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W/Mrs. DeRonne. I can use technology to produce and publish writing, efficiently present relationships between information and ideas, and interact and.

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Presentation on theme: "W/Mrs. DeRonne. I can use technology to produce and publish writing, efficiently present relationships between information and ideas, and interact and."— Presentation transcript:

1 w/Mrs. DeRonne


3 I can use technology to produce and publish writing, efficiently present relationships between information and ideas, and interact and collaborate with others. 8.W.6

4 Did you know? There are two ways to complete the LAC Composition Unit 6 or E103B Theme Essay. 1)The preferred method - Instead of writing a standard essay, we will create a visual representation of our ideas about a literary theme in something you have read so far in literature. 1)You will use a webtool to create your visual representation. 2)The non-preferred method – You can go through each lesson and complete all of the offline work and corresponding assignments to culminate in a 3-5 page theme essay.

5 Download and save Unit 6 Directions from the File Transfer Library. It was also pushed out to you when you entered the classroom. It is also on my website. Follow along as I explain the directions.



8 You must choose a piece of literature that we have read this year in literature:



11 Unit 4: To Kill A Mockingbird or The Yearling


13 Unit 10: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

14 What piece of literature did you have the best connection with? What piece of literature did you enjoy studying the most? Now, choose a theme that applies to the piece of literature you have chosen.




18 Make sure you have made a choice of literature and corresponding theme by Friday, March 6. Attend next Wednesday’s session. Bring your literature choice and theme with you. We will explore the web tools you will use for your project!

19 What is a web tool? My first choice is… My second choice is… A theme I like is…

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