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University of Bath equality update Mark Humphriss, Equality and Diversity Committee Chair Thursday May 8 th 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Bath equality update Mark Humphriss, Equality and Diversity Committee Chair Thursday May 8 th 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Bath equality update Mark Humphriss, Equality and Diversity Committee Chair Thursday May 8 th 2014

2 Monitoring data – students (1/12/2013) 16k students – 45% female, 5k international Of Home/EU students UG participation 43% female, 12% BAME, 19% lower SEG, 8% disabled UG retention rates 98% overall, 97% female, 97% BAME, 95% lower SEG, 93% mature students UG attainment disability no differential, negative differential for men, BAME and mature students Graduate destinations no major differentials

3 Monitoring data – staff (31/7/2013) 2741 staff – 48% women Small increase to 7% BAME and 2.6% disabled staff Started to disclose religion and sexual orientation (c30%) Women make up 10% of professors, now increased by 3 to 12% Equal pay review every year: latest shows 21% pay gap (15% excl senior staff/ professors)

4 Athena SWAN Bronze accreditation re-awarded Departmental awards being submitted STEM Culture Survey recently carried out Particular focus on Promotion/ appointment of women academics Appointment of more women HoDs Gender balance on key committees Mentoring/ leadership/ culture/ environment Annual lecture 15 May Prof Yellowlees: all welcome

5 Disabled Access EDC overall leadership role: main item for E&D Network and Committee each year ‘Gold button’ Updates on broken lifts etc Reviewing signage Disabled Go website information being strengthened Also, inclusive curriculum project

6 Other significant activity Staff Survey E&D analysis/ group University and SU signed Time to Change pledge (combatting mental health stigma and discrimination): programme now underway One Bath week (SU) Assistive Technology officer for staff and students Trans toolkits for staff and students

7 Looking ahead Degree Attainment Group focus on BAME/ men Athena SWAN Introduce unconscious bias e-module New equality analysis programme Continuing to implement our Statement of Equality Objectives

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