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Welcome to SWASC AGM 22nd March 2011. SAFFRON WALDEN AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be Held at Lord Butler Leisure Centre, Saffron Walden.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to SWASC AGM 22nd March 2011. SAFFRON WALDEN AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be Held at Lord Butler Leisure Centre, Saffron Walden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to SWASC AGM 22nd March 2011


3 1.MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 23rd March 2010 2.MATTERS ARISING Any issues / questions from minutes? PresentNeil Pottrill, Chairman Annie Eady, Treasurer Harriet Christodoulides, Secretary Alison Eddershaw Marion Grainge Vanessa Hill Gail Hoban Arlene McLean Iain Rogers Janet Rogers Gill Sarginson Kathy Snelling Apologies:Janet Bright, President Tamara Lamb Jo Raynham

4 3.CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – Neil Pottrill Topics covered in this years report:- 10/11 committee & non committee members Adult Recruitment Adult losses Swim Staff Website Water Polo Fund raising Club Champs Swim 21 Publicity Newsletter Swim Time Galas Training Club Finances Masters Swimming More help please!

5 4.SECRETARY’S REPORT - Harriet Christodoulides Secretary’s Report – Harriet Christodoulidies Data Protection – annual application made and granted. Activity during the year has been minute taking at committee meetings, corresponding with ASA, passing newsletters from ASA and other national swimming organisations onto interested Committee Members and sending out newsletters and email notifications of events to members.

6 5.TREASURER’S REPORT – Andy Dunham My first year as treasurer has been an interesting one, with the swimming club getting back to normality after the problems with the closure of the swimming pools for maintenance work. The committee are pleased to see the steady increase in the number of regular swimmers at the club. As of 18 th February 2011 we have 97 swimmers paying pool fees. There are still a few swimmers who have not returned their ASA membership fees, so if you could do that as soon as possible please. The committee have tried to keep the fees as low as possible, but there is a slight increase in 2011 to cover increase costs of pool hire etc The swimming club continues to be in a relatively healthy position. The balance sheet shows a small operating profit of £1234.96 over 2010. This along with the money raised from donations from UDC and the sponsored swim in November ( £1345 not all shown on balance sheet as received in 2011) will go towards the purchase of new starting blocks. Many thanks to all the people who helped to raise this money. The committee look forward to a successful 2011 and hope that you will join us in celebrating our centenary year.

7 Capital purchases for 2011 to be c £3000

8 6.CHILD WELFARE OFFICER’S REPORT – Arlene McLean Since the last AGM the process The ISA/Vetting and Barring scheme was halted in July 2010 to review the system. New forms have also been brought in and these have been in use for about 7 months. The format and colour of the forms have been altered and should be easier to complete. The documentation and verification evidence to be produced by the applicant still remains the same. I have included a copy of the most recent ASA newsletter that explains this and the usual errors made when filling out the forms. As we have had few new volunteers I have not gained much experience with many of the new forms yet. There are some renewals due and after the AGM we will know who the new volunteers are. My usual plea goes out if there is anyone with experience of completing these forms on a regular basis or someone with experience of the issues of safeguarding and protecting children I welcome any help and expertise so that we can continue to make the club a safe place for children to train and enjoy their swimming.

9 7.ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chairman – Nomination – Neil Pottrill Proposal - Second - Secretary - Nomination – Harriet Christodoulides Proposal - Second - Treasurer - Nomination – Andy Dunham Proposal - Second – Committee roles – Propose & Second on mass.- Child Welfare Officer - Arlene McLean Fixtures Secretary / Officials Organiser –Fiona Snow Kit Manager – Gill Sarginson Membership Secretary - Gill Sarginson Waiting List – Jessica Peck Swim 21 Coordinator – Alex Paine Awards Coordinators – Michelle Thomas Publicity – Newsletter / Swim 21 – Jan Bright Publicity – Newspaper report / Swim 21 – Neil Pottrill LBL&FC Forum Representative / Swim 21 / Pool side help – Alison Eddershaw Team Manager & Lane Coach - Janet Rogers Fundraising Manager – Mark Sanders Website Administrator & Manager – Gail Hoban New committee members – Sara Howlett Non Committee roles President – Jan Bright Vice President – Howard Godwin Schools Coordinator – Joanne Raynham Assistant Team Manager – Ian Rogers Publicity Notice Board -Neil Green

10 8. Club Strategy~ Future Proposed position of Seals Objective To build the club swimmer expertise such that in:- Year 1 club actions are taken to move up an average 1 place in the Essex Mini league rankings (15 th to 13 th ) (13% improvement) Year 2 club actions are taken to move up an average 1 place in the Essex Mini league rankings (13 th to 11 th ) 27% improvement from base. Year 3 objective to be agreed once progress made on year 1. To continue to enjoy swimming but increase competitive edge. To grow the numbers of swimmer in the club to 150. To increase pool time* To complete Swim 21 Accreditation

11 Method Employ new 1 or 2 x level 3 lead coach capable of delivering at least Year 1 objective (and 2 if possible). Its intended that at every session we have a 1 x L3 coach / 1 x L2 Lane coach / 1 x L1 Aquatics teacher. Complete Swim 21 data process by end of 2011 with accreditation complete by mid 2012. Expenses to be paid to all teaching / coaching staff on hourly rate Deploy 6 x L2 Teachers / lane coaches to support weekly sessions as directed by L3 coach – consider skill level ownership to encourage responsibility within club? Source “volunteer” poolside assistance list (as lane owners) from 16+ age group / parents. Expand into Thursdays at Friend School 2 sessions to encourage lower age boys to join Expand pool time at LBF&LC* Consider actual teaching pre-competitive (level 7) from younger age to become competitive swimmers. Target to obtain 150 swimmers of mixed ability across 5 /6 days a week by end of year 1. (10 sessions with new Thursday therefore mean of 15 / session) Target 30% of swimmers to swim 2 or more sessions per week (c50 swimmers based on 150 members) Target 10% of swimmers to swim 3 or more sessions per week (c15 swimmers) Target 1% of swimmers to swim 4 or more sessions per week (c2 swimmers)

12 Consider discount scheme to cushion cost of multiple session swimming. Create “Competitive team squad and reserve team squad” from club members whom wish to “go the extra mile” in training sessions. Encourage competition within club to get into Competition Squad. Accommodate swimming sessions for those whom want to train only. Consider length of training session:- from current 1 hour to 1.5 /2 hours. Consider 2 Club Championships per year Consider galas to be held at Gt.Dunmow pool Consider quarterly time trials to increase PB’s Team Manager & Main committee to review clubs position in league table at each meeting. Make sure all swimmer know their PB’s for each stroke from joining the club – record progress through the club (copy schools “Value add” approach) Further energise Master Swimming (possible source of more expert adult support) Train 10 time keepers / 2 chief timekeepers over next 2 years Train 5 L1 Aquatic Teachers (paying 50% towards cost) S21 support not available for this course during Year 1. Consider separate Water polo Team to be put together with Lynn dance as Manager Consider becoming registered charity.

13 9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Next Committee Meeting :- 19.30 pm, April 26 th Proposed “sliding scale” of charges AGM March 27 th 2012

14 Proposed Sliding scale of charges

15 Thank you for attending Have a safe journey home Good night

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