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DEVELOPMENT OF ESTONIAN AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Supply and Technical Assistance Contract for procurement of Air Quality Management System (AQMS)

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPMENT OF ESTONIAN AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Supply and Technical Assistance Contract for procurement of Air Quality Management System (AQMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPMENT OF ESTONIAN AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Supply and Technical Assistance Contract for procurement of Air Quality Management System (AQMS) EU Commission Phare Programme EuropeAid/114968/D/S/EE

2 The Background: According to the Air Quality Framework Directive 96/62/EC, all EU Member States, which do not have representative measurements of the levels of pollutants for all zones and Agglomerations shall undertake series of representative measurements, surveys or Assessments in order to have the data available for implementation of the Directive Assessments in order to have the data available for implementation of the Directive.

3 The Goal: To Provide Estonia with a Modern Nationwide Air Quality Management System

4 A Presentation of the Project Components Air Quality Modelling Internet Based Application System Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations Meteorological Measurement Equipment Passives Sampler Campaigns Laboratory Equipment Computers Training

5 Main Partners Estonian Environmental Research Centre (EERC) via the formal Beneficiary The Ministry of Environment SMHI, Sweden  Apertum, Sweden (Internet System)  Candela, Poland (Laboratory Equipment)  Conexor, Sweden (Project Management)  FDS, Sweden (Meteorological Equipment)  Horiba, Germany (Monitoring Equipment)  IVL, Sweden (Passive Samplers)  Kernel, Estonia (Computers)

6 How it started Phare Programme Twinning Projects Sida (Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency) project in Tallinn since early 90's

7 Air Quality Monitoring Equipment Three new monitoring stations will measure SO 2 NO X O 3 PM 10 / 2.5 TSP BTX

8 Meteorological Equipment Three 24 meter masts will provide input to large scale modelling Ultrasonic Anemometers (x, y, z) wind components Differential temperature Temperature Humidity Precipitation

9 Passive Samplers The pollutant is transported to the sorbent by molecular diffusion Sampling time 1 – 4 weeks SO 2, NO 2, VOC 145 samplers per campaign; 3 campaigns nationwide

10 Laboratory Equipment Chromato-mass detector for organic pollution determination High performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) and UV detector (ketones + aldehydes) Heavy metal detection equipment ICP (air + precipitation)

11 The Internet Application The Airviro System The Internet Airviro is based on the fact that many customers, like the EERC, are looking for applications which make use of the Internet for decentralization of work and responsibilities.

12 One corner stone is that only ONE application installation is needed (in the Central Office). Users at the Central Offices access via the Local Area Network (LAN). County Offices access via the Internet utilizing a standard PC and an Internet connection. No additional application/software installations are needed at the County Offices.

13 Another corner stone is that all applications are run (computed) in the Central Server at the Central Office. This means that only one powerful server is needed, but in this case it is duplicated. Service & Maintenance as well as upgrades are consequently easily accomplished only in the Central Server via direct access by the supplier.

14 LINUX operating system is nowadays becoming the standard for Government systems especially when it comes to web servers. MS Windows based systems are vulnerable to virus attacks and have security problems.

15 What is Air Quality Management? An endless loop of oAmbient Air Quality Monitoring Data oEmission Databases oAir Quality Modelling Training Please note that we are talking about MANAGEMENT!

16 Ambient Air Quality Data Real time data collection Quality controls Various presentation functions under MS Windows Statistical functions

17 Emission Databases On-line emission input via Internet Cooperation between various organizational levels Spatial presentation functions under MS Windows

18 Air Quality Modelling Wind model Langrangean / Gaussian model Grid model MATCH model Heavy gas model Street canyon model Receptor model Presentation functions under MS Windows



21 Some more details 360 days project schedule Many organizations involved on various levels all over the country Substantial amount of training

22 Some experiences from other AQM projects Successful projects are based on synergetic principles; i.e. if I provide information to you and you provide information to me, 1 + 1 = 3 TTT = Things Take Time Sharing information with the general public and/or the media often creates some problems but it also creates understanding and consequently long- term improvements

23 Thank you for your interest and GOOD LUCK!!! Estonia will have one of the most modern AQM systems in the world next year… You can find this presentation on

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