Beehive: Achieving O(1) Lookup Performance in P2P Overlays for Zipf-like Query Distributions Venugopalan Ramasubramanian (Rama) and Emin Gün Sirer Cornell.

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1 Beehive: Achieving O(1) Lookup Performance in P2P Overlays for Zipf-like Query Distributions Venugopalan Ramasubramanian (Rama) and Emin Gün Sirer Cornell University

2 introduction caching is widely-used to improve latency and to decrease overhead passive caching caches distributed throughout the network store objects that are encountered not well-suited for a large-class applications

3 problems with passive caching no performance guarantees heavy-tail effect large percentage of queries to unpopular objects ad-hoc heuristics for cache management introduces coherency problems difficult to locate all copies weak consistency model

4 overview of beehive general replication framework for structured DHTs decentralization, self-organization, resilience properties high performance: O(1) average lookup time scalable: minimize number of replicas and reduce storage, bandwidth, and network load adaptive: promptly respond to changes in popularity – flash crowds

5 0122 prefix-matching DHTs object 0121 2012 0021 0112 log b N hops several RTTs on the Internet

6 key intuition tunable latency adjust number of objects replicated at each level fundamental space- time tradeoff 2012 0021 0112 0122

7 analytical model optimization problem minimize: total number of replicas, s.t., average lookup performance  C configurable target lookup performance continuous range, sub one-hop minimizing number of replicas decreases storage and bandwidth overhead

8 analytical model zipf-like query distributions with parameter  number of queries to r th popular object  1/r  fraction of queries for m most popular objects  (m 1-  - 1) / (M 1-  - 1) level of replication nodes share i prefix-digits with the object i hop lookup latency replicated on N/b i nodes

9 optimization problem minimize (storage/bandwidth) x 0 + x 1 /b + x 2 /b 2 + … + x K-1 /b K-1 such that (average lookup time is C hops) K – (x 0 1-  + x 1 1-  + x 2 1-  + … + x K-1 1-  )  C and x 0  x 1  x 2  …  x K-1  1 b: base K: log b (N) x i : fraction of objects replicated at level i

10 optimal closed-form solution d j (K’ – C) 1 + d + … + d K’-1 1 1 -  [ ] x* i =, 0  i  K’ – 1 where, d = b (1-  ) / , K’  i  K K’ is determined by setting (typically 2 or 3) x* K’-1  1  d K’-1 (K’ – C) / (1 + d + … + d K’-1 )  1 1

11 latency - overhead trade off

12 beehive: system overview estimation popularity of objects, zipf parameter local measurement, limited aggregation replication apply analytical model independently at each node push new replicas to nodes at most one hop away

13 beehive replication protocol 0 1 2 * home node EL 3 0 1 * EBIL 2 0 * ABCDEFGHI L 1 object 0121

14 mutable objects leverage the underlying structure of DHT replication level indicates the locations of all the replicas proactive propagation to all nodes from the home node home node sends to one-hop neighbors with i matching prefix-digits level i nodes send to level i+1 nodes

15 implementation and evaluation implemented using Pastry as the underlying DHT evaluation using a real DNS workload MIT DNS trace (zipf parameter 0.91) 1024 nodes, 40960 objects compared with passive caching on pastry main properties evaluated lookup performance storage and bandwidth overhead adaptation to changes in query distribution

16 evaluation: lookup performance passive caching is not very effective because of heavy tail query distribution and mutable objects. beehive converges to the target of 1 hop

17 evaluation: overhead Bandwidth Storage average number of replicas per node Pastry40 PC-Pastry420 Beehive380

18 evaluation: flash crowds lookup performance

19 evaluation: zipf parameter change

20 Cooperative Domain Name System (CoDoNS) replacement for legacy DNS secure authentication through DNSSEC incremental deployment path completely transparent to clients uses legacy DNS to populate resource records on demand deployed on planet-lab

21 advantages of CoDoNS higher performance than legacy DNS median latency of 7 ms for codons (planet- lab), 39 ms for legacy DNS resilience against denial of service attacks self configuration after host and network failures fast update propagation

22 conclusions model-driven proactive caching O(1) lookup performance with optimal replicas beehive: a general replication framework structured overlays with uniform fan-out high performance, resilience, improved availability well-suited for latency sensitive applications

23 evaluation: zipf parameter change

24 evaluation: instantaneous bandwidth overhead

25 lookup performance: target 0.5 hops

26 lookup performance: planet-lab

27 typical values of zipf parameter MIT DNS trace:  = 0.91 Web traces: traceDecUPisaFuNetUCBQuestNLANR  0.830.84 0.830.880.90

28 comparative overview of structured DHTs DHT lookup performance CANO(dN 1/d ) Chord, Kademlia, Pastry, Tapestry, Viceroy O(logN) de Bruijn graphs (Koorde)O(logN/loglogN) Kelips, Salad, [Gupta, Liskov, Rodriguez], [Mizrak, Cheng, Kumar, Savage] O(1)

29 O(1) structured DHTs DHT lookup performance routing state SaladdO(dN 1/d ) [Mizrak, Cheng, Kumar, Savage] 2 NN Kelips1  N (  N replication) [Gupta, Liskov, Rodriguez] 1N

30 security issues in beehive underlying DHT corruption in routing tables [Castro, Druschel, Ganesh, Rowstrom, Wallach] beehive misrepresentation of popularity remove outliers application corruption of data certificates (ex. DNS-SEC)

31 Beehive DNS: Lookup Performance CoDoNSLegacy DNS median6.56 ms38.8 ms 90 th percentile281 ms337 ms

32 introduction distributed peer-peer overlay networks decentralized self-organized distributed hash tables (DHTs) store – lookup interface unstructured DHTs Freenet, Gnutella, Kazaa bad lookup performance: accuracy and latency

33 example b = 32 C = 1  = 0.9 N = 10,000 M = 1,000,000 x* 0 = 0.001102 = 1102 objects x* 1 = 0.0519 = 51900 objects x* 2 = 1 total storage = 3700 objects per node total storage for Kelips = M/  N = 10,000 objects per node

34 structured overlays distributed peer-to-peer overlays decentralized, self-organized, resilient structured DHTs object storage and retrieval bounded average, worst-case latency latency sensitive applications domain name service (DNS) and web access need sub one hop latency

35 analytical model configurable target lookup performance continuous range even better with proximity routing minimizing number of replicas provides storage as well as bandwidth efficiency k’ is a upper bound on lookup performance of successful query assumptions homogeneous object sizes infrequent updates

36 beehive replication protocol periodic packets to nodes in routing table asynchronous and independent exploit structure of underlying DHT replication packet sent by node A to each node B in level i of routing table node B pushes new replicas to A and tells A which replicas to remove fluctuations in estimated popularity aging to prevent sudden changes hysteresis to limit thrashing

37 evaluation: DNS application DNS survey queried 594059 unique domain names TTL distribution: 95% < 1 day rate of change of entries: 0.13% per day MIT DNS trace: 4 ~ 11 december 2000 4 million queries for 300,000 distinct names zipf parameter: 0.91 setup simulation mode on single node 1024 nodes, 40960 distinct objects 7 queries per sec from MIT trace 0.8% per day rate of change

38 introduction lookup latency and storage CANChordPastryKelips latencyO(dN 1/d )O(log 2 N)O(log b N)O(1) 1,000,000 nodes 39.8 hops d = 10 19.93 hops4.98 hops b = 16 ~1 hop 86.4 ms/hop 3.4 sec1.7 sec0.43 sec0.0864 sec storageO(1/N) O(1/  N)

39 improving lookup latency passive caching of lookup results  not effective for heavy-tail query distributions  no guaranteed performance  updates invalidate cached results O(1) lookup performance trade off storage and bandwidth for performance Kelips: O(  N) replicas per object [GLR2003]: complete routing table

40 differential replication 37420***** ***** level 0 3**** 3**** level 1 37***level 2 obj id

41 optimal storage: C = 1 hop

42 summary and useful properties constant average lookup latency the constant is configurable popular objects have shorter lookup times? upper bounded by K’ (2 for  = 0.8) optimal overhead the storage and bandwidth requirements can be estimated overhead decreases with increasing  high availability for popular objects mitigates flash crowd effect proactive replication supports mutable objects more benefits can be derived by using proximity optimizations

43 a peer-peer DNS why p2p? iterative queries name-server mis-configurations  lots of failures and increased traffic less availability  chain of NS records update problem (Akamai) why BeeHive? constant lookup time  upper bound given by K’ (~2 or 3 hops)  comparable or better performance better availability due to replication support for mutability

44 DNS over beehive: distributed cooperative active cache deploy incrementally non-uniform rate of change scale popularity metric proportionately lookup failure negative caching reverse iterative resolution  lookup, then, then com…  fetches NS records  locality  inverse queries

45 DNS over BeeHive: security DNSSEC public key cryptography, signature chains namespace management  big sizes of key and sig records cache chain of key records for authentication popularity( > popularity( avoid duplicate key records authenticated denial reverse iterative resolution

46 other potential applications translation services semantic free lookup P6P p2p file sharing  text based search  anti-social applications? web  widely varying object sizes  dynamic content

47 conclusions BeeHive: p2p system based on differential replication goals efficient: constant lookup time with minimal overhead robust: self-organization and resilience against the vagaries of the network secure: resilience against malicious elements CoDoNS: Cooperative DNS on BeeHive

48 selective bibliography traces and zipf distributions web caching and zipf-like distributions: evidence and implications  Breslau, Cao, Fan, Phillips, and Shenker [infocom’99] popularity of gnutella queries and their implications on scalability  Sripanidkulchai [2002] caching and replication replication strategies in unstructured p2p networks  Cohen and Shenker [sigcomm’02] cup: controlled update propagation in p2p networks  Roussopoulos and Baker [usenix’03] DNS development of DNS system  Mockapetris [sigcomm’88] DNS performance and effectiveness of caching  Jung, Sit, Balakrishnan, and Morris [sigmetrics’01] serving DNS using a peer-to-peer lookup service  Cox, Muthitacharoen, and Morris [iptps’02]

49 notations b:base of the DHT system N:number of nodes (b K ) M:number of objects  :alpha of zipf-like query distribution x j :fraction of objects replicated at level j or lower x 2 = fraction of objects replicated at levels 0, 1, and 2 0  x 0  x 1  x 2  …  x K-1  x K = 1

50 storage and bandwidth per node storage required at level j = M(x j – x j-1 )/b j total per node storage = Mx 0 + M(x 1 – x 0 )/b + M(x 2 – x 1 )/b 2 + … + M(x K – x K-1 )/b K = M [(1 – 1/b)(x 0 + x 1 /b + x 2 /b 2 + … + x K-1 /b K-1 ) + 1/b K ] total bandwidth = M b K [(1 – 1/b)(x 0 + x 1 /b + x 2 /b 2 + … + x K-1 /b K-1 )]

51 lookup latency fraction of queries for Mx j objects  ((Mx j ) 1-  - 1) / (M 1-  - 1)  x j 1-  average lookup time at level j  j (x j 1-  - x j-1 1-  ) average lookup time  (x 1 1-  - x 0 1-  ) + 2(x 2 1-  - x 1 1-  ) + … + K(x K 1-  - x K-1 1-  )  K – (x 0 1-  + x 1 1-  + x 2 1-  + … + x K-1 1-  )

52 optimization problem minimize x 0 + x 1 /b + x 2 /b 2 + … + x K-1 /b K-1 such that (x 0 1-  + x 1 1-  + x 2 1-  + … + x K-1 1-  )  K – C and x 0  x 1  x 2  …  x K-1  1 and x K-1  1

53 solution minimize x 0 + x 1 /b + x 2 /b 2 + … + x K’-1 /b K ’ -1 such that (x 0 1-  + x 1 1-  + x 2 1-  + … + x K’-1 1-  )  K’ – C solution using lagrange multiplier technique d j (K’ – C) 1 + d + … + d K’-1 1 1 -  [ ] x* j = 0  j  K’ – 1 d = b (1-  ) /  x* j = 1 K’  j  K K’ is determined by setting x* K’-1  1  d K’-1 (K’ – C) / (1 + d + … + d K’-1 )  1

54 constant lookup time systems kelips and scuttlebutt trade off bandwidth and storage for performance one-hop lookup latency resilience against transient nodes O(√N) replication of all objects  expensive update propagation

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