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Game Rules Violation Bazaar of Moxen 8 Judge Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Game Rules Violation Bazaar of Moxen 8 Judge Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Rules Violation Bazaar of Moxen 8 Judge Conference

2 Plan What is (not) a GRV? What is the procedure? (penalty then fix) Examples

3 The documents Infraction Procedure Guide Comprehensive Rules Tournament Rules Judging at Regular 3 Documents

4 Infractions in Competitive Infraction Procedure Guide Tournament Errors Game Play Errors Unsporting Conduct

5 What is not a GRV? Game Play Errors Looking at Extra Cards Failure to Maintain Game State (Improper Drawing at Start of Game) Drawing Extra Card MT Game Rules Violation My mistakes Their mistakes

6 What is a GRV? Game Rules Violation Casting cost Illegal target Leftover creature Forgot to discard Forgetting to name I played the wrong card!

7 The Penalty Warning : For tracking purposes Upgradeable to a GL Time Extension!

8 The Penalty Warning : For tracking purposes Upgradeable to a GL Time Extension! Game Loss : If an error can’t be detected by the opponent. (morph, forgetting to reveal on a conditional tutor…) If the information needed to verify the legality was ever in a uniquely identifiable position (such as on top of the library or as the only card in hand) after the infraction was committed, do not upgrade the penalty and reveal the information if possible.

9 The 3 fixes : Back-up : You’re trying to get the gamestate as close as possible to what it should be.

10 The 3 fixes : Leave it as it is : You’re not making anything worse. Back-up : You’re trying to get the gamestate as close as possible to what it should be.

11 The 3 fixes : Leave it as it is : You’re not making anything worse. Exceptions : Naming Error Forget to discard Wrong move Back-up : You’re trying to get the gamestate as close as possible to what it should be.

12 Examples PR Time: <- forums <- local forums Knowledge pool <- scenario discussions Judge Study Group

13 Examples The state from the future (knowledge pool edition) ; A Path to exile a 2/2 Bear. B puts it into their graveyard … later in the turn B plays Tragic Slip : “Morbid?” A “What died? Snapcaster should have been exiled.” B “Snap! Let’s exile it. (textbook partial fix) A.. “so no morbid? You already played your spell right? Juuuudge?”

14 Examples Demonic Enlightement End of Adam’s turn, Nolan cast Enlightened Tutor and does not reveal. Beginning of his turn, Nolan draws and Adam calls a judge. Nolan has now 3 cards in hands.

15 Examples No takesies backsies Nicol controls a Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Ajani casts a Gitaxian Probe saying « probe you, pay 2 life ». Nicol points out his Thalia and it appears that Ajani has several untapped lands. He does not want to use them. Nicol does not want Ajani to « take back » his spell.

16 Examples What did you name? Niko controls an Adapative Automaton naming Sliver. Adam casts shock. Niko reponds by playing Restoration Angel and blinks the Automaton <- oops Judge call !

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