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Menopause. A stage in life that every woman experiences. Hot flashes, mood swings, palpitations, and night sweats are among the most common. Kidney Yin.

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Presentation on theme: "Menopause. A stage in life that every woman experiences. Hot flashes, mood swings, palpitations, and night sweats are among the most common. Kidney Yin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Menopause

2 A stage in life that every woman experiences. Hot flashes, mood swings, palpitations, and night sweats are among the most common. Kidney Yin deficiency. By nourishing a woman’s yin TCM can achieve balance within the body.

3 West –declining and fluctuating hormonal levels TCM –yin deficiency of the kidney and liver –Hyper-active of the heart and liver’s fire –decline in essence and blood storage –marrow depletion in the brain

4 Menstrual irregularities Vasomotor changes Mental and emotional Urinary and vaginal changes

5 Menstrual irregularities –Over-heated blood –Blood deficiency –Blood stasis –Qi deficiency –Liver stagnation –Kidney deficiency

6 Vasomotor changes –Yin deficiency creating virtual fire –Exhaustion of qi and yin –Deficiency of heart and spleen

7 Mental and emotional –Deficiency of heart and liver –Yin deficiency creating virtual fire: –Disharmony between heart and kidney –Qi and phlegm stagnation

8 Urinary and vaginal changes –Kidney yin deficiency –Unconsolidated kidney qi –Damp-heat in bladder –Liver stagnation

9 Principles Nourishing yin and tonifying kidney are essential Clear liver and heart’ fire are important Activating blood and qi as well as dissolving phlegm and stasis are necessary

10 Special drugs Excessive sweating or vaginal discharge –long gu –mu li Sleeping difficulties –ye jiao teng –he huan pi

11 Special drugs uneasy mind –long chi –hu po Severe body heat –huang qin –huang lian Hot sensation in the palms and soles –di gu pi –bai wei

12 Special drugs Diarrhea or loose bowels –bu gu zhi –rou dou kou Skin itchiness –chan tui –bai xian pi Heavy menses –bu gu zhi –ai ye tan

13 Special drugs Night urination –yi zhi ren –sang piao shao Dizziness and headache –tian ma –gou teng

14 六味地黃丸 liu wei di huang wan –Relieves menopause symptoms due to kidney yin deficiencykidney yin 杞菊地黃丸 qi ju di huang wan –Relieves menopause symptoms due to kidney and liver deficiencies liver deficiencies 知柏地黃丸 zhi bo di huang wan –Relieves menopause symptoms due to yin deficiency and virtual fire

15 麥味地黃丸 mai wei di huang wan –Relieves menopause symptoms due to kidney and lung deficiencylung deficiency 金匱腎氣丸 jin kui shen qi wan –Relieves menopause symptoms due to kidney yang deficiency and essence depletion

16 消遙散 Shao yao wan –Soothes the liver and tonifies the spleen so as to nourish the blood and regulate sex organsspleen 天王補心丹 tian wang bu xin dan –Nourishing heart, calming spirit, clearing heat and enriching yinheart 甘麥大棗湯 gan mai da cao tang –Nourishing heart and calming the spirit 人參歸脾丸 ren seng gui pi wan –nvigorating the spleen and heart

17 No way to prevent the onset of menopause Reduce or prevent its symptoms. Improving lifestyle habits; diet, exercise and one's attitude are just

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