Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0 Neighborhood Traffic Management Program TAC Meeting December 11, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0 Neighborhood Traffic Management Program TAC Meeting December 11, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0 Neighborhood Traffic Management Program TAC Meeting December 11, 2009

2 Department of Transportation What is NTMP? Neighborhood Traffic Management Program  A comprehensive process for managing traffic volume, travel speeds, and traffic- related noise on local streets.  Neighborhood concerns focus primarily on cut-through traffic, the speed and noise of cars, and the availability of on-street parking.

3 Department of Transportation How NTMP currently works -NTMP area boundary is defined -Approved by City Council through CIP Process -placed on master waiting list NTMP Process Begins Initiation by - Residents - City Council -Staff observation

4 Department of Transportation

5 Background Since NTMP began in year 2000  15 NTMP areas have been completed  Two are underway  South Allen / San Pasqual Area  South Oak Knoll Area  Two are upcoming  Linda Vista Area  State Street Gateway Area

6 Department of Transportation Background Most neighborhoods within the City will have had some form of a concentrated related management program within the last twelve years

7 Department of Transportation

8 Background Each NTMP usually takes approximately three years of transportation planning and consensus building among residents before any traffic calming measures are approved and installed.

9 Department of Transportation Current Constraints Funding  Lack of dependable funding source for NTMP  Money available for only temporary installations.  Preferential Parking and Speed Hump Programs paid for NTMP funds but are currently stand alone programs.  Permanent measures are placed in CIP – construction occurs as funding becomes available  Priority for permanent installation has lagged behind street resurfacing needs

10 Department of Transportation Current Constraints (cont.) Efficiency  Minor requests duplicated in Traffic Investigation Process.  i.e. red curb, stop signs, parking signs, etc. Latest new traffic calming devices and measures available to NTMP do not have criteria or guidelines for installation.  i.e. traffic circles, bulb outs, partial closures. Difficult to address collector and arterials in current NTMP process.

11 Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0: RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Create systematic approach to manage traffic Make it a comprehensive management process that utilizes the Street Typing Study Funding source  Dependable funding source for implementations

12 Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0: RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS 1. Street Classification / Street Types  Volume & Speeds  Street Width  Residential  Commercial 2. Speed Management Study  Implementation through NTMP

13 Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0: RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Speed Management Other Transportation Programs Neighborhood Transportation Management Program Arterial Management System Program Procure Funding CIP/Implementation ASM Toolbox

14 Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0: RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Tiered Approach to Transportation Issues Tier 1 – Readily Solvable Issues  Incorporate Traffic Investigation process into NTMP Tier 1. Tier 1 - Readily solvable problems - Low-cost solutions - Spot fixes - Resolution at staff level Public informed of resolution Initiation - Residents - Council - Staff

15 Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0: RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Tier 2 – More Complex Transportation Issues Tier 2 - More complex problems - Involves larger area - Low to moderate cost solutions developed by staff Solutions presented to public resolution, comments solicited Initiation -Tier 1 process - Residents -Council -Staff

16 Department of Transportation Examples of Tier 2 Stop Signs Parking Timed-Restrictions Loading Zones Crosswalks

17 Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0: RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Tier 3 – Systemic Issues (Neighborhood Traffic Management) Tier 3 - Systemic problems - Involves larger area and/or multiple neighborhoods or corridors - Moderate to high cost solutions - Solutions developed with systematic approach Full public involvement, consensus building Initiation - Tier 2 process - Council - Programmatic

18 Department of Transportation Examples of Tier 3 Speed Humps Preferential Parking Bulb Outs Medians Partial Closures Traffic Circles

19 Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0: RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS A fully implemented NTMP would arise through the Tier Process  Ongoing traffic investigation that cannot be solved in timely and routine manner  i.e. El Molino Avenue  i.e. South Allen Avenue

20 Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0: RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Incorporate all traffic calming measures into NTMP  Speed Humps  Preferential Parking Program  Other Traffic Calming Solutions Encompass all streets, not just local  Street Classification study  Speed Management study

21 Department of Transportation NTMP 2.0: RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Funding Procurement  Program sufficient funds into current NTMP budget to conduct program from start to finish for all three tier processes.  Need funding for:  Soft mitigations, pilot projects, temporary installations  Permanent Installations  Ongoing programs: speed humps, Preferential Parking, etc.

22 Department of Transportation Next Steps Conclude Street Classification Study  Through results of this study, examine the following:  Street Type specific traffic calming devices (new and established)  Traffic Calming Measures = Classification levels  Emergency Response Routes Report back to TAC on results, findings, and possible recommendations. Take NTMP 2.0 through Mobility Element Process concurrently.

23 Department of Transportation QUESTIONS?

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