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ECNU 1 My University and Gaokao ( 高考 ) Part One :National College Entrance Examination Li Mei Institute of Higher Education, East.

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Presentation on theme: "ECNU 1 My University and Gaokao ( 高考 ) Part One :National College Entrance Examination Li Mei Institute of Higher Education, East."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECNU 1 My University and Gaokao ( 高考 ) Part One :National College Entrance Examination Li Mei ( Institute of Higher Education, East China Normal University 24 September 2010

2 ECNU 2 outline  IFE 2020  East China Normal University  Historical Root of Gaokao: Imperial Civil Service Exam  Role, Function and Significances of Gaokao

3 ECNU 3 IFE 2020 My mind Exhausted and overwhelmed by all the knowledge, information, ideas, lessons, experiences given by Deane, John, Mok, Molly, Yuchen, Thai alumni and our 2010 alumni Hopefully, I could seek the seed and plant in my home land to see what will grow Exploring BKK, memorable experience

4 ECNU 4 A National Normal University Established in Shanghai in 1951 Listed as a “ 211 ” institution in 1996 Joined the elite club of “ 985 ” project in 2006 Comprehensive U with education in the lead Joint-construction of Shanghai municipal government and central government since the late 1990s

5 ECNU 5 Literature and History Building

6 ECNU 6 Figures in 2009 19 faculties, 67 u programs, 178 master programs, 122 doctoral programs, and 18 postdoctoral 29,600 students, among them, 14,000 are undergraduates, 12,000 are master and doctoral students, 3,600 international students 2,000 faculty members, 1,100 are full professors and associate professors, over 40% PhD holders

7 ECNU 7 Liwa River

8 ECNU 8 Liwa River in the Main Campus

9 ECNU 9 Financial Sources Before 1990, 100% from central government Currently, 40% from governments, 60/40 between central and local governments Tuition fees accounts for 10% Other funding sources: projects 211 & 985, research contracts, various training and consultancy projects etc

10 ECNU 10 Library in the new campus

11 ECNU 11 Contexts Fast and continual economic growth Strong Social Demand for HE Largest Higher Education System Hierarchical HE System Culture value education Official-dominated society, political power penetrate all domains of society

12 ECNU 12 History does Matter China has a long history of thousands of years of civilization The history leaves with us with legacy, good or bad Long history just like a long tail History can be either a great Fortune or a heavy burden, both. Such is the case of examination Asia in general, China in particular is an exam-based society

13 ECNU 13 Imperial Civil Service Exam Lasted for 1300 years, from Sui Dynasty to Late Qing Dynasty(605-1905) The Emperor Tang Taizong claimed, with ICSE, all talent people under my regime/control Far-reaching impacts politically, socially and psychologically in Pre-modern China and modern China Influence other countries as well, British civil service system, Vienam had adopted Imperial Civil Service Exam (1807-1919)

14 ECNU 14 Imperial examination system civil service selection mechanism The imperial examination system thus dominated traditional higher education, creating a class of intellectuals who climbed the ladder from local to provincial and finally capital and palace examinations

15 ECNU 15 The Ladder of Exam system

16 ECNU 16

17 ECNU 17 Basic Philosophy of Imperial Exam Ruled by men of ability and virtue was an outgrowth of Confucian philosophy The examination system was an attempt to recruit men on the basis of merit rather than on the basis of family or political connection

18 ECNU 18 In testing

19 ECNU 19 Testing Room

20 ECNU 20 Positive Effects of Imperial CSE This system created a meritocracy with best students running the country. The examinations gave many people the opportunity to pursue power and honor — and thus encouraged serious pursuit of formal education. Since the system did not formally discriminate based on social status, it provided an avenue for upward social mobility. The exams themselves were open to all males regardless of age or social class.

21 ECNU 21 Classics as the textbook If a person passed the provincial examination, his entire family was raised in status to that of scholar gentry, thereby receiving prestige and privilege The texts studied for the examination were the Confucian classics

22 ECNU 22 The abolish of Imperial Exam In the 19th century, there was conflicts between China and the west. Imperial China was forced to open the door and to transfer from pre-modern to modern society. In 1905, imperial exam system was abolish. The modern universities were established, adopting the European Model of Higher learning.

23 ECNU 23 Gaokao The "National College Entrance Examination" (or "Gaokao" in Pinyin) is an annually held examination. This exam is required for college admission, selecting candidates for colleges. It is usually taken by students in their last year of high school, even though there has been no age restriction since 2001

24 ECNU 24 What is Gaokao Thousands of troops on a single-log bridge Once a year Gate-keeper: SAT in China Screen Machine/selection instrument for recruiting college students

25 ECNU 25 Culture Revolution Period (1966-1976) Schools were closed Urban youths flooded to the rural area for learning from peasants and working class Intellectuals went to the countryside for re- education by peasants and workers Gaokao was postponed for 11 years Loss of the whole generation of human capital

26 ECNU 26 The resuming of Gaokao in 1977 There is a move named Gaokao 1977

27 ECNU 27 From Mao ’ s era to Deng Xiaoping ’ s era Significant Turning Point Change the fate of thousands of examinees Transform from political-ideological wars to social and economic construction The whole nation turn to the right direction

28 ECNU 28 1978 Gaokao On 20 July 1978, 6 million youths and young adults sit for Gaokao. 29,000 (5%) could be admitted to the HEIs.

29 ECNU 29 Elite HE (1977-1998) Highly selective Fiercer competition Written Test of subjects

30 ECNU 30 Gaokao-expansion CEE has been growing rapidly since 1949 with only 59 thousand candidates in1952, but 3.2 million in 1998, 7.23 million in 2004, 8.67 million in 2005, and10.1 million in 2007, the number of candidates surged 170 times in 50

31 ECNU 31 Characteristics High risk/stake Largest Most important National uniform

32 ECNU 32 Why Gaokao Equal of Opportunity, uniform CEE would be open, fair, and impartial, Merit: all were equal before the exam Efficient way of selection students Official-dominated society highly comparable financially and manually efficient

33 ECNU 33 Gaokao Shapes Chinese education system Gaokao, was named as the conductor of the whole educational system, especially the schools before university. If you can imagine the faculties and students in the tens of thousands of schools as members of an orchestra, the Gaokao is, maybe, the only conductor that tells what they should do.

34 ECNU 34 Function One: Screen machine Screening machine for placing high school students to universities/colleges “ The examination determines who is granted admission to the various levels of HE but more importantly, who is granted admission to the most prestigious HEIs, those that will determine the occupational and income future of graduates ” ---IFE 2020

35 ECNU 35 Function Two: Social Mobility Social Mobility Social Stratification One of the most significant mechanism for social mobility, from low social class to middle and high social class, from rural areas to cities

36 ECNU 36 Social Stratification in Modern China

37 ECNU 37 Function Three: Social Stability

38 ECNU 38 Gaokao and Access, Equality, Mobility

39 ECNU 39 Negative Effects: dizzy, vomiting, insomnia, schizophrenia

40 ECNU 40 Cheating and Corruption However, cheating in Gaokao has become a serious problem, which arouses parents and educational authorities' special attention. A series of reports unveil cases of high-tech cheating and mass cheating in Gaokao.

41 ECNU 41 Cheating in Imperial Civil Service Exam

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