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To drill…or NOT to drill. That is the question!

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1 To drill…or NOT to drill. That is the question!



4 Something to think about? Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest producer of oil. Oil revenues make up 90-95% of the export earnings and around 35-40% of the country’s GDP. In the first 8 months of 2000, Saudi Arabia provided the U.S. with 1.5 million barrels of oil per day. Do you think the United States should protect Saudi Arabia in a time of war to protect U.S. oil interests?



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9 Background Essay Thinking Notes If something is unclear or confusing: ?? If you don’t know what a word means: If you think this is an excellent point: !!

10 Background Essay Questions 1.The land was so huge that it was hard to imagine all of the resources would be used up 2.1916 3.Using less gas and drilling for more oil 4.Perhaps, Prudhoe Bay oil would become 20%of all oil drilled in the U.S. 5.No drilling was permitted. However, Congress was given the power to approve limited drilling in the future 6.The House approved drilling but Senate did not. Result= NO DRILLING

11 7. Vocabulary Domestic: refers to affairs INSIDE a nation (as opposed to “foreign”) ANWR: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Ecosystem: the joint community of plants, animals, and the surrounding land Lobbyist: a person who tries to convince lawmakers to vote their way…often paid by people like environmentalists or oil companies

12 Document A HINTS The most amount of oil has been found along the coastline of ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge). This area is home of the Inupiat people (Eskimos). They receive money from the oil companies for using their land. ANWR is mostly unpopulated with little tourism…BUT if tourists go there shouldn’t they be able to see a clean, beautiful place? The park is tundra, mountains, rivers, and forests. Cold and harsh climate…only the MOST ADAPTED animals, plants, and people can survive here.


14 Example…Evaluate whether or not Ms. Zummo is amazing. RIGHT WRONG “Ms. Zummo went to Auburn University and was on the dean’s list for excellent grades.” Ms. Zummo made good grades in college. Ms. Zummo values education and intelligence and is a hard-worker. Ms. Zummo is amazing because she was able to accomplish something that not many people can do. FOR

15 Document B HINTS Arctic Power is a non-profit organization supported by Alaskan legislature and a leading lobbyist FOR DRILLING IN ANWR. Conoco and BP used to be members but withdrew their membership from public pressure. Arctic Power’s got this data from a survey in 1998 from the U.S. Geological Service that gave Congress risks and rewards for drilling. Oil gotten from ANWR CAN be sold to other countries. –A law was written to forbid this but it was overturned in 1990.


17 Document C HINTS Alaska Coalition and Arctic Wildlife Coalition are non-profit groups seeking to END any new oil exploration on American soil. They worry that drilling in ANWR will open up more of America to drilling. Prudhoe Bay is full of machinery and ruined landscape…they fear ANWR will be the same. The Alaska Coalition says that the US doesn’t put out enough oil to make the oil prices drop. They have continued to rise over the years.

18 Document D HINTS A 1971 agreement required oil companies to share as much as 70% of oil royalties ($$$) with the Inupiat people. According to the Seattle Times, the Arctic Slope grossed over 1 BILLION dollars in 2005 The Inupiat Eskimos have self-authority but are subject to trade and resources law; they live off the land with hunting and fishing. Drilling could endanger this lifestyle. 1971 Congress gave land and money to the natives to clear them out of Prudhoe Bay 2005 57 of 150 of the people in Kaktovik signed a petition against drilling. The Inupiat are divided on the drilling issue.

19 Document E HINTS The National Resources Defense Council is a non-profit organization of private citizens dedicated to keeping parks free from development ANWR is public land and therefore protected from development, but Congress can change that. Technology has greatly reduced the impact of arctic oil development. If Prudhoe Bay were built in 2007, the footprint (impact) would be 1,526 acres, 64% smaller.

20 Bucketing Economic Environmental Social DOC B, C DOC D, E DOC D

21 Thesis Development

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