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Dalton Jacobs Brian Sebastian Nidheesh Sharma 26 May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Dalton Jacobs Brian Sebastian Nidheesh Sharma 26 May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dalton Jacobs Brian Sebastian Nidheesh Sharma 26 May 2011

2  Introduction ◦ Related Work  Problem Statement  Proposal ◦ High Level Overview  Work Allocation  Methodology  Ethical Issues  Risks  Anticipated Outcomes  Timeline  Conclusion  References Nidheesh Dalton Brian

3 What is Diabetes?  A medical disorder that is characterized by raised glucose levels due to insufficient insulin secretion or reduced insulin action, or both

4  In 2004, about 3.4 million people worldwide died from diabetes [WHO 2011]  2 people every 10 seconds!  In 2006, approx. 6.5 million diabetics in South Africa [Health 24 2006] ◦ Out of an estimated population of 47 million South Africans at that time period [Statistics South Africa 2006] ◦ Only 8000 were registered with the Diabetes South Africa network [Health 24 2006]

5 How to manage Diabetes  Self Management ◦ Self monitoring of blood glucose levels ◦ Diet control  Social Support ◦ Family and Friends ◦ Communicating with other patients ◦ Seeking quick professional advice

6  Diabetes Pilot software [Digital Altitudes 2010] + Compatible with mobile devices and computers - Costly and not affordable by an average user thus limiting the products recognition in a society

7  CureTogether Social Network [Swan 2009] + Allows patients to anonymously compare and track conditions with one another - Focuses more on information sharing and not so much on emotional support  PatientsLikeMe Social Network [Swan 2009] + Offers patient-to-patient support based on their own experience - Not easily accessible from any other device other than a computer thus restricting communication

8  In South Africa, there is a lack of publicly available E-Health systems for diabetes self- management  Lack of publicly available online social support structures for diabetics in South Africa  Patients prefer remaining anonymous when interacting with other patients  An Investigation into the Accessibility and Affordability of E-Health Systems in South Africa is required

9  Investigate what type of E-Health system that diabetic patients really need ◦ Questionnaires, Interviews, Online Surveys  Design a System based on User Requirements ◦ User Centred Design ◦ Affordable and Easily Accessible  Through the possible use of location based service  Pilot the Final Working System


11  Workload will be divided into 3 different sections as follows:  Team Member 1: Diabetes Self-Management System  Team Member 2: Social Support and Social Networking  Team Member 3: Applicability of E-health to Mobile Technology


13 Piloting 1 2 4 3

14 Analysis Stage  Consists of obtaining information from diabetic patients in order to define the requirements of the new system ◦ Project Test Users ◦ Questionnaires and Online Surveys

15 Analysis Stage  Consists of obtaining information from diabetic patients in order to define the requirements of the new system ◦ Localization  Location-based Service  Each team member is responsible for investigating the integration of localization with our final system

16 Design and Development Stage  Involves developing prototypes by utilizing the information from the initial stage ◦ Low Fidelity Prototype ◦ High Fidelity Prototype

17 Implementation Stage  Pilot Final System ◦ Evaluation of system will be targeted at user group derived in analysis stage

18 Final System Evaluation Stage  A quantitative evaluation of the final system ◦ Questionnaires ◦ Log files of Final System  Whether the speed of using the system improves over time  Illustrate if our system is utilized on a regular basis (Time Permitting)

19  Ensure Anonymity of Participants if required  Obtain ethical clearance from the university to conduct these user experiments  Inform participants to continue their usual diabetes management as well as use our new system

20  Hardware Issues  Failure to attract users  Ethical clearance delay  Data collection delay  Unfamiliarity with Certain Technologies

21  The amount of users who volunteer to take part in this research  Constructive feedback from participants

22  A functioning system developed from user defined design  Positive evaluation of system ◦ An affordable system ◦ Easily accessible system by potential users


24  Develop a system that focuses more on the user’s needs that possibly revolutionises the healthcare system ◦ Affordable and Easily Accessible ◦ Based on User Centred Design  A system to provide a better way to self- manage an individual’s health and allow them to assist each other by means of social networking

25  Examine methods to promote an E-health system  Centred on continuous evaluation ◦ Users will be given a two week period to utilize the system and include it in their daily life ◦ Allows us to monitor the system in actual use



28  DIGITAL ALTITUDES. 2010. Diabetes Pilot: Software for Diabetes.  HEALTH 24. 2006. Diabetes South Africa. 808-1662,35771.asp. 808-1662,35771.asp  STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA. 2006. Mid Year Population Estimates, South Africa 2006. Statistical Release P0302. 1-13.  SWAN, M. 2009. Emerging patient-driven health care models: an examination of health social networks, consumer personalized medicine and quantified self-tracking. International journal of environmental research and public health. 6. 492-525.  WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. 2011. Diabetes.

29 Questions

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