 Properties 1. Starvation is possible. 2. Busy waiting. 3. Different locks may be used for different shared resources. 4. Proper use not enforced. E.g., forget to lock.

4 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 3804 How to implement locks Requires an atomic (uninterruptable at the memory level) operations like test-and-set or swap. atomic function TestAndSet (var x: boolean): boolean; begin TestAndSet := x; x := true; end procedure Lock (var x : boolean); while TestAndSet(x) do skip od; procedure Unlock (var x: boolean); x := false; (1) If not supported by hardware, TestAndSet can be implemented by disabling and unabling interrupts. (2) Lock can also be implemented using atomic swap(x,y).

5 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 3805 Hardware Instructions Examples: (1) VAX 11, (2) B6500 MIPS -- Load-Linked/Store Conditional (LL/SC) Pentium -- Compare and Exchange, Exchange, Fetch and Add SPARC -- Load Store Unsigned Bit (LDSTUB) in v9 PowerPC -- Load Word and Reserve (lwarx) and Store Word Conitional (stwcx)

6 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 3806 (1) VAX 11 BBSSI Branch on Bit Set and Set Interlocked. BBCCI Branch on Bit Clear and Clear Interlocked. op bitpos, var, displacement Operation: teststate = if {BBSSI} then 1 else 0 {set interlock} tmp := bit bit := teststate {release interlock} if tmp = teststate then pc := pc + displacement fi Busy waiting -- set bit and if already set then go to 1$ 1$: BBSSI bit, base, 1$

7 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 3807 (2) B6500 Read with lock operation. SPIN: If RDLK (x) then go to SPIN; RDLK(x) register memory A: addr of x B: 1 x: Swap the contents of B and x in one memory cycle and return B.

8 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 3808 Semaphores P V Dijkstra ‘65 wait signal Per Brinch Hansen The semaphore has a value that is invisible to the users and a queue of processes waiting to acquire the semaphore. type semaphore = record value : integer; L : list of process; end P(S):[ S.value := S.value-1; if S.value < 0 then add this process to S.L; block; end if ] V(S):[ S.value := S.value + 1; if S.value <= 0 then remove a process P from S.L; wakeup(P); end if ]

9 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 3809 Properties of semaphore parbegin S.value = 1 P1:... P(S); CS1; V(S);... P2:... P(S); CS2; V(S);...... Pn:... P(S); CSn; V(S);... parend Properties No busy waiting May starve unless FCFS (scheduling left to the implementer of semaphores) Can handle multiple users by proper initialization. Example: 3 tape drivers Can implement scheduling on an precedence graph.

10 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38010 More properties and examples e.g. P2 P1 P4 P3 P6 P5 P1: Do Work P2: P(S12) P3: P(13) V(S12) Do Work Do Work V(S13) V(S24) V(S34) V(S35) 5Proper use can't be enforced by compiler. e.g. P(S) V(S) CS CS V(S) P(S) e.g. S1, S2 P1: P(S1) P2: P(S2) P(S2) P(S1) CS CS V(S2) V(S1) V(S1) V(S2)

11 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38011 Classical problems The bounded buffer problem The readers and writers problems The sleeping barber problem The dining philosophers problem

12 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38012 The Producer-Consumer Problem  bounded buffer (of size n)  one set of processes (producers) write to it  one set of processes (consumers) read from it semaphore: full = 0 /* counting semaphores */ empty = n mutex = 1 /* binary semaphore */ process Producer process Consumer do forever do forever. P(full) /* produce */ P(mutex). /* take from buffer */ P(empty) V(mutex) P(mutex) V(empty) /* add to buffer */. V(mutex) /* consume */ V(full). end end

13 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38013 The Dining Philosopher Problem Five philosopher spend their lives thinking + eating. One simple solution is to represent each chopstick by a semaphore. P before picking it up & V after using it. var chopstick: array[0..4] of semaphores=1 philosopher i repeat P( chopstock[i] ); P( chopstock[i+1 mod 5] );... eat... V( chopstock[i] ); V( chopstock[i+1 mod 5] );... think... forever Is deadlock possible?

14 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38014 Number of possible states o5 philosophers oLocal state (LC) for each philosoper thinking, waiting, eating oGlabal state = (LC 1, LC 2, …, LC5) E.g., (thinking, waiting, waiting, eating, thinking) E.g., (waiting, eating, waiting, eating, waiting) oSo, the number of global states are 3 ** 5 = 243 oActually, it is a lot more than this since waiting can be Waiting for the first fork Waiting for the second fork

15 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38015 Number of possible behaviors Sequence of states Initial state: (thinking,thinking,thinking,thinking,thinking) The number of possible behaviors = 5 x 5 x 5 x … Deadlock state: (waiting,waiting,waiting,waiting, waiting) Given the state transition model of your implementation, show that it is not possible to reach the deadlock state from the initial state.

16 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38016 The Readers and Writers Problem Shared data to be accessed in two modes: reading and writing. –Any number of processes permitted to read at one time –writes must exclude all other operations. Read Write Read Y N conflict Write N N matrix Intuitively: Reader: | Writer: when(no_writers==0) do | when(no_readers==0 no_readers=no_readers+1 | and no_writers==0) do | no_writers = 1 | | | no_readers=no_readers-1 | no_writers = 0. |.. |.

17 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38017 A Solution to the R/W problem Semaphore: mutex = 1 /* mutual excl. for updating readcount */ wrt = 1 /* mutual excl. writer */ int variable: readcount = 0 Reader: P(mutex) readcount = readcount + 1 if readcount == 1 then P(wrt) V(mutex) P(mutex) readcount = readcount – 1 if readcount == 0 then V(wrt) V(mutex) Writer: P(wrt) V(wrt) Notes: wrt also used by first/last reader that enters/exits critical section. Solution gives priority to readers in that writers can be starved by stream of readers.

18 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38018 2 nd assignment Use semaphores Need to have shared memory between processes to allocate semaphores

19 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38019 Semaphores A semaphore is a non-negative integer count and is generally used to coordinate access to resources System calls: int sema_init(sema_t *sp, unsigned int count, int type, void * arg): Initialize semaphores pointed to by sp to count. type can assign several different types of behavior to a semaphore int sema_destroy(sema_t *sp); destroys any state related to the semaphore pointed to by sp. The semaphore storage space is not released. int sema_wait(sema_t *sp); blocks the calling thread until the semaphore count pointed to by sp is greater than zero, and then it atomically decrements the count.

20 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38020 Semaphores (cont’d) int sema_trywait(sema_t *sp); atomically decrements the semaphore count pointed to by sp, if the count is greater than zero; otherwise, it returns an error. int sema_post(sema_t *sp); atomically increments the semaphore count pointed to by sp. If there are any threads blocked on the semaphore,one will be unblocked.

21 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38021 Example The customer waiting-line in a bank is analogous to the synchronization scheme of a semaphore using sema_wait() and sema_trywait():

22 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38022 Semaphores example #include #define TELLERS 10 sema_t tellers; /* semaphore */ int banking_hours(), deposit_withdrawal; void *customer(), do_business(), skip_banking_today();... sema_init(&tellers, TELLERS, USYNC_THREAD, NULL); /* 10 tellers available */ while(banking_hours()) pthread_create(NULL, NULL, customer, deposit_withdrawal);... void * customer(int deposit_withdrawal) { int this_customer, in_a_hurry = 50; this_customer = rand() % 100;

23 University of Pennsylvania 9/21/00CSE 38023 if (this_customer == in_a_hurry) { if (sema_trywait(&tellers) != 0) if (errno == EAGAIN) { /* no teller available */ skip_banking_today(this_customer); return; } /* else go immediately to available teller and decrement tellers */ } else sema_wait(&tellers); /* wait for next teller, then proceed, and decrement tellers */ do_business(deposit_withdrawal); sema_post(&tellers); /* increment tellers; this_customer's teller is now available */ }

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