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Igneous rocks Geology 101. Igneous rocks’ origin Ignis (Latin for fire) – these rocks were crystallized from a molten state. They are not formed by sediment.

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Presentation on theme: "Igneous rocks Geology 101. Igneous rocks’ origin Ignis (Latin for fire) – these rocks were crystallized from a molten state. They are not formed by sediment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Igneous rocks Geology 101

2 Igneous rocks’ origin Ignis (Latin for fire) – these rocks were crystallized from a molten state. They are not formed by sediment accumulation.

3 The diversity of volcanic materials Vesicular basalt Banded rhyolite

4 Igneous rock classification The names of different igneous rocks depends first on if they have a distinctive texture, and second on composition and grain size.

5 Volcanic rock names are either due to composition or to texture Basalt, because the rock is mafic Obsidian, because the rock is glassy

6 Igneous rocks have textures Mostly erupted rocks – these textures are all due to extremely rapid cooling, which tends to trap gas bubbles (which results in vesicles), to fuse falling hot rocks into already-fallen rocks (“welding”) and to create glassy surfaces (a vitreous luster).

7 Vesicles Vesicles represent areas of trapped gas frozen in place when the surrounding rock crystallized. Scoria (left) and pumice may differ in composition but they principally differ in density: scoria will sink in water, pumice floats.

8 Welding Micrograph of sample on left shows a welded tuff; note the melted, elongated look to many of the crystals. On the right is a sample of a tuff; note that many of the larger crystals look well-shaped and not melted. Welding hardens the rock.

9 Vitreous – as it forms As a runny (basaltic) lava erupts, trails of molten rock are thrown into the air and freeze in glassy threads (Pele’s hair) and glassy teardrop shapes (Pele’s tears).

10 Vitreous – on a large scale Obsidian is a glassy volcanic rock; shown below is snowflake obsidian (the snowflakes are crystals of the mineral cristobalite, a polymorph of quartz). In fact, obsidian is mostly amorphous silica with the same chemical composition as quartz. There can be thick flows of obsidian, as seen in the Big Obsidian Flow at Newberry Caldera in Oregon.

11 Grain size allows sorting of igneous rocks Terminology: Volcanic rocks = extrusive = fine-grained (cannot see mineral grains within rocks) Plutonic rocks = intrusive = coarse-grained (easily seen mineral grains)

12 Why the different grain sizes? Grain size is dependent on the rate of magma crystallization, which is in turn dependent on the depth at which crystallization occurs Deep = slow cooling = coarse grains

13 Plutonic rocks The general structure in which plutonic rocks exist is called, not surprisingly, a pluton Types of plutons: batholiths (large), stocks (small), laccoliths, lopoliths, etc.

14 Volcanoes are complex structures

15 When the volcano erodes away, ring dikes may remain; example below is near Odessa

16 The diversity of volcanic eruptions Kilauea (Hawaii) quiescent Vesuvius (Italy) explosive

17 More terminology Magma = molten rock underground Lava = molten rock above ground New tectonic setting: the “hotspot” -- small, intense mantle convection cell

18 Connections Tectonic setting leads to type of magma generated leads to type of volcano made leads to behavior of volcano Thus, understanding magma generation is the key

19 Magma generation at subduction At a subduction zone, the subducted slab loses volatiles (water, principally) and causes the melting temperature of the rocks above it to lower

20 Magma generation at rift At a rift, as the pressure of overlying layers lessens (crust thins), melting temperature of rock lowers.

21 But why different rocks? Start with mantle rocks, which are very rich in iron and other metals (like aluminum and magnesium) Magnesium, Aluminum, iron (Fe) = mafic

22 Bowen’s reaction series shows mineral crystallization temperatures NL Bowen (Carnegie Institute) in 1915-1922 measured the melting (crystallizing) temperatures of various minerals and also found that there were two distinct progressions of mineral changes as the temperature changed: the continuous and the discontinuous series.

23 Which is why we can have non-mafic igneous rocks Using Bowen’s series, then, the temperature of magma sets its mineral composition, and thus the rock’s eventual identity. Mafic minerals form at high temperatures, but are replaced by more and more felsic (“feldspar” + “silica” meaning rich in silicon, oxygen, aluminum, potassium and sodium) minerals at lower temps.

24 Modification of magma At subduction zone, the descending slab loses volatiles and partially melts the mafic or ultramafic rock above, some of the slab material (or continental material) can melt and mix with the mafic magma

25 Modification of magma Fractional crystallization causes higher melting point minerals to crystallize and settle, removing mafic components of magma

26 Tectonic settings and magma

27 Magma composition leads to rock name leads to lava behavior Maficintermediate felsic

28 Lava viscosity leads to volcano types Low viscosity lava yields low angle slope volcanoes -- shield volcanoes

29 Higher viscosity = steeper slopes Composite volcano or stratovolcano

30 Many different volcano types

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