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Status of ANS Standards Presented to NESCC 3/1/2011 Donald J. Spellman Vice Chair, ANS Standards Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of ANS Standards Presented to NESCC 3/1/2011 Donald J. Spellman Vice Chair, ANS Standards Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of ANS Standards Presented to NESCC 3/1/2011 Donald J. Spellman Vice Chair, ANS Standards Board

2 The Need for Prioritization Each SDO is well aware of the industry need for new and/or revised standards within their purview When all of those are put together in one place, a new order of priority will likely immerge A set of “classes” of standards will then need to be developed by NESCC

3 Many “Classes” are Possible Examples: – Power Plant/Nuclear Facility Siting – Nuclear Safety Design of NPPs and Systems that support those NPPs Structures Electrical Instrumentation Plant support systems – SFP, Cooling Water, Steam, etc. Concrete

4 “Classes” Continued Ancillary Support Systems/Methods – Criticality Safety – Radiological Evaluations – Personnel Protection – Emergency Planning – Core Calculations: Physics/Fuel Performance – Ultimate Heat Sink – Protection of the Public

5 Some Standards “Classes” that are Important to ANS New Risk Informed LWR Design (ANS 50.1) Gas Reactor Design (ANS 53.1) Liquid Metal Design (ANS 54.1) PRA Standards (Joint with ASME/IEEE) Criticality Safety Research Reactors Emergency Preparedness Fuel Cycle and Fuel Facilities

6 ANS 54.1 - General Safety Design Criteria for a Liquid-Metal Reactor Nuclear Power Plant This standard will contain requirements for establishing the nuclear safety criteria, functional performance requirements, and design requirements for sodium-cooled reactor nuclear power plants based upon Top-Level design criteria. The standard will use performance-based, risk-informed criteria and PRA insights wherever possible. It describes the process to be followed to establish those safety criteria and to perform classifications of structures, systems, and components.

7 Other SDOs Will have Other Classes ASTM – Methodologies for Testing, Fuels IEEE – Electrical and Computer Requirements ASME – Construction, Fabrication ANS – Design, Siting, Operations, EP, Fuels ISA – Instrumentation and Controls Human Factors – Design, Safety

8 Current ANS Priority List (Partial) ANS 53.1 Nuclear Safety Design Process for Modular Helium-Cooled Reactor Plants ANS 50.1 Nuclear Safety Design Process for Light Water Reactor Plants ANS 58.22 Low Power and Shutdown PRA Methodology ANS 59.24 Severe Accident Progression and Rad. Release (Level 2) PRA ANS 58.25 Radiological Accident Offsite Consequence Analysis (Level 3) ANS 54.1 Nuclear Safety Criteria & Design Process for Sodium-Cooled Reactor NPPs ANS 15.8 Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Research Reactors ANS 5.1 Decay Heat Power in Light Water Reactors ANS 8.12 Nuclear Criticality Control of Pu-U Fuel Mixtures Outside Rx ANS 8/10 Criteria for Criticality Safety Controls in Operations

9 Current ANS Priority List (Partial) ANS 8.3 Criticality Accident Alarm System ANS 56.8 Containment System Leakage Testing Requirements ANS 18.1 Radioactive Source Term for Normal Operation of LWRs ANS 3.8.1 Criteria for Radiological Emergency Response Functions and Organizations ANS 3.8.2 Criteria for the Functional and Physical Characteristics of Radiological Emergency Response Facilities ANS 3.8.3 Criteria for Rad. Emer. Response Plans and Imp. Procedures ANS 3.8.6 Criteria for Conduct of Offsite Rad. Asses. For Emer Resp. ANS 3.8.7 Criteria for Planning, Dev., Conduct, and Eval. of EP Drills ANS 3.1 Selection, Qualification and Training of NPP Personnel ANS 2.3 Estimating Tornado, Hurricane -- Characteristics and NP Sites

10 Current ANS Priority List (Partial) ANS 57.2 Design Req. for LWR Spent Fuel Facilities ANS 57/3 Design Req. for New Fuel Storage Facilities at LWR Plants ANS 2.2 Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for NPPs ANS 3.8.10 Criteria for Modeling Real Time Accident Release Conseq. at NF ANS 51.10 Aux Feedwater System for PWRs ANS 2.9 Evaluation of Ground Water Supply for Nuclear Facilities ANS 2.13 Evaluation of Surface Water Supplies for NPPs ANS 2.15 Criteria for Modeling Dispersion of Rad Releases ANS 2.16 Criteria for Modeling Design Basis Accidental Releases from NF ANS 2.21 Criteria for Assessing Atmospheric Effects on Ultimate Heat Sink ANS 2.25 Surveys of Terrestrial Ecology Needed to License Power Plants ANS 2.30 Assessing Capability for Surface Faulting at NF ANS 15.2 Quality Control for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elements

11 Recommendations Form a new Task Group to collect similar lists from other SDOs associated with the nuclear industry and NESCC Complement standards needs with SDO common needs (on-line comment/resolution) and share assets of some SDOs with other SDOs Stop competition between SDOs and form a “share the workload” mantra among SDOs to benefit the industry

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