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Proslogion (and commentary) Philosophy 1 Spring, 2002 G. J. Mattey.

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1 Proslogion (and commentary) Philosophy 1 Spring, 2002 G. J. Mattey

2 Anselm Born 1033 From Aosta, modern Italy Became Archbishop of Canterbury, England Applied exact philosophical analysis to theological issues Died 1109

3 The Fool A “fool” denies that God exists He also understands the notion of “something than which no greater can be thought” (the NGT) What is understood exists in the understanding The NGT, then, exists in the understanding of the atheist

4 The Ontological Argument 1.Suppose the NGT exists only in the understanding 2.We know that what exists outside the understanding is greater than the same thing existing only in the understanding 3.So, there is a thought of something greater than the NGT 4.But this contradicts the notion of the NGT 5.So, the NGT exists outside the understanding

5 Another Version of the Argument 1.A being that cannot be thought not to exist is greater than a being that can be thought not to exist 2.Suppose the NGT can be thought not to exist 3.Then the NGT is not the greatest being, a contradiction 4.So, the NGT cannot be thought not to exist 5.What cannot be thought not to exist exists truly 6.So, the NGT exists truly

6 Semantics The fool actually “thinks” in his heart that there is no God But the fool is not thinking what cannot be thought This can only mean that he thinks words that purport to signify that there is no God The fool does not understand the true signification of ‘God,’ which is the NGT

7 Gaunilo’s Reply By parity of reasoning, it could be shown that a certain most abundant island exists 1.A “Lost Island” greater (more abundant) than any other island exists in our understanding 2.What is real is greater than what exists in the understanding 3.So, if the Lost Island does not exist, a real island is greater than it 4.But this contradicts the understanding of the Lost Island 5.Therefore, the Lost Island exists

8 Anselm’s Rebuttal The argument applies only to the NGT The NTG is a being than which no greater being can be conceived The Lost Island can be thought as not existing, since it is in place and time If an object can be thought as not existing, then a greater being can be conceived—one that cannot be thought of as not existing So the Lost Island cannot fulfill the role in the argument of the NGT

9 The Properties of God The greatest thinkable being –Exists through itself alone –Made all other things from nothing –Is the highest good, which implies Truth Justice Happiness –Each of these is better than its opposite

10 God’s Perception It is better to be percipient than not How can God perceive without a body? To perceive is just to know So if God knows something, God can be said to perceive it God knows everything (as the greatest thinkable being), and so perceives all

11 God’s Omnipotence The greatest thinkable being cannot do anything bad or make the true be false This is not a limitation on power One is able to do these things only to the extent that something has power over him When we say “power” in this context, we mean “weakness”

12 God’s Justice God is merciful by helping people, though not by feeling compassionate God can spare the unjust because to do so increases goodness God’s mercy toward the unjust is itself just (due to God’s goodness) And so is God’s punishment of the unjust (due to the demerit of their acts)

13 God’s Eternality and Omnipresence God, as the greatest possible being, is bound by nothing God thus does not begin to exist or cease to exist (i.e., is eternal) God is wholly in all places at the same time (i.e., omnipresent) Created beings come to be and pass away, and can be wholly in only one place at once

14 God is not in Place or Time God is a unitary being, having no parts If God is in place and time, then part of God would be at the different locations So God stands outside of place and time All things, instead, exist in God Eternal things fall short of God –They depend on God to exist –They are not wholly in all of eternity

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