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Alfred North Whitehead (15 February 1861 – 30 December 1947) Alfred North Whitehead (b.1861 - d.1947), British mathematician, logician and philosopher.

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Presentation on theme: "Alfred North Whitehead (15 February 1861 – 30 December 1947) Alfred North Whitehead (b.1861 - d.1947), British mathematician, logician and philosopher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alfred North Whitehead (15 February 1861 – 30 December 1947) Alfred North Whitehead (b.1861 - d.1947), British mathematician, logician and philosopher best known for his work in mathematical logic and the philosophy of science. In collaboration with Bertrand Russell, he authored the landmark three-volume Prin’cipia Mathematica (1910, 1912, 1913) and contributed significantly to twentieth- century logic and metaphysics.

2 A Brief Bio One of the twentieth century's most original metaphysicians and a major figure in mathematical logic, Alfred North Whitehead was also an important social and educational philosopher. Born in England, he was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he also taught mathematics from 1884 until 1910. He then moved to London, where he was professor of applied mathematics at the University of London until 1924. Receiving an invitation to join the philosophy department at Harvard University, Whitehead came to the United States and taught at Harvard until 1937. He remained in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for the rest of his life.

3 Philosophy of Organism & Process Philosophy Philosophy of Organism or Organic Realism is how Alfred North Whitehead described his metaphysics. It is now known as process philosophy. Organism is a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes. Central to this school is the idea of con’crescence. Concrescence means growing together (com/con from Latin for "together", crescence from Latin crescere/cret- grow)

4 Preface, page v The students are alive, and the purpose of education is to stimulate and guide their self- development. It follows as a corollary [inference] from this premise, that the teachers also should be alive with living thoughts. The whole book is a protest against dead knowledge, that is to say, against the inert ideas.

5 Natural vs. Unnatural 揠苗助长 【 yàmiáozhùzh ǎ ng 】 try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward - spoil things by excessive enthusiasm

6 Ducking Feeding & The Banking Concept of Education Ducking feeding model/ Crammer, a person or institution that prepares pupils for an examination intensively over a short period of time. Passive learning The banking concept of education Passive learning Paula Freire--1921 – 1997) was a Brazilian educator and influential theorist of critical pedagogy.

7 Inert Ideas vs. Live Ideas Inert ideas: page 1 Utilized Tested Thrown into fresh combinations

8 In-Class Writing In light of his model Crystalize your central idea/root in your first essay for 120F The students are alive, and the purpose of education is to stimulate and guide their self-development. It follows as a corollary [inference] from this premise, that the teachers also should be alive with living thoughts. The whole book is a protest against dead knowledge, that is to say, against the inert ideas.

9 Long or Short What is the central idea of your portfolio? One sentence summary Five minutes recap More detailed description

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