Single Supercoiled DNAs. DNA Supercoiling in vivo In most organisms, DNA is negatively supercoiled (  ~ -0.06) Actively regulated by topoisomerases,

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Presentation on theme: "Single Supercoiled DNAs. DNA Supercoiling in vivo In most organisms, DNA is negatively supercoiled (  ~ -0.06) Actively regulated by topoisomerases,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Single Supercoiled DNAs

2 DNA Supercoiling in vivo In most organisms, DNA is negatively supercoiled (  ~ -0.06) Actively regulated by topoisomerases, ubiquitous and essential family of proteins Supercoiling is involved in DNA packaging around histones, and the initiation of transcription, replication, repair & recombination Known to induce structural changes in DNA Traditional means of study (gel electrophoresis, sedimentation analysis, cryo-EM…) do not provide for time-resolved, reversible studies of DNA supercoiling

3 Topological formalism for torsionally constrained DNA Tw (Twist, the number of helical turns of the DNA) + Wr (Writhe, the number of loops along the DNA) _____ Lk (Total number of crossings between the 2 strands) Linking number for torsionally relaxed DNA Lk o = Tw o (Tw o = 1 per 10.5 bp of B-DNA, Wr o = 0) Linking number for torsionally strained DNA  Lk = Lk-Lk o =  Tw + Wr Normalized linking number difference  =  Lk /Lk o

4 How to torsionally constrain DNA? DNA must be 1) unnicked and 2) unable to rotate at its ends

5 Magnetic Trap

6 Depth Imaging

7 One molecule or two molecules?

8 Extension vs. Supercoiling


10 Supercoiling and the buckling transition

11 Is DNA stretched and supercoiled in vivo or in solution? Relationship between plasmid and extended DNA. Circular  -DNA with  ~ -0.05 experiences an internal (entropic) tension ~ 0.3 pN

12 Temperature-dependence of DNA helicity As the temperature increases the DNA helicity progressively increases (i.e. the angle between base pairs increases). Raising the temperature by 15 o C causes -DNA to unwind by ~ 25 turns  DNA unwinds by ~ 0.012 o / o C/bp

13 Force-extension curves for SC-DNA

14 Effect of ionic conditions

15 Evidence for DNA unwinding: hybridization experiments 3

16 Hybridization : force and hat curve detection

17 Sequence/Supercoiling dependence of hybridization

18 Measuring DNA Unwinding Energetics using low-force data -scDNA +scDNA

19 Paths to Stretched & Overwound DNA A  A +  B + = A  B  B + twiststretch twist T A+ + W A+B+ = W AB + T B+ T A+ +  W AB+ = T B+ = (2  n) 2 1 2 k B T C lolo

20 Paths to Stretched, Unwound DNA A  A -  B - = A  B  B - twiststretch twist T A- +  W AB- = T B- A - = A +  W AB-

21 Denaturing DNA before the buckling transition (2  n c ) 2 + E d 1 2 k B T C lolo T B- =  = k B T C lolo (2  n) E d = 2  (n-n c )  c -

22 Measuring the Work Deficit to Stretch Unwound DNA A - = A +  W AB- Symmetry of plectoneme formation: T A- = T A+  =  W AB+ -  W AB- = T B+ - T B- = 2  2 k B T C lolo (n-n c ) 2

23 Determination of DNA twist persistence length, critical torque for unwinding, and energy of denaturation c=c= k B T C lolo (2  n c ) -~ 9 pN nm 1/2 (in nm )

24 High-force properties of supercoiled DNA Leger et al., PRL (1999) 83: 1066-1069 Negative Supercoiling Positive Supercoiling S-DNA S-DNA+P-DNA

25 DNA: the compliant polymorph B-DNA: 10.4 bp/turn 3.3 nm pitch P-DNA: ~2.5 bp/turn 1.5nm/bp S-DNA: 38 bp/turn 22 nm pitch Images: R. Lavery using JUMNA

26 Effect of torque on transition rates  =  o exp(2  n native  /k B T)  =  o exp(-2  n unwound  /k B T)

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