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SEIS 605 Technical Communication. Steps to ensure you listen actively: 1. Consciously decide to listen actively. 2. Define your purpose for listening.

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1 SEIS 605 Technical Communication


3 Steps to ensure you listen actively: 1. Consciously decide to listen actively. 2. Define your purpose for listening. 3. Take specific actions to listen more effectively. 4. Adapt to the situation.

4 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Consciously decide to listen actively: Simply make up your mind that you will listen actively. Active listening requires a conscious effort. “Seek first to understand, and then to be understood.”

5 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Define your purpose for listening (Part 1 of 2): Important for keeping your attention from drifting. Important for avoiding formulating your response while the speaker is still talking. Important for ensuring you don’t interrupt the speaker.

6 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Define your purpose for listening (Part 2 of 2): Ask yourself... “What information do I hope to get, and how will I use it?” “What message do I want to send while I listen (e.g., understanding, flexibility, competence)?” “How can I keep present factors (e.g., boredom, anger) from interfering with my ability to listen?”

7 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Take specific actions to listen more effectively: Make a conscious effort to be impartial. Slow the communication by asking for clarifications or by paraphrasing the message. Put yourself in the speaker’s position. TAKE NOTES.

8 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Adapt to the situation: The requirements for active listening are different for each situation. Listening for information (e.g., a lecture) involves less engagement. Listening for a team project requires a high level of engagement (e.g., subtleties, hidden opportunities).

9 SEIS 605 Technical Communication

10 Give everyone a chance to speak—If someone is quiet, ask for his or her ideas. Let each speaker finish—Hold your thoughts until the speaker has finished hers. Focus on ideas—Be sure you understand what the person is saying.

11 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Ask for clarification and elaboration— Before responding with your comment or idea, make sure you have the complete picture of the speaker’s points. Show that you are paying attention— If you agree with the speaker, say things such as, “That’s interesting,” “I hadn’t thought of that,” or even “Uh- huh.”

12 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Look at the speaker—Eye contact appears more friendly and attentive than not using eye contact. Refrain from distracting gestures— Speakers are often uncomfortable when listeners use nervous gestures such as cleaning their fingernails, drumming their fingers, or holding their hands over their mouths.

13 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Review (from Alred Handbook): 1. Consciously decide to listen actively. 2. Define your purpose for listening. 3. Take specific actions to listen more effectively. 4. Adapt to the situation.

14 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Review (from Anderson textbook 1 of 2): Give everyone a chance to speak. Let each speaker finish. Focus on ideas. Ask for clarification and elaboration.

15 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Review (from Anderson textbook 2 of 2): Show that you are paying attention. Look at the speaker. Refrain from distracting gestures.

16 SEIS 605 Technical Communication Discussion and questions

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