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Student Focus Claire Worland, NDM Athena SWAN Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "Student Focus Claire Worland, NDM Athena SWAN Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Focus Claire Worland, NDM Athena SWAN Coordinator

2 This session What is Athena SWAN? Why it is important? How does it work for NDM? What is the impact for students within NDM? Your ideas

3 What is Athena SWAN? The Charter was launched in June 2005. It aims to address gender imbalance within science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM). It recognises and celebrates good practice on recruiting, retaining and promoting women in STEMM. There are 3 levels of award, bronze, silver and gold. There are currently 260 institutions and department’s holding awards.

4 Why is it important? The application process enables us to reflect on current practices that promote gender equality. It provides a framework for introducing cultural changes that create a better working environment for men and women. By 2015, Athena Swan accreditation at Silver award level will be a requirement when making funding applications to the NIHR, and it is expected other funding bodies will follow suit.

5 How does it work in NDM? Initial Review Staff and Student Survey ASSA Group feedback Direct feedback HR Data Action Plan Events arranged Initiatives put in place Change Evaluation of change Application submission Feedback for review and further action plan development

6 NDM Bronze Award We submitted the Bronze Award application in April 2013 o 60 Staff and students on ASSA groups o 60 meetings and focus groups o 420 questionnaire returns o 48 page application The announcement was made that we were successful in our application, and had achieved the Bronze Award in September. NDM’s Athena SWAN Bronze Award was formally presented to the Department by Dame Julia Higgins FRS FREng, at a ceremony hosted by Imperial College, London on 7 th November.

7 Next steps Road Map to Silver Evidence of impact of action plan Evidence of start of cultural shift Case studies – success stories

8 Athena SWAN within NDM What's on for students? Career Development Talks (WIMM and WTCHG) Careers Service Sessions (Old Road Campus) Women in Science talks (WTCHG) Jobs and Careers website pages Family friendly events Student Brunch and Student Focus

9 What are your thoughts? We are keen to hear about what is important to you. 1.Is there anything you would like NDM to arrange which you feel would really benefit you? For example, any sessions you feel would be really helpful? 2.Is there anything you would like to highlight as an area for improvement? 3.In what format would you find a career map most helpful? For example, a session or something on-line? 4.Is there anything that has put you off attending the sessions that NDM have arranged? For example, the family friendly events, the career development sessions, the Student Brunch or the careers service sessions?

10 Thank you for your time!

11 A quick reminder… Staff & Student Survey 2013 Complete your anonymous survey! Sign up for sessions and events

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