For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Youth in Transition: CHIIP Activities and Resources Rachel Stewart Program Manager California.

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Presentation on theme: "For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Youth in Transition: CHIIP Activities and Resources Rachel Stewart Program Manager California."— Presentation transcript:

1 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Youth in Transition: CHIIP Activities and Resources Rachel Stewart Program Manager California Health Incentives Improvement Project San Diego State University – Interwork Institute

2 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 CHIIP Background  Multi-agency collaborative effort working to remove barriers to employment and self-sufficiency of people with disabilities  Funded by a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) appropriated through 2011 as a part of Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 Administered by San Diego State University Research Foundation/Interwork Institute

3 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Youth in Transition Activity Goals  Ultimate Goal = Self-Sufficiency  Help youth realize all available options and opportunities  Public benefits  Employment support vs. Poverty trap  Three-tiered Youth  Work Youth  Postsecondary Education  Work Youth  Independent Living

4 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Increasing Transition Success Social Marketing Approach  Helping youth realize and actualize their full potential  Changing attitudes and behaviors related to education and employment  Getting the word out, modeling and empowering

5 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Youth Leadership Activities California Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) -  6-day long program for high school juniors/seniors with disabilities, held annually during the last week of July  Stay onsite at Sacramento State University, visit the state Capitol  Information, resources, mentorship, disability culture/community  Develop Personal Leadership and Career Plan  Currently organized by a steering committee of state and non-profit partners

6 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Youth Leadership Activities Youth Organizing! Disabled & Proud (YO!) –  Project with the California Foundation of Independent Living Centers (CFILC)  Connecting, Organizing, and Educating youth with disabilities ages 15-28  Disability History Week and Disabled Student Services Campaigns  Regional Youth Transition Initiatives – funds available for bringing together youth and multiple organizations around a common goal  Volunteer Corps to help build resume, make connections in the community

7 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Transition Training Success-defined: A student-centered planning program  Project with UC Davis Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, targeting youth with intellectual disabilities and autism  Student/Parent teams to work on transition planning  Tools and info provided on disability history, building leadership skills, and community resource development  Trainings held in Sacramento on Oct. 9 th and Nov. 6 th  For more info, contact

8 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Transition Toolkit Things are About to Change: A guide for young people with disabilities transitioning to adulthood  Goal: To empower youth by providing resources and information to assist in successful transition  Primary Audience: Youth with disabilities ages 12-21+ (secondary audience: parents and service providers)  Topics covered: Education, Employment, Healthcare, Independent Living, Financial, Social/Recreation

9 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Transition Toolkit  Primary Media: Website (html and PDFs available for download/printing)  Will have a training, outreach, and video vignette component  Website is in the final stages of development, discussion groups will provide feedback from target users  Goal is to have website live by late fall 2010  Will be Announced on Can also email to get on announcement distribution list, and to partner on training opportunities

10 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Disability Benefits 101  Plain language resource on all public and private disability benefit programs in California (Social Security, Medi-Cal, Medicare, IHSS, workers comp, SDI etc.)  Information specific to life situation (i.e. workforce re-entry, newly diagnosed), forums, benefits planner list, glossary, etc.  5 Easy-to-Use Benefits Planning Calculators to explain interaction between work and benefits: Benefits to Work, School and Work, Job to Job, Medi-Cal for the Working Disabled, Plan for Achieving Self Support

11 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Disability Benefits 101 Update of DB101 Youth section  Updating information and resources to reflect feedback from youth  Cross-referencing between DB101 and CHIIP Transition Toolkit  Includes practical information on transition to education and employment, simplified school and work calculator

12 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 Additional Resources  Monthly webinars on benefits planning topics Archived webinars on Email to receive notices on upcoming  Informational website pointing to a variety of resources for job seekers with disabilities and employers Video vignettes featuring real stories of people with disabilities who are successfully employed

13 For technical assistance during this webinar, contact 888-259-8474 CHIIP Youth Activities For more information contact Rachel Stewart:   916-319-8519

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