WELCOME TO TURKU! You’ve heard it before, but to us you are new friends!

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO TURKU! You’ve heard it before, but to us you are new friends!"— Presentation transcript:


2 WELCOME TO TURKU! You’ve heard it before, but to us you are new friends!

3 What is ISTU? The International Students of Turku Universities (ISTU) is a registered non- profit organization of international bachelor’s, and master's students, as well as PhD candidates, researchers and staff from all universities in Turku (University of Turku, Åbo Akademi, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Open University, among others). ISTU also welcomes exchange students. And of course FINNS!!!

4 What Does ISTU Do?

5 Cultural Events Cultural Dinners (Finnish, Russian, Hungarian, Azerbajani, Mexican, Vietnamese, Dutch, Slovak, and many more…) Coming soon: Finnish!! Photography Walks Museum crawl International Movie Nights Karaoke Nights


7 Trips and Sports We’ve done Tampere, Jyväskylä and Stockholm, We’re Planning the Baltic States, Rauma and others! Indoors and Outdoors we play: Ice Hockey Flow Park Lasertag Finnish Baseball Mölkky Tournament Bowling And many others

8 We Work With Your Student Union (TYY, Kåren, TUO) ESN Uni Turku, ESN Åbo Academic CIA TuKy UTU Debate Club International Welcome Services Also – AIESEC Finland and SHO

9 Representation ISTU is charged with representing you in the student union and in the university. Study related issues University policy issues Living in Finland Promoting Internationalisation Meeting with Finns International student community

10 How to Join? Just come along! Formal membership by paying membership fee Membership for 1 year = 5 euros Membership for 2 years = 7 euros Currently 111 active members Benefits? Discounts on events Special services for members: Bicycle rental

11 The Board Jonathan Josue Loaiza - ISTU President Matti Karinen – ISTU VP Paulina Chávez – Treasurer Yaroslav Lotus – Social Affairs Jasir Afridi – Political Affairs Kate Pak - Secretary

12 Office: Rehtorinpellonkatu 4B, opposite TSE, near bar Proffan (same office as ESN Uni Turku) Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/isturku Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/isturku

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