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Muscular Strength & Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength: the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort (1 rep max.) Muscular Endurance:

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Presentation on theme: "Muscular Strength & Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength: the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort (1 rep max.) Muscular Endurance:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscular Strength & Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength: the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort (1 rep max.) Muscular Endurance: the ability of a muscle to exert a submaximal force repeatedly over time (repetitions)

2 Muscle Fiber Types & Energy System Production of ATP Fiber “Predominant” Fuel TypeEnergy System Activated Used Slow Twitch Aerobic <60% Max HR Fat, CHO (Oxidative) Fast Twitch “A”Anaerobic 60%-80% Max HRCHO (Nonoxidative) Fast Twitch “B”Phosphagen ___%+ Max HRCr (Explosive) 80%+ of 1 MR

3 Motor Unit ____________: a motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates 1. All muscle fibers in a motor unit are the same fiber type 2. All-or-None-Law: When stimulated all the muscle fibers in a motor unit contract 100% or not at all

4 Muscle Contraction The strength of a muscular contraction is determined by: 1. The ______ of the muscle fibers in the motor units 2. The _______ of motor units recruited

5 Types of Muscle Contraction Static (isometric) Muscle contraction with no change in the _____ of muscle (no movement at the joint) Tension is created.

6 Types of Muscle Contraction Dynamic Muscle contraction with change in length of the muscle (movement at joint) 1. Concentric: Muscle shortens 2. Eccentric: Muscle lengthens

7 Concentric Eccentric (muscle shortens)(muscle lengthens)

8 Muscle Balance Agonist to Antagonist Ratio: the ratio of strength between two opposing muscles or muscle groups Knee extensors and flexors 3:2 Contralateral Assessment: Comparing strength from one side of the body to the other side No more than 10% to 15%

9 Muscular Training Program Terminology Repetition (rep): one complete muscle contraction Set: a given number of repetitions Recovery Time: rest interval between sets. - ____________ Training: 1-3 minutes - ____________ Training: 3-5 minutes

10 General Guidelines (ACSM) Include both concentric and eccentric actions Exercise large muscle groups before small ones and multi-joint exercises before single-joint exercises

11 Developing Muscular Strength Frequency: 2-3 days/week Intensity/Resistance: ___%-100% of a 1 Rep. Max. Sets: 3-5 (Recovery period 3-5 minutes) Reps: ___ to ___

12 Developing Muscular Endurance Frequency: 2-3 days/week Intensity/Resistance: ___% to___% of a 1 Rep. Max. Sets: 3-5 (Recovery period 1-3 minutes) Reps: ___ to ___

13 Developing General Muscular Fitness Frequency: 2-3 days/week (48-hour recovery period) Intensity/Resistance: 50%-70% of a 1 Rep. Max. Sets: 1 (of 8-10 exercises that work all the major muscle groups) Reps: ___ to ___ (to fatigue)

14 Sarcopenia Defined:_____________________________ - Due to: Law of ______________ Effect on muscle physiology: After age 25, begin loss of neuromuscular junction attachment if don’t exercise at ___% of 1RM. Effect on metabolism: After age ____ lose approximately ½ to 1 pound of muscle per year. Effect on functional independence: By age 75 ____% of males/____% of females can’t lift more than 10 pounds.

15 Breathing During Lifting & the Valsalva Effect

16 Breathing During Resistance Training Take a deep breath prior to the beginning the lift Hold your breath during the first part of the lift and then release the breath during the completion of the lift Complete a breath cycle with each repetition

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