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Montgomery and the Allies deciphered Rommel’s attack plans. The Allies then cut off Rommel’s supply lines so that only 1/3 of the supplies Rommel needed.

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Presentation on theme: "Montgomery and the Allies deciphered Rommel’s attack plans. The Allies then cut off Rommel’s supply lines so that only 1/3 of the supplies Rommel needed."— Presentation transcript:


2 Montgomery and the Allies deciphered Rommel’s attack plans. The Allies then cut off Rommel’s supply lines so that only 1/3 of the supplies Rommel needed was getting to him. Rommel was then forced to attack as soon as possible to prevent his supplies from getting even lower.

3 In August, 1942, the Axis forces attacked


5 I.Rommel had a stomach ache or diarrhea or something the day the battle began, so he was on sick leave, but he commandeered…. 100,000 ground troops 500 tanks II.Montgomery said alright, that’s cool, and brought in…. 200,000 ground troops 1,000 tanks When Rommel attacked, Montgomery was sleeping. When a messenger woke him up to tell him the news, he allegedly replied, “excellent, excellent” and fell back asleep.

6 The Brits laid out land mines as traps for the German-Italian tanks.


8 By this point in the battle, the Allies were already kicking the Axis forces’ asses. However, then the Allies decided to push back the Axis forces even further and brought in an invaluable weapon that made the Axis forces sh*t themselves.

9 The Sherman Tank The Sherman could shoot a 6 pound shell that could go right through a Panzer tank’s armor. The 300 of these that the Allies had utterly f-ed up the Axis forces’ inferior Panzer tanks.


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