Authors Research Center for Hazard Mitigation and Prevention, National Central University.中央大學災害防治研究中心 Ming-Kuan Tsai Nie-Jia Yau GIS Research Center,

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2 Authors Research Center for Hazard Mitigation and Prevention, National Central University.中央大學災害防治研究中心 Ming-Kuan Tsai Nie-Jia Yau GIS Research Center, Feng-Chia University 逢甲大學地理 資訊系統研究中心 Yung-Ching Lee Mei-Hsin Chen Tien-Yin Chou Atomic Energy Council-Institute Of Nuclear Energy Research 行政院原子能委員會核能研究所 Prof. Chung-Hsin Lu台灣大學化學工程學系

3 Abstract constructs escape guidelines on mobile phones Mobile Escape Guidelines (MEG) Two techniques – Geographical information that offers multiple representations – Augmented reality that provides semi-realistic information services Four capabilities – Identifying the correct locations of users – Showing the escape routes – Filtering geographical layers – Rapidly generating the relief reports

4 Introduction Nuclear accident Three Mile Island accident三哩島核泄漏事故 Chernobyl accident車諾比核泄漏事故 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant福島核電廠泄漏 事故 MEG focuses on nuclear accident emergency response Differs Pollution continues for years Few studies have investigated on evacuation from nuclear accident sites. Target Enable users to access the escape guidelines by using their mobile phones

5 Guideline Review numerous studies of the nuclear accident emergency response Present research questions Describes an approach to the questions Implements the approach Results Discussions Conclusion

6 Literature review(1/3) Nuclear incidents & Nuclear accidents (IAEA, 2008)

7 Literature review(2/3) Decision Support Systems (DSSs) Forest Ecosystems (Mamikhin, 1996) FORest Impact Analysis(Rafferty, 2001) nuclear accident emergency management process (Bartzis et al., 2000). Radioecological Software Package (RSP)(Velasco et al., 2004).

8 Literature review(3/3) Customized DSS(Monte, 2011) Geographical Information System (GIS) (Battista, 1994) Mabit and Bernard’s (2007) integration of geostatistics and variography Syrakov et al. (2009) proposed a system to detect the transport, dispersion, chemical, and radioactive transformations of pollutants In Taiwan, Huang (2000) developed a Web-based nuclear accident emergency response information system Tsai et al. (2011) developed an information platform associated with simulated nuclear accident for training program In sum, major objective of using IT-based methodologies and applications is to collect accurate information. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to determine the response strategies

9 Research questions The lack of mobile phone-based information systems Difficulty bringing in these heavy operation devices(ex. DSSs) Power supply problem Mobile phones solution support many communication protocols Slim, handy, portable, and electricity conserving people on nuclear accident sites update their information swiftly The lack of escape guidelines Escape training objectives only for military and police officers Guideline application for debris flows 土石流 with mobile phones (Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, 2011) Earthquake early warning from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) But few escape guidelines for nuclear accidents

10 Approach Government responded slowly to nuclear accidents Paper maps are commonly used for self-assistance GIS-based spatial data are appropriate for quick data input and transfer But no locations for escape guidance Solution : Augmented Reality (AR) based application to determine the user positions and orientations

11 Implementation(1/2) Mobile phone platform Only for Google Android (free) Supports the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the electronic compass Three-tier server-client framework Web server – Microsoft IIS Version 7 Database server – Microsoft SQL Server Version 2008 Escape guidelines on Google Map External Database for police and military agencies may differ

12 Implementation(2/2) Information standards Web Map Service (WMS) Exchanging map images among several geospatial databases Web Feature Service (WFS) Offering geographic features through HTTP protocols Web Processing Service (WPS) Standardizing geospatial processing services Keyhole Markup Language (KML) Expressing geographic annotations and visualization

13 Testing Test in southern Taiwan Testing Scenario

14 MEG functionalities(1/4) Two-dimensional (2D) and satellite maps

15 MEG functionalities(2/4) Offer escape guidelines through integration of the captured real images and the generated virtual images

16 MEG functionalities(3/4) The relief reports The posted date Identification for the relief personnel(救濟人員) Other details

17 MEG functionalities(4/4) Filtering GIS layers Several factors to decide self-assistance strategies weather and terrain Divided into 5,10, and 15 square kilometers GIS layers: temporary shelters and routes Difficulty connecting layer information in basements

18 Discussions(1/2) Future work for improvement Integrating with other emergency response systems Medical and economic assistance (ex. medical personnel need to arrive rapidly at nearby hospitals for an emergency rescue) Providing accurate maps Increase map loading time Update map frequently Requiring various system tests Testing in real nuclear accidents Record their behaviors for improving the escape time

19 Discussions(2/2) Training people Communication barrier cause GPS inaccurate Switching the communication protocols – AGPS, WLAN, Wifi Implementing the MEG upon mobile phones with different operating systems Numerous operating systems for publicizing this application

20 Conclusion Integrating the geographic information and augmented reality(AR) techniques upon mobile phones Increasing mobility during the evacuation Improving the escape guidelines Enhancing the effectiveness of emergency assistance

21 My comment Not solid on their software programing technique UI also has poor design Experiment result is not analyzed for its details enough


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