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Presentation on theme: "200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt Paleolithic Era Neolithic Revolution Location, location, location Getting Organized ALL Early River Civilizations

2 people These people wandered from place to place in search of food.

3 Who are nomads?

4 main concern This was the main concern of people living in Paleolithic times.

5 What is finding food?

6 These were the two ways that nomads obtained food.

7 hunting & gathering? What are hunting & gathering?

8 did not have These were three things that the Paleolithic people did not have, because they were constantly on the move, hunting for food.

9 What are any of the following: government, permanent homes, organized religions, jobs, etc.?

10 The Paleolithic Era came to an end when people learned to do these two things.

11 farm (agriculture) and domesticate animals? What are farm (agriculture) and domesticate animals?

12 farming This term means farming, something the Neolithic people discovered.

13 What is agriculture?

14 tamed animals Because of these tamed animals, which live on farms, Neolithic people no longer had to hunt for meat.

15 What are domesticated animals?

16 settled down, living in a society became this This term means settled down, living in a society. People became this, as the Neolithic Revolution took place.

17 What is civilized?

18 Besides they way they got their food three major changes Besides they way they got their food, these were three major changes people experienced during the Neolithic Revolution.

19 What are any 3 of the following? Permanent homes, governments were created, religions were established, cultures started, etc.

20 a major turn of events. This term means a major turn of events. The Americans experienced one when they separated themselves from Great Britain, and the Paleolithic people experienced one as well.

21 What is Revolution? Revolution

22 Nile River The Nile River Valley was the home of this ancient civilization.

23 What is ancient Egypt?

24 India or Pakistan If you travel to modern day India or Pakistan, you could see this river, which ancient people depended on.

25 What is the Indus River?

26 Yellow River loess This civilization, which centered around the Yellow River, used yellow soil, called loess.

27 What is ancient China?

28 Mesopotamia If you traveled to Iraq, which used to be called Mesopotamia, you could see these two rivers.

29 What are the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?

30 Huang Ho River this country The Huang Ho River, which floods regularly, is located in this country.

31 China What is China?

32 It’s the name of the graphic organizer pictured below: Cats Fish Both Tails Eyes Scales Gills Fur Paws

33 Venn Diagram? What is a Venn Diagram?

34 It’s the name of the organizer pictured below: I. Location A. River: Indus River, flooded regularly, silt deposits provided fertile soil B. Modern-day country: India & Pakistan II. Government A. Form or type: 4-class caste system B. Title of leader: priests had high status

35 outline? What is an outline?

36 It’s the civilization described in the outline below: I. Location A. River: Nile River, flooded regularly, silt deposits provided fertile soil B. Modern-day country: Egypt, Sudan, NE region of Africa II. Government A. Form or type: monarchy B. Title of leader: pharaoh (considered god & king)

37 Egypt? What is ancient Egypt?

38 It’s what BCE stands for in the timeline below:

39 Before the Common Era? What is Before the Common Era?

40 Hunters Gatherers Nomads Farmers Agriculture Permanent Homes Domesticated Animas Had to eat Neolithic ? It’s the correct label for the left circle below: Both

41 Paleolithic? What is Paleolithic?

42 rich soil This rich soil, left behind after flooding, was advantageous for farming.

43 What is silt?

44 rive civilizations to develop both of these things In order for all river civilizations to develop, they needed to be able to do both of these things.

45 What are domesticate animals and grow their own food (agriculture).

46 ways of life This means the ways of life of a civilization. It includes customs and traditions. All river civilizations developed their own.

47 What is culture?

48 this term Once civilizations started, their people were no longer this term, which means moving from place to place.

49 What is nomadic?

50 three reasons centered around rivers These are three reasons why early civilizations were centered around rivers.

51 What are any three of the following? Depending on water for fishing, water for animals, plants, irrigation, silt, transportation, etc.

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