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Development of the Juvenile Court

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1 Development of the Juvenile Court
Urbanization Child savers Development of institutions and organizations for the care of delinquent and neglected children Houses of Refuge Juvenile reformatories

2 Houses of Refuge Developed for dependent/neglected/destitute children
Work for room and board, a form of slavery Ex parte Crouse upheld them (1840s) Mother committed daughter to house, father objected Government can take custody

3 Ex parte Crouse Children acknowledged as different from adults, due process not necessary Supported Houses of Refuge

4 Juvenile reformatories
Lyman School for Boys (1847), Mass. Girls school in Mass, 1855 Included all types of problem children Lyman school closed in 1971, reopened in the 1990s (see Jerome Miller, Last One Over the Wall)

5 Other movements Children’s Aid Society, founded 1853
Rescue youths from harsh environments, placing-out plan, sent children to western farms Orphan trains—families wishing to take in children would meet the train and select children SPCC, prevention of abuse, removal and placement of abused children

6 Juvenile Court First juvenile court: Chicago, 1899
Parens patriae: court was to act as a kindly parent, in loco parentis Help children in all types of trouble Dependent, neglected and abused (physical, sexual) Delinquents (violated penal codes

7 Juvenile court Status offenders (acts against the family codes, forbidden because of status—age) Status offenses Running away Truancy Drinking Curfew violations

8 Juvenile court Habitual disobedience, incorrigibility
Lack of morals (promiscuity) Currently includes such designations as status offender, unruly child, PINS, MINS, CHINS, JINS

9 Juvenile court These courts were civil
Differences between civil and criminal courts Lawyers Punishment (criminal courts, not in juvenile court) Standard of proof Different standards of evidence

10 Civil vs. criminal Civil: lawsuits, contracts, divorces
Mental health commitments as a parallel to the JJS

11 Juvenile court Medical model: figure out problem and find best cure
Informal nature: meeting with judge, probation officer, guardian and professionals Decisions were to help the child, standards of due process not necessary

12 Juvenile courts By 1925, juvenile courts were nationwide
Network of courts, probation and reform schools established (probation disposition of choice) Little distinction between various groups of juveniles—it was all “help”

13 Problems Although supposedly help, reformatories were often punitive
A very strong class bias

14 Juvenile courts Delinquents mixed with status offenders and dependent/neglected (problems) Although designed for treatment, this treatment tended to be absent. Juvenile justice hit a low during the Great Depression, as conditions were very bad institutions (“era of shame”)

15 Juvenile courts During the 1930s, first major studies of delinquency were conducted (Gluecks) By 1960s, serious objections to the juvenile justice system Courts could do anything they wanted under parens patriae Complete discretion

16 Juvenile courts Number of youths referred began to rise dramatically, with the rise in births Overuse of institutionalization Significant increase in the study of delinquency, especially gangs Little legal protection Horror stories about institutions (Weeping in the Playtime of Others, Wooden)

17 1960s and 1970s Major movements Due process De-institutionalization
Diversion Separation of status offenders and delinquents Massachusetts and deinstitutionalization

18 1960s and 1970s Major Supreme Court cases
Establishment of limited due process in the juvenile justice system Compromise between criminal and civil system More referral to DFS

19 Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974
Deinstitutionalization of status offenders, dependent/neglected Separation from adults in institutions Separate detention facilities for juveniles Disproportionate minority confinement

20 Punitive era, 1980s Perception that juveniles becoming more dangerous
More gun use & lethal violence Changing view of mens rea for juveniles More due process, adult model of corrections Transfer of juveniles to adult court

21 Balanced Juvenile Justice and Crime Prevention Act of 1996
See p. 39 Balance between punishment and treatment

22 Punitive vs. Rehabilitative model
Mens rea: free will and intent Are juveniles less developed? Free will vs. environmental causes (free will would imply punitiveness, environment would imply treatment) Protection of society (punitive) vs. protection of juvenile (rehab)

23 Punitive vs. Rehabilitative
Punitive: need for due process in order to ensure fairness, Rehabilitative: no need for cumbersome procedures Role of discretion: punitive model would limit it, rehabilitative would expand it Role of records Punishment vs. changing behavior

24 The present system Measurement of delinquency
UCR and other official statistics such as police and court records Part I and Part II. Three status offenses (runaway, truancy and curfew violations) Victimization surveys Self-report studies

25 Problems Only those acts reported—many delinquent acts handled informally, especially status offenses Many other options aside from the system Sealing of records

26 UCR 2.3 million arrests of juveniles 16% of all arrests
30% of Part I crimes 70 million juveniles, about 23%, of the population is under 18, and Accounts for 15% of violent crime 25% of property crime arrests

27 Decline in violent crime
1980s and early 1990s, increase in juvenile crime “superpredators” Not substantiated, juvenile crime has been decreasing Greater decreases than for adults 1300 homicides, about 8%

28 UCR 2006 1.5 million arrests for Part II offense
114,200 running away from home (60% female, decreasing) 207,700 disorderly conduct, increasing 196,700 drug abuse violations (increasing) 152,900 curfew violations

29 Other violations Larceny 278,100 Aggravated assaults 60,700
Simple assaults (249,400) Burglary 83,900 Motor vehicle 34,600 Weapons 47,200 DWI 20,100

30 Other Drunkenness 16,000 Vandalism 117,500 Prostitution 1600
Sex offenses 15,900 Rape 3610

31 UCR Property crime peaks at age 16 Violent crime peaks at 18
Crime rates decline after these peak years Arrests for juvenile violent crime began to increase in 1989, peaked in 1994, and then fell

32 UCR Property offense remained more stable, but have also showed recent decline Juvenile murder rates more than doubled between the early 1980s and their peak in 1993; they have declined but remain higher than earlier levels

33 Self-reports Interviews or anonymous questionnaires
If truancy, alcohol consumption, theft, etc., are included, delinquency is almost universal Most people admit to something for which they could have gone to juvenile court

34 Self report 50% admit to truancy 1/3 defying parents ½ to drinking
10% to running away 25% to shop lifting 30% to destroying property 1/3 to B & E 10% to joyriding

35 Self-report It is estimated that 90% of status offenses are undetected

36 Self-report Delinquency problem far greater than reflected in UCR
Do not indicate that the delinquency rate is climbing Problems with self-report Validating against arrest statistics Inclusion of many minor offenses Exclusion of serious delinquents

37 Juvenile victimization
Types of victimization: 1. abuse (sexual, physical, emotional educational) 2. crime victimization (i.e., assaults, thefts) 2.9 million cases of abuse investigated, 25% substantiated

38 Juvenile victimization
Of those substantiated, 61% were neglect, 19% physical, sexual 10% Female perpetrators Infants most likely, then the rate is fairly constant, begins rapid decline after age 14

39 Other victimization Most common away from school or on the way to school Juveniles tend to be victims of theft, at higher rates than adults 14% of males in one study indicated that they had been attacked, robbed or bullied

40 Correlates of delinquency
Gender Race: disproportionately African American, 12.5% of the population, but 31% of all arrests and 36% of index crimes Reasons?

41 Other correlates Social class Age Criminal careers
Juvenile victimization

42 Overview of juvenile justice process

43 Reasons for increases in juvenile crime
Educational standards Teenage pregnancies, although now declining (drop in teenage marriages, rise in premarital sex, beginning at an earlier age, better health) Increase in alcohol and drug use Increased opportunity for crime Unemployment among the young

44 Reasons (continued) One parent homes
More mobility, less extended family Standard of living issues

45 Reasons for the decrease
More punitive measures? Changing values? i.e., negative views of gangs, drugs, etc. Community programs? Regression to the mean? Incapacitation, more beds for juveniles? Aging population?

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