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Elm + Liberty URBAN FARM. Scope of Work Vertical Garden Shed Shade Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Elm + Liberty URBAN FARM. Scope of Work Vertical Garden Shed Shade Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elm + Liberty URBAN FARM



4 Scope of Work Vertical Garden Shed Shade Structure

5 A A B C B C



8 Vertical Garden MATERIALS: 1. Frame --> metal or wood 2. Backboard --> PVC sheets 3. holding sheet --> felt

9 Vertical Garden ---> Edible Wall (San Diego) EDIBLE WALL PLANTS Beets Chard Chicory Chinese celery Cilantro Corn Flowering geraniums Italian dandelions Oregano Parsley Peppermint Purple sage Scallions Strawberries Tomatoes Watercress Source: Urban Corps of San Diego County

10 Vertical Garden Before starting a vertical garden, consider the following elements: Structural support: It’s important to make sure that a wall can take the added weight. Hanging systems: Several commercial frames and baskets are made for a variety of applications. Plants: Experts suggest planting in themes or “pallets,” such as ingredients for salsa, herbs for Italian cooking and low-water plants. Maintenance: Figure out how to safely reach the highest part of the garden. Sunlight: The direction a wall faces will influence plant selection and irrigation needs. Water: Drip irrigation systems are recommended. Runoff that doesn’t drain quickly may create problems. – Source: Urban Corps of San Diego County

11 Shed ---> Little City Gardens (San Francisc0) Cleaning and prep space for produce to market Secure storage for tools

12 Shade Structure Protected area and for social functions

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