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Smallest unit that is capable of life functions!.

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Presentation on theme: "Smallest unit that is capable of life functions!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smallest unit that is capable of life functions!

2 Cell Membrane-outer covering of a cell that allows materials in and out of the cell. Cytoplasm-gelatin-like material inside the cell. Hereditary material-controls the life of the cell.


4 Many sizes. (1 M, dot of an i for an egg cell, 1/10 of that is a red blood cell and 8,000 bacteria can fit in your RBC!) Wow that is small! Cell shape can tell you about their function. Some cells can change shape some not.


6 Prokaryotic-cells w/o membrane bound structures. Eukaryotic- cells w membrane bound structures.


8 Cell wall- (only in plants, algae, bacteria, and fungi). Rigid outer coverings that protect and give cells shape. Made of cellulose and pectin. Cell Membrane-regulates interactions between cell and the environment. Things enter and exit through here. Cytoplasm-fluid inside the cell where chemical reactions take place. Cytoskeleton is found there which allows cell to keep shape or move.


10 Nucleus-directs all cell activity and is membrane bound. Contains DNA which is the hereditary material.


12 Chloroplast- Found in plants. Contains chlorophyll which is the green pigment in plants. It takes energy from the sun and changes it into glucose. (sugar) Mitochondria-take food for energy and release CO2 and H2O.


14 Ribosomes- make protein for the cells. Needed in membranes and for chemical rxns. -Either free floating - Found on the rough endoplasmic reticulum.


16 Endoplasmic reticulum- (ER) folded membranes which materials can be processed and moved around the inside of the cell. Rough ER- has ribosomes and makes proteins. Smooth ER- no ribosomes and processes lipids and stores NRG. Golgi Bodies-stacked flat membranes that sort proteins and package them into vesicles. Vacuoles-temporary storage space.


18 Lysosomes- breaks down food molecules, cell wastes and worn-out cell parts.


20 Multi-celled organisms the cells work together to make an organisms! WOW! Tissue- is a group of cells that work together to do one job. Organ- Group of tissues that work together. Organ System-group of organs working together to perform a certain function.


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