Forming a comprehensive system for alcohol and drug addiction prevention and treatment.

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2 Forming a comprehensive system for alcohol and drug addiction prevention and treatment

3 In 1988, chemical dependency treatment specialists, who later became the founders and staff members of the “Old World” Foundation, set up a series of activities These were intended to create an integrated system of spiritually oriented alcohol/drug addiction prevention and treatment, based on the development of Christian spirituality in people and the restoration of Christian values in society

4  The Outpatient Recovery Program  The Residential Rehabilitation Centre  Modeling a Replicable Therapeutic Community  Reintegration of Former Patients into Society  Specialist and Volunteers Education and Training  Addiction Prevention  Addiction & HIV/AIDS Hot Line  The Resource Centre: Data Storage Bank & Library  Collaboration with other Specialists and Organizations

5 The “Old World” Out-patient Rehabilitation Program  The “Old World” outpatient addiction treatment program has been functioning since November 1992  Since 1992, more than 250 patients have gone through the program, and about 60% of them have now maintained stable, long-term sobriety

6  Several self-help groups for patients and families have been started by the “Old World” Foundation Now these groups include approximately 200 participants

7 The long-term Rehabilitation and Reintegration Centre  The Therapeutic Community (TC), a long- term rehabilitation and reintegration centre for drug addicts and alcoholics, started to function in the summer of 2003 at a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church

8 The long-term Rehabilitation and Reintegration Centre  During these years the TC has helped addicts not only to stop using, but also to give their lives to Christ and enter His Church  This approach is the most effective way to help addicts and alcoholics to recover. However, in Russia, the TCs are so far not well developed

9 The long-term Rehabilitation and Reintegration Centre In our practice we have explored and tested different modifications of the TC structure We have developed the TC model in such a way that it can be easily replicated in other parishes. Thus we hope to make a significant contribution to resolving the addiction problems in Russia through helping people come to Christ

10 Life in the Residential Centre Our TC is located in a two-storied house where up to 15 patients and staff members are accommodated. Patients may stay here for two to three years. During this time they participate in a special recovery program, as well as in building work in the centre’s premises, farming and the development of in-house trades, such as the manufacture of icons. The purpose of this is to make the centre self-supporting.

11 Life in the Residential Centre The patients are strongly encouraged (but not forced) to participate in parish life: prayer, Divine Liturgy, Church education, and charity work

12 Life in the Residential Centre  Our friends  A New-Year celebration  Lunch together

13 Life in the Residential Centre  Our new kitchen  Working in the house  In the dormitory

14  A series of seminars, for the staff and residents together, has been developed by the Old World staff to help replicate the rehabilitation scheme in other places  Priests and specialists from other cities come to us for training in the field of addictions.

15 Lectures, Seminars and Training “Old World” also regularly provides lectures and workshops on addiction issues for students and specialists in:  Moscow State University  The Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science  Moscow Pedagogical University  Moscow Orthodox University

16 Lectures, Seminars and Training  About 20 students from these schools have worked as interns at the “Old World” Foundation as part of their diploma.

17 This important part of our activities includes:  Lectures and presentations for the mass media describing the nature of addiction as a disease and ways to treat it  Regular addiction problem-solving workshops for professionals: clergy, physicians, psychologists, teachers, social workers, police, and lawyers  Publishing activities, including writing, retrieval, translation and editing of literature about the disease and recovery  Establishing our website with variety of helpful information

18 The Resource Centre and Hot-line Phone for those with HIV/AIDS and Addiction Problems  Was established by our foundation in terms of the Russian Orthodox Church’s program “Church against HIV/AIDS”  The Center’s goal is to collect, analyze and disseminate information resources to develop of the all-Russian supportive and rehabilitation system for HIV-positives, addicts, alcoholics and their families

19 The Resource Centre and Hot-line Phone for those with HIV/AIDS and Addiction Problems 8-916-722-3626 You may call also to our informational line 8-926-523-6553

20 The Resource Centre and Hot-line Phone for those with HIV/AIDS and Addiction Problems  A Library of educational and training materials on addiction problems is being established by our Foundation  The Library is designed to be a significant resource for specialists in the recovery field as well as for other institutions and organizations  Some of the prevention and recovery literature is disseminated free to our patients and students  One of the main goals of our web-site is to collect appropriate information and promote cooperation between different centers and programs

21  The “Old World” Foundation, in partnership with the Russian Orthodox Church, is involved in numerous prevention activities  These are aimed at increasing public awareness of alcoholism and drug addiction, prostitution, HIV/AIDS and other social problems

22 The “Old World” Foundation actively cooperates with many treatment centers and addiction specialists from the USA, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Sweden, Poland, Ukraine and other countries


24 The “Old World” Foundation has state registration as a charity and is licensed for rehabilitation activities The Old World Foundation is a member of:  The International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition (ISAAC)  The International Blue Cross  The World Federation of Therapeutic Communities (WFTC)  The European Federation of Therapeutic Communities (EFTC)  The International Coalition of Cities of Refuge (ICCR), etc.

25  The “Old World” Foundation is a non-profit organization, and so far it has no financial resources of its own, therefore all of the “Old World” activities have been funded mostly by volunteers and by charitable donations  We need your prayers and support!  Please, contact us, we will be glad to cooperate with you!

26 Mailing address: “Old World” Christian Public Charity. Bolshaja Ordynka,20 Moscow, 115035, Russia  Phone/fax +7 495 501 71 78  Mobil: +7 916 394 13 05,  Email:,  Web:

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