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Pretreatment, Pollution Prevention and Storm Water Committee California’s Storm Water Program Bruce A. Fujimoto State Water Resources Control Board February.

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Presentation on theme: "Pretreatment, Pollution Prevention and Storm Water Committee California’s Storm Water Program Bruce A. Fujimoto State Water Resources Control Board February."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pretreatment, Pollution Prevention and Storm Water Committee California’s Storm Water Program Bruce A. Fujimoto State Water Resources Control Board February 25, 2004

2 Regional Board Boundaries

3 Storm Water Program Industrial Construction Municipal

4 Industrial Program Reduce the discharge of pollutants in storm water runoff and non-storm water discharges from certain industrial sites

5 General Industrial Permit First adopted 1992 Re-issued 1997

6 Industrial Program Necessity for coverage based on SIC Currently coverage is required for SIC categories: –1-9 –11 if there is exposure

7 Industrial Permit Requirements BAT/BCT Standard Water Quality Standards Develop and implement Site Specific SWPPP that: –Identifies sources of storm water pollution –Reduces/eliminates non-storm water discharges

8 Industrial Permit Requirements (cont’d) –Select BMPs to reduce/eliminate the discharge of pollutants –Develop and implement a monitoring program that includes wet and dry weather visual observations, and sampling and analysis of runoff from two storm events per year Reporting

9 Industrial Permit Reissuance Current Permit has expired Staff has conducted two informal workshops on a draft permit in 2003 Issues raised include –BMPs vs. numeric limits –Group Monitoring –Mandatory submittal of SWPPPs –Chemical and visual monitoring –Safe Harbor

10 Industrial Permit Rissuance (cont’d) Major Changes Organization of Permit No-Exposure Greater specificity of monitoring requirements Increased reliance on EPA Multi- sector Permit

11 Construction Program Construction General Permit Linear Permit

12 Construction Permit Construction projects disturbing 1 acre or more Threshold lowered to 1 acre in March 2003 with amendments to existing permit Expires in 2004

13 All Construction Projects Disturbing 1 or More Acres - Require Permit Coverage Projects disturbing between 1 and 5 acres Projects that are linear in nature disturbing 1-5 acres - Small Linear Permit Projects disturbing over 5 acres

14 Construction Permit Requirements BAT/BCT Standard Water Quality Standards Develop and Implement site specific SWPPP that: –Identifies Sources of storm water pollution –Reduces/Eliminates non-storm water discharges

15 Construction Permit Requirements (cont’d) –Select/implement BMPs to minimize/eliminate pollutant discharges –Develop and implement a monitoring program that includes wet and dry weather visual observations, and when appropriate a sampling and analysis of runoff program –Year round implementation

16 Construction Permit (cont’d) Reporting Emphasis on source control Requires an interative approach to BMP implementation

17 Construction Permit (cont’d) Expires in 2004 Scheduled public hearing on March 30, 2004 Purpose to receive comment on Fact Sheet amendments dealing with sampling and analysis requirements Amendments provide guidance regarding sampling and analysis

18 Construction Program Issues Monitoring Mandatory submittal of SWPPPs Safe Harbor

19 Municipal Program Permitting operators of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Comprehensive programs aimed at changing behavior

20 Municipal Permitting MEP Standard Develop and implement SWMPs Phased permitting –Phase I –Phase II

21 Phase I - Medium and Large MS4s Regulations promulgated in 1990 27 permits adopted by RWQCBs in major urbanized areas Statewide Caltrans Permit adopted by State Board

22 Phase I Requirements Compliance with water quality standards through specified iterative implementation of BMPs Design Standards (SUSMPs) for new development and significant redevelopment Construction and industrial Inspections Chemical monitoring

23 Phase II - Small MS4s Regulations promulgated in 1999 Requirements for smaller MS4s, including non-traditional Small MS4s General Permit adopted by State Board in April 2003 NOIs to be submitted by Small MS4s Designation of Non-traditional Small MS4s

24 Small MS4 Permit Requirements Develop and implement SWMP addressing 6 minimum control measures Measurable Goals Construction site inspections Optional industrial site inspections Supplemental Provisions –Specified Design Standards

25 Municipal Issues Safe Harbor Definition of MEP Consistency between regions Numeric standards vs. BMPs Funding Court Cases

26 Overarching Issues TMDLs BMP effectiveness Fees SIP/CTR

27 Further Information - Regional Boards

28 Further Information - Regional Boards (cont.)

29 Additional Information html Bruce Fujimoto - (916) 341-5523 Jarma Bennett - (916) 341-5532 Maryann Jones - (916) 341-5531

30 Further Information EPA – m?program_id=6 –Fact Sheets –BMP Toolbox CASQA – BMP Handbooks –


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