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Designing and Implementing of the National Qualifications Framework - activities and outcomes – Elizabeta Bahtovska Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing and Implementing of the National Qualifications Framework - activities and outcomes – Elizabeta Bahtovska Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing and Implementing of the National Qualifications Framework - activities and outcomes – Elizabeta Bahtovska Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework

2 Reason and objective  To guarantee the quality assurance in higher education and facilitate the recognition of qualifications and mobility of students and work force at national and international level  To increase the transparency of qualifications for the HEI for the students and employers  To promote the idea that qualifications issued are based on LOs Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework

3 First coordinating meeting  To define project management  Division of partners’ responsibilities Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework

4 Data Collection and Analysis  Field of qualifications issued  Name of the faculty/department  Type of studies  The study program (name, cycle, duration in years, ECTS credits, ;  Profile of the Diploma-qualifications; Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework

5 Ten Step Process FIRST STEP Decision to start: Taken by the national body responsible for higher education – minister. SECOND STEP Setting the agenda: The purpose of our NQF. THIRD STEP Organizing the process: Identifying stakeholders; FOURTH STEP Design Profile: Level structure, Level descriptors (learning outcomes), Credit ranges. FIFTH STEP Consultation National discussion and acceptance of design by stakeholders SIXTH STEP Approval According to national tradition by Minister/Government/legislation SEVENTH STEP Administrative set-up Division of tasks of implementation between HEI, QAA and other bodies STEP EIGHT Implementation at institutional/programme level; Reformulation of individual study programmes to learning outcome based approach. STEP NINE Inclusion of qualifications in the NQF; Accreditation or similar (cfr. Berlin Communiqué) LAST STEP Self-certification of compatibility with the EHEA framework (Alignment to Bologna cycles etc.); Activities (almost) done Activities undertaken – on the way Activities to be done FIRST STEP Decision to start: Taken by the national body responsible for higher education – minister. SECOND STEP Setting the agenda: The purpose of our NQF. THIRD STEP Organizing the process: Identifying stakeholders; FOURTH STEP Design Profile: Level structure, Level descriptors (learning outcomes), Credit ranges. FIFTH STEP Consultation National discussion and acceptance of design by stakeholders Activities (almost) done Activities undertaken – on the way Activities to be done

6 QF for HE in R. Macedonia Levelof NQF Higher EducationLevel of EQF VIII III cycle Doctoral studies 8 VII VIIА II cycle Master studies 7 VIIB II cycle Specialization VI VIА I cycle Academic studies 240 ECTS Professional studies 240 ECTS 6 VIB I cycle Academic studies 180 ECTS Professional studies 180 ECTS V VАVА Professional studies 60 -120 ECTS Short cycle courses 5 VBPost secondary professional education

7 In November 2010, a Decree on the National Framework for Higher Education Qualifications was adopted by the Government, and published ("Official Gazette" No.154, 30/11/2010). Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework

8 Implementation on institutional level  The restructuring of individual study programmes to learning outcome based approach started in December 2010.  LOs for five particular study programmes in various areas of study: - Technical and technological sciences – Electrical Engineering (1 st and 2 nd cycle) - Medical sciences and health – Pharmacy (1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd cycle and Medical nurses (1st cycle) - Biotechnical sciences - Agriculture (first and second cycle) - Social sciences – psychology (first and second cycle) - Technical and technological sciences - Computer sciences (first and second cycle)  Manual with practical advices for writing LOs  Guide for NF for HEQ for R.Macedonia Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework

9 Implementation on national level  In order to establish the national body/agency responsible for NF-HEQ in RM, the Ministry of Education and Sciences, established a Department for recognition and equivalence of HE qualifications with four employees financed by the Ministry of Education and Sciences.  Five national coordinating points to support the process of implementing the NF for HEQ were established at five HE institutions in RM, Employability Offices or Career centers. One representative from the administrative staff from each office was trained at the University of Linkoping how to provide logistical support/advice for the students in relation to making progression routes easier and clearer. Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework

10 Self-certification of compatibility with the EHEA framework  The self–certification process of compatibility with EHEA, should follow the recommendations and proposals by the BWG on QF  The quality assurance system, and the criteria and procedures for verifying the compatibility, have a role to play.  The self-certification process shall involve international experts;  The self-certification and the evidence supporting it shall be published and shall address separately each of the criteria set out;  The ENIC and NARIC networks shall maintain a public listing of States that have confirmed that they have completed the self- certification process Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework

11 SWOT analysis Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework S trong W eak  small country  Join HEI and political will to develop QF  The international support in the developments  Focus still more on duration of studies, and not on the learning outcomes,  Non-formal and informal education  „New“ degrees versus „old“ degrees,  No clear administrative body in charge

12 SWOT analysis Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework O pportunities T hreats  To make all Higher Education System more transparent, to increase international mobility  To facilitate the recognition process within the EHEA  To reinforce the relations with employers  Internationally to make national qualifications more comparable  Too based on formal Qualifications systems which were not based on learning outcomes  The transition to a knowledge based society is not well understood by the whole society  The process to be perceived as a pure bureaucratic one

13 Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework Strategy  To ensure legislation in education and training aligned with the objectives of NQF  To establish a body that will manage and will maintain the cooperation between ministries, universities and other relevant stakeholders  To ensure adequate financial support for the development and implementation of NQF on national and institutional level

14 Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS- 2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763) Designing and implementing of the National Qualifications Framework

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